View Full Version : I hate Wal-Mart

04-23-2004, 09:25 PM
I go into Wal-Mart the other day and to buy some paint and some airbrush propellent, because im to cheap to buy a compressor for my airbrush, I get one can of propellent and 3 bottles of paint, I got up to the register, they scan the 4 items and say "Can I please see your I.D." Im like I.D.? They say yes, you have to be 18 to purchase this, I am like why, the women says because you kids darn kids sniff this stuff.

Now, I never knew about the 18 age law in Wal-Mart, until I was told by the cashier. But what I dont get is, why is Wal-Mart the only place that has this 18 age thing, I can go across the street and get the paint and air from the hobby store, the only reason I got to Wal-Mart, is it is like 2 dollars cheaper. Also Home Depot down here, sells power saws to kids, sludge hammers, why cant Wal-Mart sell me paint?

04-23-2004, 09:39 PM
'Cause ever time some dang idiot does something stupid with something they bought at Walmart......Walmart gets sued up the yin yang.

Sad but true. :(

04-23-2004, 09:46 PM
yea, ive had that problem before. untill i got my compressor. it sucks like you said you can go to the hobby store and buy it no questions asked.

04-23-2004, 09:47 PM
You have to be 18 to buy anything aerosol. Some places will enfore it and other won't.
They did that to me at home depot a week before I turned 18. Guy asked me how old I was, I said 18, he asked for ID, so I changed the subject, and started talking about hey since when do you have to be 18 for this, store policy and laws are stupid, etc, and he sold it without me showing my id :)

04-23-2004, 09:50 PM
The hobby store probably sells it selectivly. If you are in there buying other things, they figure that your using it for legitimate reasons. A local hoby store had a policy of not selling super glue to people under 18, but he would sell it to me because I went in there all the time buying wood, tissue paper, and other building supplies. He also sold me paint when he wouldn't sell it to some other people

04-24-2004, 11:18 AM
I used to have an adapter to attach my airbrush a spare tire. Lots of volume, just had to remember to refill it before stowing it back in the car.

04-24-2004, 11:41 AM

i still get carded and im almost 40
just always have your card ready

04-24-2004, 01:14 PM
yeah at wall mart i went to buy some last minute paint and i couldnt buy it...i had to go out to the car to get my mom and have her buy it cause i wasnt 18

04-24-2004, 01:51 PM

i still get carded and im almost 40
just always have your card ready

Damn you're 40? Id never guess, guess it takes a while to get all those restraining orders..

04-24-2004, 01:53 PM

i still get carded and im almost 40
just always have your card readyYou're almost topping the hill!

It's better to top it than to be under it...

04-24-2004, 02:58 PM
i got carded at walmart when i bought a can of air for blowing down the inside of a computer

04-24-2004, 09:44 PM
I never get carded anymore. :(

Me is old. :(

04-24-2004, 11:42 PM
Story story story!

Today we bought about 12 cans of spraypaint ! We were at a self serve scanner at wal-mart, and we though "hey! no problem, they cant check for age if no one is there! its just paint"


"Age Verification Required - Please wait for assistance!"

But the guy comes and just flashes his card in without even bothering to look at anyone's ID. Oh well :) the paint was for legitimate reasons too

04-24-2004, 11:46 PM
I still get carded at my walmart for buying paintballs. I am 22 and have been working there for almost 4 years.

Target Practice
04-25-2004, 01:37 AM
I never get carded anymore. :(

Me is old. :(

I never get carded for anything. Paint, ammo (handgun, shotgun, and rifle), knives, nothing. Ever. And I just turned 19 at the end of January.

'Bout 6 months ago, I sat in the video poker machines in the Palace Station Hotel in Las Vegas, ordered two Bud Lights from the cocktail chick, and had security walk by me 4 times. I tell ya, it is all in the attitude. I even won a couple of bucks! :D

Oh well, :rolleyes:, guess it could be worse...

04-25-2004, 01:47 AM
I too, HATE the 18 year old rule. But even more than that, i hate the fact that they are starting to infiltrate San Diego!! OMG i cant belive it, Wal-Mart, starbucks, McDonalds and AOL aRe taking over the world.!! AND IT SUCKS! They all sell crap (Exept starrbucks)!! The quality of life just went down here :mad: