View Full Version : Shot Distance

04-25-2004, 09:43 AM
I never really bought into all that crap about how cockers shoot further or more accurate.

But yesterday, i dunno, I was shooting short. No shorter than usual, but i was getting shot at, hit, and taken out from looooooong distances. Mind you it was the city i was in and not speedball. And i did have my Edge kit on with .691 and all-star paint. So i know that was a perfect fit.

Im starting to worry bout the credibility of my mag. I have to be able to keep up with the increasing amount of electros and lite trigger mech guns.

heres my setup
Custom Rail
Edge Kit
Old Drop Zone II wo/ an on off
Gas through

The Z is really a very heavy trigger pull but i have to live tih that. Im thinking about getting a warp to make the gun smaller.

But i really need to be able to shoot further, at least a far as the people hitting me.

04-25-2004, 09:52 AM
closed bolt dosent get you any better accuracy, warpig did a test on it, heres a link -

link (http://www.warpig.com/paintball/technical/paintguns/balistic/closedopen.shtml)

50 cal
04-25-2004, 09:59 AM
It just seems that way to some. Have a bud take your gun and shoot at a bunker you are behind. You will be surprised at the accuracy and distance of your own gun.
I had a friend do that with my E mag.

04-25-2004, 09:59 AM
I know and i understand that but i just feel like my distance i sucking butt right now.

04-25-2004, 10:03 AM
Cranking up the velocity is about the only thing that affects overall distance of the paintball. Did you crono your gun properly? Did you resize your paint as the day went on to check and see if it had changed. Did you recrono a few times as the day went on? Did you get consistent reading over the crono?

All those things can affect the velocity of the marker throughout the day. You have to crono it correctly and even perhaps recheck it as conditions change and maintain consistency from shot to shot with a properly working marker to receive consistant velocity and distances. Things that could be going on include a improperly working Regulator in the marker or even the tank or swelling/shrinking changes in paint size.

But no matter what the gun... 300 fps is 300 fps the whole world round. Simple physics. If each ball comes out the end of the barrel at the same speed it will travel pretty much the same distance. Outside of exterior influences like wind and rain etc. Trajectory is another matter.

04-25-2004, 10:09 AM
Where is the paint breaking on you? Heck I know that them flatline tippman kids can shoot 80 feet more than I... but by the time it gets to me I can catch it and load my hopper with the paint they are lobbing. I hate to say it but dont play the sissy long ball game when the "move, get angles and pop em up close" game is so much more rewarding.

As for your acceptance of the high pull weight just cause you use a Z grip:

Slap a ULT in that sucker... takes that pull weight from 3 pounds to 15 ounces.

I was on the beta for that mod and lemme tell ya... its some nice.

04-25-2004, 10:10 AM
I know and i understand that but i just feel like my distance i sucking butt right now.

04-25-2004, 10:14 AM
I think i might toss a ULT on there, is there any short storking with that thing.

I did rechrony once during the day and did recheck my fit on barrel. I dunno maybe my minds playing tricks on me.

04-25-2004, 10:15 AM
I've always found it interesting that when people complain about not getting enough distance they never post their velocity nor the velocity of the markers they think shoots farther.

It's all mental anyway.

04-25-2004, 10:18 AM
field limits is 285fps. I shot over the chrony at 281 285 285 283. SO im sure I was just as high on chrno as everyone else. I Most people at this field suck at chronoing their gun higher to get closer to to 285.

And no im not same newb. Ive allways believed guns are equals except in weight speed and feel. But theres day when ur getting shot from big distances and you just like "wtf?"

04-25-2004, 10:18 AM
With the ULT there might be some shortstroking, but it's mostly just an issue of getting used to it. After playing a couple of times with mine, I hardly ever shortstroke anymore, and if you do, no chopping thanks to lvlX.

04-25-2004, 10:23 AM
And no im not same newb. Ive allways believed guns are equals except in weight speed and feel. But theres day when ur getting shot from big distances and you just like "wtf?"

Any chance ya were playing against a team with Jermey "Woodsball ninja" Salm on the roster... but without him on the feild or on the bench? :D :p :D

Head knight of Ni
04-25-2004, 05:44 PM
Any chance ya were playing against a team with Jermey "Woodsball ninja" Salm on the roster... but without him on the feild or on the bench?
BURN! :p :D

04-25-2004, 06:41 PM
Want more distance? Just tilt your gun up.