View Full Version : Reason why my E-Mag isn't the best scenario game gun

04-23-2004, 09:58 AM
I recently played in the first of the Fox 4 scenario games this season and I realized that my E-Mag isn’t the perfect scenario gun I thought it was. It’s too fast!

I’m actually serious here.

I was going onto the field with 7 pods and a full hopper and found myself unable to make that paint last more than ½ an hour tops.

I LOVE my E-Mag and I’d never give it up but it was impossible for me to shoot slowly. We were in pretty heave woods and I was basically just wasting a lot of paint trying to long ball or shoot through brush. Everyone else would put 3-5 balls on the target and I’d put 15-20 at least.

Perhaps it’s that I’m not used to woods ball type play. It wouldn’t bother me but I certainly don’t have a paint sponsorship so going through 3-4 cases in an 8 hour game isn’t going to work.

04-23-2004, 10:02 AM
Well, switch it over to mech...that should lover your firerate somewhat.

Or you could just learn to not be so trigger happy. I know it's hard, but if you have to... :D
04-23-2004, 10:16 AM
Get a Pump! Problem solved :D

04-23-2004, 10:16 AM
I was gong to say the same: switch to mech. It's one of the greatest options the E-mag has! Then you can make fun of the other guys for not having the option. :D

04-23-2004, 10:23 AM
I was gong to say the same: switch to mech. It's one of the greatest options the E-mag has! Then you can make fun of the other guys for not having the option. :D

I think it is the final incentive to get my Sniper2 put together. The only problem is that I want the best parts and I'm still trying to make myself spend the extra $50 for the CCM pump kit.

Shooting the E-Mag in mech. mode isn't that great a plan. Remember, E-Mag in mech mode is not an RTP. The mech mode is only there for emergencies and really doesn’t feel that great in practice. Before anyone freaks out over this statement... this was told directly to me (the only for emergency part) buy AGD's own John when I asked him why the mech mode didn't feel that great.

I guess either the "learn to shoot slower" thing will have to happen although I don't know how anyone could do this when they get all excited.

04-23-2004, 10:23 AM
i had the same problem with my X

so i bought a 10 pod pack and a 114/4500 tank :)

04-23-2004, 10:26 AM
Hey man, go with the Sniper2. That will probably be a whole lot of fun out there, too! I would keep the X around, too, for a few of the trips out between breaks, though. Sometimes you just want the firepower, ya know. ;)

04-23-2004, 10:26 AM
I think you nailed it as to what your problem is in your first post:

You are not used to woods play just yet. It's not the emag at all. I can tell you that I LOVE a fast gun. My blazer is capable of being VERY fast indeed. However, I've trained myself to use only 3 to 5 rounds per burst when I'm shooting at a target. Sometimes it'll take 20 rounds, but that'll be between 4 and 6 bursts at 3 to 5 rounds per burst. It's the speed I use in the burst that I like, though ;).

I liked the idea another guy had: switch it to mech mode and use your emag then. It'll keep your ROF lower and thus in the time you stick your head and gun out to shoot you'll shoot less and get more used to shooting less per burst to hit a guy. Then once you've trained yourself to shoot much less, then you can go back to electro and snap shoot 3 to 5 rounds in a burst and nail the sucker who was unlucky enough to get into your sights :D.

It's all about training yourself. But you do have a point there: the emag on electro mode isn't the best marker for moving from speedball to woods with. Now, with it in mech or hybrid, then maybe you can more easilly train yourself. I recommend you keep playing with your emag and maybe you'll get much better in the woods :).

Enjoy playing in the woods, man :D. I love it, and I hope you'll eventually love it as much as I do (even if you still prefer speedball overall. nothing wrong with that, after all) :).

04-23-2004, 10:39 AM
story- my friend john and a few guys (11) had a mission to be drop at the other teams base by chopper/ref w/ a rope (low buget chopper). so we get there and its total hell, but we finf a nice place to wait it out(not hide lol)
but i get hit so i kinda watch john and he gets up(him vs 12) and he gives em the hell from his 3 ball a MIN pump... yea he got welts.

well i say just stay with a mech

04-23-2004, 11:03 AM
Granted, it's not a high end electro (or even an electro at all), but I have a similar problem with my GTV1. I can only use it for speedball, because I can't seem to control myself on the trigger - I'm not used to its 1 lb pull yet (can't wait until I get the lever mod done to drop it to a couple of ounces, if I can make parts that small). I use bursts as well, just can't seem to stop (more bursts, more bursts, more bursts) and change position if I haven't them hit in 3-4 bursts - I just keep firing. My Stingray with its 5 lb trigger pull seems to work best for me in the woods.

04-23-2004, 12:57 PM
My Stingray with its 5 lb trigger pull seems to work best for me in the woods.

I'm not sure I'm willing to go quite that far to lower my rate of fire. ;)

04-23-2004, 01:05 PM
I'm not sure I'm willing to go quite that far to lower my rate of fire. ;)
but imagine the size of your forearms after a day with that trigger. :)

Creative Mayhem
04-23-2004, 01:13 PM
Shooting the E-Mag in mech. mode isn't that great a plan. Remember, E-Mag in mech mode is not an RTP. The mech mode is only there for emergencies and really doesn’t feel that great in practice. Before anyone freaks out over this statement... this was told directly to me (the only for emergency part) buy AGD's own John when I asked him why the mech mode didn't feel that great.

Problem No. 1 - Don't Listen to Jon!!!!!(just kidding BRO) ;) :p I have used an SFL in mech for a big game at last year's Mega(micro)Meet, there were no problems.

Problem No. 2 - Don't worry about the mech mode, this gives you a perfect opportunity to buy an RTP :D

04-23-2004, 01:40 PM
well, with my b2k that I had I could shoot quite fast But if you wait to shoot and dont just fire away at the first thing that moves than you save you paint. Or else I've found that once I start firing and have a string of paint going its hard to stop :D Also I always put the safety on than took it off when I was getting ready to shoot , it works but if you have to shoot real quick your kinda screwed. (mostly though it was because that damn light always gives me away :rolleyes: )

04-23-2004, 03:29 PM
Withdrawal is tough huh? I wll have to work on a slow woodsball gun next.


04-23-2004, 03:35 PM
I used to have this disorder too, I felt your pain. Once you understand paintball more you'll use alot less paint.

04-23-2004, 03:46 PM
I recently played in the first of the Fox 4 scenario games this season and I realized that my E-Mag isn’t the perfect scenario gun I thought it was. It’s too fast!

I’m actually serious here.

I was going onto the field with 7 pods and a full hopper and found myself unable to make that paint last more than ½ an hour tops.

I LOVE my E-Mag and I’d never give it up but it was impossible for me to shoot slowly. We were in pretty heave woods and I was basically just wasting a lot of paint trying to long ball or shoot through brush. Everyone else would put 3-5 balls on the target and I’d put 15-20 at least.

Perhaps it’s that I’m not used to woods ball type play. It wouldn’t bother me but I certainly don’t have a paint sponsorship so going through 3-4 cases in an 8 hour game isn’t going to work.

Word. As the General for the French Allied side, defending our base from the constant German advance, I found myself going through all my pods in a matter of mins. I had continplated on leaving a couple of cases of paint in the base for me and having grunts fill my spare tanks when I run low, but guess I will have to plan for that next scenario :) Hope you had fun.

Creative Mayhem
04-23-2004, 03:48 PM
Withdrawal is tough huh? I wll have to work on a slow woodsball gun next.


HAHA!!! For reall Tom? That would be so great!

"New from AGD, the Woodsball Automag.. capable of a mind boggling 6BPS!

Never worry about dumping crazy amounts of paint EVER again"

04-23-2004, 03:50 PM
i had the same problem with my X

so i bought a 10 pod pack and a 114/4500 tank :)Woo HOO! I am with you Data! I hate walking for air and paint and i DONT like to run out! :D

04-23-2004, 03:57 PM
I've found the solution to your problem: fill your hopper, but only carry 10 round tubes. Carry as many as you want, but when you have to reload, you can only reload 10 rounds at a time. That should help you control your rate of fire. :p

5 lb pull - unfortunately, it won't work for building your forearms - at least it's doing nothing for mine - the weight of the marker (with a steel bottom line adapter) seems to do more for me ;) .

Can't find a good, light trigger spring substitute, and that's as light as I could get the sear preload and have it recock reliably, but it's still a lot lighter than stock.

04-23-2004, 04:05 PM
I used to have this disorder too, I felt your pain. Once you understand paintball more you'll use alot less paint.

"Understand paintball"? :confused:

I understand it fine. I'm just shooting too fast in the woods.

Perhaps I'll get a Tac-One.

04-23-2004, 04:15 PM
heres a good solution. i can go in the woods with hour games with a hopper on my emag easily... DONT LONG BALL!!!! people think im crazy when i go out with the fastest gun on the field with only a hopper and its really not that hard, i get myself close and then shoot 15-20 balls if i need to, its alot easier on the wallet than arcing your gun up and dumping a hopper on people and not hitting anything :)

04-23-2004, 04:37 PM
I have the same problem :( Thats why I cant decide on a bko or slider cocker. I just get so damn trigger happy. But there's always pump.

04-23-2004, 09:13 PM
There is nothing like shooting one ball, having it hit the players chest and because he though he was alone in nature, straighten up from shock, rock back on the balls of his heels, and ..........FALL FLAT ON IS HIS BACK!

Nothing like it,


SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
04-23-2004, 09:23 PM
same problem here, first time i went out with my xmag i fired 500 paintballs in 1 round... i was just shocked.

now i almost never start the day using my xmag with the fear that i'm gonna waste too much paint. I play with a splatmaster and 2 10 round tubes and i actually manage to get people out. splatmasters are amazingly accurate and powerful.

04-24-2004, 08:17 AM
Hi... WAS... yeh Jim, is there anyway I can set my debounce to like, 3000

Yeh, I know you put zero in there to make it fast...

04-24-2004, 08:55 AM
story- my friend john and a few guys (11) had a mission to be drop at the other teams base by chopper/ref w/ a rope (low buget chopper). so we get there and its total hell, but we finf a nice place to wait it out(not hide lol)
but i get hit so i kinda watch john and he gets up(him vs 12) and he gives em the hell from his 3 ball a MIN pump... yea he got welts.

well i say just stay with a mech

WTF?!? The only part of that I real;ly understood at first and second glance was the last part that seems to be the only relevant comment..

04-24-2004, 10:30 AM
Well, the problem at least has a rather easy solution...

get some self control and learn to aim.

04-24-2004, 11:10 AM
i with the bko ive been fooling around with lately have been using less cause i set it for a heavy trigger, except for speedball games...so light...

and the one about the woodsball with the 6bps....thats when shootdown occurs...
we need one where you shoot over 10 bps a midget pops out and backhands out...but we only get bolt evles...

04-24-2004, 12:16 PM
Being a scenario player I see this at almost every game I go to. At the first and second Shatner game I watched guys shooting so fast and so much paint that their kids no longer have a college funds. Watching these guys, all I saw was bush painting....and not the fun kind.

04-24-2004, 01:17 PM
Hahahaha i know what u mean, i was at the fox 4 scenario game also. Even tho i played all the other big games they have there, i still go nuts at times. With my ULT RT Pro I ended up going nuts.... anytime i had to fire i fired.... Way too much.. lol but maybe one day ill get used to scenario play.... but until then :D

50 cal
04-25-2004, 10:10 AM
Well, the problem at least has a rather easy solution...

get some self control and learn to aim.

Ding ding ding! We have a winner! Give that man an air fill for free.

04-26-2004, 10:30 AM
An alternative would be to turn your BPS limiter down to say 10. :)

(8 is painfull, I tried it once) :D

04-26-2004, 10:45 AM
y'know, that's the only reason we ever lost the beach to the allies at Skimish D-DAY. We were throttling them for an hour when the entire axis line had just ran out of paint. we had so many targets of opportunity, that we really didn't have a choice but to fire fast... I went through a case in about 20 min. TRYING to pace myself. This year I plan on bringint a second case in with me that I will open when i run out of the first one. just refill my pods right there on the line.... that would rock.

I think I took out about 100+ allies on those first few beach attacks.... it was a killing field... :D