View Full Version : Intelliframe and y-grip?

04-22-2004, 09:58 AM
What are the biggest differences between the two and which do you recommend?

04-22-2004, 10:14 AM
The intelliframe is a .45 grip that came out years before the Y grip. It can take normal .45 grips, panels and wrap arounds. It looks amazing and gomes to $115-$120 I think. It's more common than the 'Y' and IMO looks nicer. The main reason of the grip is the ability to 'intellifeed' your grip to your revvy. This way the paddles in the revvy will spin whenever you pull the trigger, and you dont have to worry about skipped shots as much from a bad eye.

The Y Grip is essentially a Intellifeed grip, but its longer and 'backwards'. It has all the abilities of the Intelliframe except it can't take any wrap around grips...yet. The position of the grip alos takes stress off your wrist and is more ergonomical (that a word??) for your wrist and makes you able to play longer with less hand and wrist strain. The Y-Grip goes for just a LITTLE higher in price than the intelliframe.

IMO, I like the intelliframe better, but the Y does have it's advantages. If I were you, I'd try both for a few games to get a true feeling, not just a rough 'hold' before I chose. Y grips are great, but they aren't for everyone.

Hope that helps.

04-22-2004, 11:34 AM
its pretty much preference i like the y-grip for angled shots better but the intelli is great too you cant go wrong either way

04-22-2004, 11:46 AM