View Full Version : cockers and maintaining them?

10-03-2001, 01:55 PM
I have been wanting to get a cocker just to play around with. But i am worried that i will not know how to fix it. Is maintaining a cocker really that bad? Also has anyone tried the hyperframe for the cocker, does it work well or is it problematic? Do you have any links to were i can read up on cockers etc, i know nothing or very little on how they work? I also would like to know what people usualy upgrade on them and why, so if you have any links for me that would be awesome.

10-03-2001, 01:56 PM
oh an dis there a big difference in a 99 cocker and a 2k. I would probably buy a old 99 cocker, if they perform the same.

10-03-2001, 04:09 PM
No, cockers are easy to maintain, just some oil and your ready to go. Timing is very easy im 15 and i have completely disasembled my 99 cocker and put it back together perfectly timed(im very mechanicaly inclined though but if you understand how the marker works u can figure it out). IT takes a little time to do it perfect but once you do it runs very nice.

There are a few differences between the stock 99 and stock 00. THe back block and bolt are not compatible or the same. The trigger plate is slotted in a 99 making the trigger travel longer than a 00. The 4 way is a different design and it is much smoother on a 00. The front reg is different(99 is longer) but i think performance wise it is the same. It probably would be better to go with a 00 or 01 but if u get a cheap 99 go for that and upgrade some parts if it is stock.

TO read up on cockers do a search on yahoo or somewhere. Cocker forums are very helpful too i dont know any specific sites right now though.

10-15-2001, 05:52 PM
Can you upgrade a 99 to a 2k parts and performance wise?

10-15-2001, 06:24 PM
yes you can the back block and bolt dont need to be upgraded because they perform the same. All you really need is a circle triggerplate and a 2000 4way (u can get cheap on sale forums) to make the trigger pull the same. The pneumatic reg makes no difference but 99 is like a 1/2 inch longer. THe ram is the same. If u want to use a 2000 bolt on a 99 cocker u need a 2000 back block. IT is all the same except really the trigger plate and 4 way. U could probably get these parts for like 20 used.

10-15-2001, 06:32 PM
The biggest difference between a 99 and a 2000 is the front block screw. 2000s have a much larger banjo bolt for greater flow and a larger valve chamber. The difference isn't great, but converting a 99 to 2k spec means rethreading the body, not easy. 2000s also have the different back block, 3 way and trigger plate as he explained. A correctly timed cocker is easy to mantain as the adjustments shouldn't change. If they do, you'll have to know what you're doing to put them back right. The best cocker info is on Ravi's page, www.paintballravi.com

The hyper frames just became available, I haven't shot one yet. I did get to pull the trigger on a prototype (no paint) at the monster game in July, very similar to mag on hyper frame. Hyper frames are only installed in house my centerflag themselves, so a gun with this grip should work great. As for reliability, its too early to tell.

Well, that's probably a little to much cocker talk on a mag forum

10-15-2001, 07:02 PM
I had on idea that bolt was different I wouldnt think that makes much a difference though. NOw i know. Thanks

10-15-2001, 07:25 PM
all your question answered in this link


10-16-2001, 09:35 AM
:D Thanks for those links..... very useful for us in Thailand:p

10-16-2001, 10:02 AM
:D Thanks for those links..... very useful for us in Thailand:p

10-16-2001, 12:57 PM
atleast someone in Thailand just please read that site????
:D :D :D :D :D

PS it's help me lotz too