View Full Version : EMag won't fire when tank dips below 1000psi...

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04-24-2004, 01:01 AM
Set Up: EMAG, Lvl10, 850 Preset 88/4500

My problem is that anytime my tank dips below 1000psi, it doesn't have enough juice to power the X-Valve. Is this a known issue or is there something wrong with my set up? I have also used an adjustable tank and cranked it up to 1000psi into the valve thinking it needed more juice - that didn't work either.

Thanks in advance for your help.

04-24-2004, 01:04 AM
Yeah, mags (especially those equipped with Lvl 10) are known to be gas hogs. Since they need an input pressure of about 850psi, if it gets close to that in the tank, it's time to refill.

04-24-2004, 07:40 AM
Are you using the long spring for the level 10?

Neither my mechanical nor my E-Mag are gas hogs. I could get almost half a case off a 45/45 with my mech. With a 68/45 for my E-Mag, I can bring about 1200 rounds on the field, shoot it all, and have air left. I always use the short spring, I never have chops, and I can shoot fine when the tank is under 1000 psi.