View Full Version : LX springs

04-23-2004, 04:39 PM
Somethign wierd, I went to swap springs for the LX and I notice that the gray and red springs are of the same length, more or less. I've been using the gold spring so I never really paid attention to the other 2 springs. Now, my question is, which is the middle spring and which is the long???

Major Jam
04-23-2004, 04:50 PM
The gold spring is just like a stock spring its going to offer the least chop protection in a level 10.

The red is the next higher tension spring. It offers medium protection against chops.

The grey spring is the highest tension spring and offers the best protection against chops in your level 10.

The goal is to use the grey spring. But if you have problems like not being able to fire because of too much bolt tension or not being able to raise your input pressure, then you can drop down to the red spring.

I cut 1/4 turn off my grey spring for the most fabulous tuning in my level 10. Your results may vary.