View Full Version : How practical is the RT ULE for tournament play?

04-24-2004, 07:47 AM
Hi, i was wondering if you guys can help me out

I've been shooting my e-spyder clone for 4 months now, but i dont like its talent of being able to eat an energizer in just 3 hours... even when turned off. Yes, it is a talent because my gun is the only one in the world that can do it, but it annoys me to no end.

I now have $600 to spend on a gun. I dont have hpa yet. I live in the Philippines and the tourney scene isnt that big here yet... but almost all the opposing teams are shooting $1000+ markers such as angels, e-blades, impulses, and intimidators. I need a fast gun to keep up. Well, not necessarily a gun capable of 30bps, but a gun that has a very light trigger pull. I'm leaning towards an impulse right now, but i really like the look of automags.

How heavy is the trigger pull on an automag compared to the 150gram pull on my spyder clone? I dont walk the trigger, because when I do I lose control of my gun. Instead, i make very light and fast pulls with my middle finger. Can i do this on an automag?

How light are the new automags? I tried picking up a pro-team micro e-mag and it seems much heavier than an impulse. How easy are they to maintain compared to impulses?

I intend to get a q-loader in the future, because i find myself always sticking my hopper out. it would probably look wierd on an impulse, but I think it would look much better on a warp ULE body.

Sorry for the long questions, but i'd appreciate it if you could help me out on my decision.

04-24-2004, 07:53 AM
The ULT trigger kit is pretty light, I dont recall exactly but the numbers here are floating around.

I was forced to use my mechanical mag (basically an RT pro) in the last tournament I was at when I had warp issues on my e-mag (ok, paint issues, not warp, but it made the warp inoperative, even the backup). I did fine with it, though I did notice a difference in laning when compared to my e-mag it was functional. I think, compared to a Spyder you are going to be very very happy with an RT mag.

Oh, just read the part about no HPA - without HPA the mag is really not the best gun for you - most RT valved (or X valved) mags will simply not run on CO2 - or will for a very short amount of time before problems (time measued in shots, not days).

Hi, i was wondering if you guys can help me out

I've been shooting my e-spyder clone for 4 months now, but i dont like its talent of being able to eat an energizer in just 3 hours... even when turned off. Yes, it is a talent because my gun is the only one in the world that can do it, but it annoys me to no end.

I now have $600 to spend on a gun. I dont have hpa yet. I live in the Philippines and the tourney scene isnt that big here yet... but almost all the opposing teams are shooting $1000+ markers such as angels, e-blades, impulses, and intimidators. I need a fast gun to keep up. Well, not necessarily a gun capable of 30bps, but a gun that has a very light trigger pull. I'm leaning towards an impulse right now, but i really like the look of automags.

How heavy is the trigger pull on an automag compared to the 150gram pull on my spyder clone? I dont walk the trigger, because when I do I lose control of my gun. Instead, i make very light and fast pulls with my middle finger. Can i do this on an automag?

How light are the new automags? I tried picking up a pro-team micro e-mag and it seems much heavier than an impulse. How easy are they to maintain compared to impulses?

I intend to get a q-loader in the future, because i find myself always sticking my hopper out. it would probably look wierd on an impulse, but I think it would look much better on a warp ULE body.

Sorry for the long questions, but i'd appreciate it if you could help me out on my decision.

The Action Figure
04-24-2004, 07:59 AM
get a 68/3000 for like 140$ then an evolution 2 for 60$ then get either a impulse or a bushy

04-24-2004, 08:07 AM
yeah you wont go wrong with an rt pro but feel free to check out some bushies or maybe an 04bko?

04-24-2004, 09:18 AM
I'd suggest a stock imp from www.paintballwholesalers.com its 425 bucks and comes with all the absoulte needed upgrades i.e. magno blade trigger, vert reg and a tape worm. Then with your extra money you can buy a halo for about 75-80 bucks used, then get a 68/3000 fiber wrapped tank for about 100, putting you right at 600 bucks. Once you get like 30 more bucks get a no rise feedneck for the halo.

04-24-2004, 12:29 PM
An Imp is definately not lighter than a ULE RTP, if it has stock milling. My friends Imp is noticably larger and heavier than my RTP (see sig for pic).

The RTP's trigger is not quite as light as the e-spyder clone, but with some training you can shoot as fast, and it's definatley a better marker. Much less kick, smaller profile, more consistent if you don't have a nice aftermarket regulator on the spyder clone and more reliable. But as stated, it will not run on CO2 at all.

If your choice is between an Imp and an RTP, it really depends on what kind of imp. If it's a stock Imp without vision, no doubt the RTP is better, mostly because of the chopping issue. If it's a vision Imp with some nice upgrades, the choice is harder. I would choose the RTP all the time, but that's my personal preference. If you like imps, that might be a better choice for you.

04-24-2004, 01:09 PM
I wont begin to talk about Automags as I do not own one. As far as the e-frame eating batteries, I would think that it is shorting somewhere in the frame. Somehting I guess you can check while you weigh your options about a higher end marker.

Chojin Man
04-24-2004, 01:33 PM
You can get a used e-mag for about $600.

04-24-2004, 01:35 PM
And he will still need hpa if he gets the emag. An imp is definitely the best choice imp in this situation.

04-24-2004, 01:46 PM
if walking the trigger on your spider makes it "uncontrolable" right now, why do you need something faster? why not figure out what is wrong with your board that eats batterys so fast and perhaps a nice palmer reg to make the gun very consistant even on co2.

when you go to an rt mag, you are going to have to switch to hpa. hpa is far better imho than co2, but in some places its just not available. rt's and imp's are both nice guns. i have played with both and they get the job done. if you like add ons and tinkering then the imp is prolly the way to go. there are billions of things to buy to improve, dress up, etc for the imp. the beauty of the rt is that there really is not much to improve on. a few different frames are nice, but opening the box is about the only thing you need to do with the mag. i dont think you will go wrong with either one though.

04-24-2004, 03:54 PM
gitt a tALon!

if u kan beet da other teem wit ya talON u b da masta of da town and u get sponcerchips

i garentee!

04-24-2004, 09:03 PM
Thanks for the replies

I've already disassembled and checked the e-frame numerous times before, but i cant find the source of the short.

I actually dont shoot very fast, probably 6-8 bps. It's just that when i try to walk, my thumb lets go of the trigger frame, and i lose control. Thats why i only use my middle finger.

I've been looking at bushies and bkos, but everyone at my field is telling me not to get one. They say ICD guns feel cheap. Can anyone back this up?

sorry, but they dont sell talons here in the Philippines

I've decided that a vision impulse is the most practical choice for me right now. I really want an automag, but there seem to be a lot of clues hinting on a brand new mag sometime in the future (hair trigger, dropping of the e/x-mags). I'll wait and see what AGD can do.

04-24-2004, 11:37 PM
but i would wait for the advent to come out, damn that thing is sexy

04-24-2004, 11:46 PM
Hey man,

About the original question: The ULE Custom is definitely a great marker. I've learned to sweet spot and bounce-walk mine (walking based on bouncing the trigger - not legal, but not outrageous either). I was using my Logic Framed X-Custom today, and I definitely was slower than my teammate who has a VERY NICE impulse; however, it didn't stop me from bounce-walking his butt out of the game a few times!

If you're looking for an Impulse, be wary. The reason I say this is that a stock impulse...well, it sucks. The trigger is a stamped piece of crap, and they tend to have some messed up recocking and FSDO problems. I know this because my teammate (patrick) was getting pissed off at his '04 imp. HOWEVER, that being said, if you have the desire to upgrade (trigger, lpr, feedneck, valve, etc), then an Imp is possibly for you. Think of it like a Honda Civic. Stock, they're not so hot; however, twinked out, they are amazing. Patrick's Impulse Rrrriiippppsss! For a while, you could smack the tank and the gun would fire. We fixed that, though.

If you're looking in the $400 range, I would DEFINITELY recommend picking up an Omen. I shoot an Omen, and I can tell you that it can compete with Bushies, Imps and the like. If you purchase an omen, plan to do the following:
(1) get a HedLok feedneck (2) get the PDP chip (3) get your back block ULE'd out. Total, that's a little over $100 in upgrades. You'll be ripping in no-time.

Hope this helps!

04-25-2004, 09:45 AM
I'm getting a vision impulse with tapeworm and blade trigger. The tapeworm supposedly stops FSDO. thanks for the help!

I think Omens look cool, but i've heard so many stories of them breaking down. I need a good, reliable, trusted gun. And i need it now.

besides, there arent many sites that can ship stuff over here. I chose the imp also because countypaintball has them. countypaintball seems like a very reliable site to me.

04-25-2004, 09:58 AM
as someone that plays a -moderate- amount tourney ball with a RTP I will tell you that your best friend in the world right now is the ULT on/off mod. It takes that old 3 pound pull and reduces it to under 15 ounces. Its not terribly walkable but its still nice. Heck Chester from AGD Lions is still carting around that Classic RT and shootin em in the face without one trigger mod.

to be absolutley honest the general public will not be consider mech mags a top end touney gun until that hAir mod comes out... and when it does brother, we gonna see alot of buzz about it. 2 oz pull... highly walkable and all mech. Who gonna scoff at that?

But if your gonna think about starting a RTP project to prep it for the hAir frame I suggest ya save your pennys and get a top notch hpa system that can output from 750 - 850 psi... im a whore for adjustable tanks myself... cause well im not a fan of "preset" tanks. Anyhow a bunch of us have started/reanimated the RTP projects in leiu of this hAir mod on the horizon and I suggest ya do the same.

04-25-2004, 10:11 AM
We are putting a team on the field right now in CFOA with four ULE RTP's and one emag. We not having trouble at all with the Mechanical markers doing thier job in tournament play. In fact as far as working they are top notch. They slinging all the paint we can throw through em. Light and dependable. All of them have ULT's in them. All of them are slinging paint mighy fine and fast.

Now as to the team itselfs play we got some work to do there. But none of them has anything to do with them Markers. They all are confident and secure in the ability of the marker to do what they need to do. Its the player not the Marker is still true in paintball more often than not. But our guys can throw a rope with these ULE RTP's no problem.

We plan on playing the whole season with mostly RTP's.

04-25-2004, 10:23 AM
As for shipping outside of US, I know that logic (got mine from him) and I think Tunaman does that, and I'm sure some others do to (check rouge and fragtek for example. Fragtek had a killer deal on ULE RTP's, maybe he still has)

04-25-2004, 12:53 PM
ah, a q-loader is a no, no. Mine is nothing but trouble, as is my friends and my teams. They can be reliable from time to time, but no madder how much time and effort you put into them they just don't seem to work. If your looking for a mag then go towards a warp. Or wait a year or two until they fix all their problems.

04-25-2004, 01:49 PM
The Omen is super-reliable and super-easy to tech. It basically operates as a closed-bolt Spyder with adjustable recocking pressure and inner-block adjustments.

My omen NEVER goes down. After breaking the reg in, I haven't had any problems whatsoever!

:D :cool: :p