View Full Version : Money Issues!

Iron Mag13
04-24-2004, 01:23 PM
Well im 13 going on 14 this july and need some money for a mag, i was thinking a devilmag, but honestly dont know. and i have aobut 200 in bank and i need more money. I live in Il. and if there are any people out there who are/was in the same situation and some how got out of it plz give me some ideas on how to earn some cash. I dont really get alot of money for my birthday and i dont mow the lawn(sucks) so i need some ideas.

Thanks Iron

04-24-2004, 01:28 PM
First, get your parents buy in on the idea of you earning money.
Then Buy'n sell on ebay :) Buy at the end of the month
and sell near the middle. (If you coincide with people's rent,
you can pick some nice deals up)

Iron Mag13
04-24-2004, 01:31 PM
so just buy things off e-bay and then sell them again??
didnt get wat u saying really.

04-24-2004, 01:33 PM
I think everyone who plays paintball when they are your age has this some issue. unless they are the rich spoiled kid we all know and dispise. My tip to you is to slowely earn as much as you can, and buy a gun in your price range. Then play when you get money for paint. There really isn't much you can do with out a job, so look for one of those, that's what I did.

Iron Mag13
04-24-2004, 01:38 PM
im 13 years old i dont think i can get a job...........hey yaddatrance my freind has a tippman 98 with co2, flatline, and revy he said i could have it for 170, and if i denied the offer he would sell it on ebay, so u saying i buy it then sell it?

04-24-2004, 01:40 PM
dude i umped last year(i was 14) and am 15 now. I umped 32 softball/basbeall gamees, with like 3rd, 4th, 5th graders and i earned 500 dollars, which is how i payed for mosyt of my emag :D

04-24-2004, 01:41 PM
dude... work is work....it just plain sux for most of us and at 13 you dont have much choice as to where you work and how you earn your $$$... i would suggest that you take every chance you can get to earn money... the other thing is that you are going to have to spend money on paint, air and field fee (if applicable). now i'm not trying to dissuade you from gettting going on paintball... its just that, damn this is an expensive sport...

i started playing at about 14, which is before i had my first job... my combinaiton was to play a lot of woodsball, shoot a spyder compact and play inexpensively... i know you want a mag, who doesnt, but when you are strapped for cash, and the mag that you might get probably isnt going to be the last marker you ever buy, you should MAYBE settle for something less... after all a spyder shoots just as well as a mag for the most part.

sincerely, i wish you the best of luck and i think you should troll the B/S/T forums here... people are always letting classics and the like go for relatively cheap... that wasy you wont have to clean you bank account before you hit the field.


04-24-2004, 01:41 PM
mow your neighbor's lawns, if you get 5 lawns a week at 20$ each thant 400$ a month....It's an easy way to make money. I did it when I was your age and I made lots of $$, plus I got some good connections along the way. When you get a few regular customers, they will see that you are a responsible hard worker they will give you other jobs, and refer you to other people = more$$

04-24-2004, 01:44 PM
my advice is get a tippy/spyder/classic mag setup for around 200. play with that for 2 years and when you turn 16 then buy something real nice.

The best thing you can do for paintball right now is keep you nose in the books and prepare for college. :D

04-24-2004, 01:54 PM
well since you dont mow lawns, you should start..
find your nearest offbase military housing...go to places like cheifs housing and such. ask them to mow their law. thats how i earend money as a kid, and thats how my roomies kid (12,younger than you) earns money, he now plays with an e-cocker from that

Iron Mag13
04-24-2004, 03:10 PM
Well i could ump but i dont know much of teh rules of baseball and i guess mowing lawns is ok but evryone around here are rich(i live in a good nebiorhood) and i dont think they would want me to but i guess ill try. My freind told me to buy a fish tank and bread fish and then sell them but i dont know much about fish and **** like taht..... i also live by a near paintball feild and i could ask them if i could ref, but i dont really know.

04-24-2004, 03:17 PM
I have a hard time supporting paintball and I'm 15....then again I try to play everyweekend.....I umped baseball from when I was 12 to 14, it was decent, 20 bucks a game for me, but with the large amounts of umpires I'd only get about 10-15 games a season. 300 bucks is good, but not nearly enough to support myself for paintball. I'm trying to find a real job this summer but not being 16 is having its problems getting jobs. Mowing lawns and reffing/umping sports is definitely the best way to make money for kids under 16. I have also started buying cheap gear and selling it for more. Or buying broken gear, fixing it and selling it for more. Hang in there, it sucks not being able to get a job.

Iron Mag13
04-24-2004, 03:21 PM
yes i know what u mean lol. but do i really have to know all the rules to be an ump??

04-24-2004, 04:02 PM
hey like i said...military housing...worked for me

and if that dont work...buy something cheap to hold you over like an 04 bko

then save build people markers (with hard to find parts) and then sell it to them for a bit more..but not too mcuh

i do that alot locally

04-24-2004, 05:14 PM
I'm 14. No job or anything. But when Christmas rolled over, about 300 came. With that I began a buy/sell operation. I bought cheap, sold for more than I bought it for. Like an Ebay Powerseller. Eventually I ended up with a pretty darn good mag, and the money is still rolling in.

04-24-2004, 05:26 PM
yes i know what u mean lol. but do i really have to know all the rules to be an ump??

Yes you do, most places will offer a madatory umping clinic before the season that you have to go to, atleast in my city. Umping isn't the easiest thing ever, if you aren't good you will get lots of grief from parents and coaches. Parents don't seeing their little Timmy strike out, and they take it out on the umps. It is pretty funny when you get to tell parents or coaches to settle down, pretty much they got owned by a teenager which is always fun :D

Iron Mag13
04-24-2004, 06:17 PM
yea ill c if i can ump and then also see if i can be a ref and ill sell ebay stuff but plz if any others have great ideas like this plz post them!

04-24-2004, 08:21 PM
lets say if you live near a farm or soemthign like that..see if they need some help

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
04-24-2004, 08:30 PM
I'm 14. No job or anything. But when Christmas rolled over, about 300 came. With that I began a buy/sell operation. I bought cheap, sold for more than I bought it for. Like an Ebay Powerseller. Eventually I ended up with a pretty darn good mag, and the money is still rolling in.

that's basically how i get my money.

04-24-2004, 11:45 PM
at your birthday invite a lot of people and then for christmas ask for things that sell really good, then go ebay. Also CAR WASH!!

04-24-2004, 11:56 PM
I wanted to buy a tournament style gun......but i didnt have the money for it, because im not a rich spoiled little kid. So i went to my local paintball field/proshop and asked the owner if i could help out; I Volunteered for low pay for about two weeks and i did good.
I've now been working there for about 1 1/2 months there and buying my first Automag this coming saturday May 1st i believe. Its going to be great.

Just read my Signature to see what my setup will be!!!

Good Luck,
Nick :)

can'tthink of1
04-25-2004, 01:35 AM
Sexual Favors?

Iron Mag13
04-25-2004, 07:14 AM
yea suicidal i know u guet your money from doing that but do u get alot????? how much?

Oh yea mods sry i didnt know were to post this. thanks for moving it tho!

04-25-2004, 10:32 AM
Any golf courses near you? Caddying can be very lucrative if you find the right course. It'll take you a couple years before you start getting the good loops, but it's worth it. It's not easy, but the payoff is great. We were also paid cash so none of it was reported to the IRS.

I started caddying at 13 (minimum age was 14 but I was big for my age and my Dad lied for me :D) and caddied through high school and college. Once I graduated, I kept coming back on wekends for extra money. I averaged about $120-$150 for 3-4 hours' work each Saturday and Sunday, and that was about 4 years ago.

04-25-2004, 10:42 AM
$45 for a single bag, and $90 for 2 bags was the average when I worked, you could make as little as 30/60 if you got a real cheap person, or as much as 75/150. Outings you were paid $60 by the club, someitmes you got cheapo's who wouldn't tip, but usually you came home with $125 or so for 5 hours, carrying 4 putters, and riding on the back of a cart instead of walking.

04-25-2004, 10:46 AM
Well im 13 going on 14 this july and need some money for a mag, i was thinking a devilmag, but honestly dont know. and i have aobut 200 in bank and i need more money. I live in Il. and if there are any people out there who are/was in the same situation and some how got out of it plz give me some ideas on how to earn some cash. I dont really get alot of money for my birthday and i dont mow the lawn(sucks) so i need some ideas.

Thanks Iron

Well it sounds to me like you are a bit too picky.If you are wanting to earn money then you should be willing to do whatever it takes to do so.
Cutting grass is the best way at your age.Take a few dollars a gas can and the mower and walk around asking door to door at houses with long grass.At 25$ a pop for the average yard you will find plenty of customers and also create future buisiness for paint and upgrades.
ALL work sucks my little friend.You have to consider the result of the work , not the task itself.

04-25-2004, 10:50 AM
yeah i have the same prob...but this summer i'll be able to get a job...but i used to go to work with my moms friend whos in construction and get paid 100$ a day when i went with him

04-25-2004, 10:51 AM
All work doesn't suck. I have enjoyed every job ive had.
Caddying was fun, because it was basically hanging out with your friends while carrying bags, and doing a few other tasks.
The gas station was fun because I got to sit and watch movies a good part of the time, everyone else who worked there was fun to be around, and it wasn't really hard work.
Both construction jobs were ok, not the greatest, but I enjoy learning about it (should save me alot of money in the future knowing this stuff).
The christmass tree selling job just rocked even though I made about $3 an hour on average (worked for tips because I was bored).
We did snow removal too, that was decent money, just go around with blowers and a shovel, that was great because it was me and my friends.

04-25-2004, 10:57 AM
I have had jobs that were better than others for sure.And some jobs that I had fun at,but compared to my free time and doing what I really want to be doing...
work suxs!

04-25-2004, 10:59 AM
best jobs I ever had

1. Lifeguard at major waterpark, made it to supervisor before I left!
2. Bike shop, I did sales and I wrenched, awsome job!
3. assistant director for a residence hall