View Full Version : Kaiser Bob, AKA Anthony Jones

04-25-2004, 01:26 PM
I bougth an A4 from him around 4 and a half weeks ago. Sent him the money through paypal. The day the payment cleared he disapeared. I waited 5 days or so without hearing from him, and posted a thread here about it. Many board users said he was a good guy, so I waited another week and a half. Still hadn't heard from him. Tried emails and PMs... I would have tried AIM, but he was never on.

So I filed a chargeback with paypal. They take 10 days to resolve. On around the 5th day of the chargeback, I got an email from him. He said he was sorry, and that he got in trouble with the cops so he couldn't send the gun or contact me. He said he would pay me back as soon as he could, and he would make it up to me somehow. I haven't heard from him since that email.

The chargeback was "resolved" a week and a half ago. Paypal gives me a whopping 10 dollars back, saying that is all they could retreive. So, Kaiser Bob still has 640 dollars of my money.

I am just wondering if anyone can give me a little info on the guy. His address, phone number, anything about his would be great. I know his name is Anthony Jones and that he either lives in Ft. Worth TX or somewhere in NJ. I would relaly like to give him a call before I get the cops invovled. You can contact me through Email at Thermus117@yahoo.com. Any help is greatly appreciated. I know he posted here and was well known. I have been on the chat a few times to ask about him, and will be visiting the chat every so often until this is resovled.

04-25-2004, 01:35 PM
-*Notes KB in trouble*-...

Well, It doesnt surprise me, KB is cool though... I didnt know he moved up to FW... last I heard from him he was in Houston

I will say this, KB WILL make it up to you, he always does... He will make good on this, it may take awhile, but he always makes good on his deals...

I havnt seen him on MSN inawhile, so I dont think hes purposely avoiding you there, perhaps he lost his net or computer as a whole...no telling

but again, give him time, he will make it good...

04-25-2004, 01:40 PM
^ Thats what I have been hearing, but if I could talk to him on the phone I would feel alot better about the situation. So if anyone has his number or can tell me how to get his number, that would be great.

04-25-2004, 03:49 PM
That sucks man but an A4 for $650 is a little sketchy to begin with...

04-25-2004, 04:00 PM
lastime I had seen him was AO tx-ball, code to for that matter. I too have not seen him on aim for about a month. last time we chatted he was here in houston.

I have been to his place to pick him up to go play, however if he has moved to DFW i dont have that new info.

I just went through my PM's. I cant find his cell phone number.

sorry dOOD

04-25-2004, 04:50 PM
That sucks man but an A4 for $650 is a little sketchy to begin with...

Yeah, it is, but he said he needed to get rid of it by the end of the day. I put in 650, and mine was the highest, so he said I had won. I thought it was a bit sketchy, I don't know why I stuck in there.

lastime I had seen him was AO tx-ball, code to for that matter. I too have not seen him on aim for about a month. last time we chatted he was here in houston.

I have been to his place to pick him up to go play, however if he has moved to DFW i dont have that new info.

I just went through my PM's. I cant find his cell phone number.

sorry dOOD

Do you still have his address? I could look him up and give him a call there, I don't know if he has moved at all.

04-25-2004, 07:47 PM
alright, you have AIM.... should be everything you need...

04-25-2004, 07:56 PM
Thank you so so much code...

04-25-2004, 09:01 PM
Is he the huge guy with the green hair?

04-25-2004, 09:04 PM
Is he the huge guy with the green hair?

Sounds like him.

KB you better take notice and take care of this. This is one of several things you got about to blow up on you and I am not stopping them. It's your arse in a sling dude. Fair warning...

04-25-2004, 09:05 PM
he's the big guy that played in a lawn chair at an AO event. I believe it was NJ. I let him borrow a gun at Shatnerball too.

04-25-2004, 10:09 PM
He also has yet to return a big bag of fittings, ss braided hose, and a pair of craftsman crescent wrenches that I let him borrow at Shatnerball II when he was building his Hypermag...

promises, promises, and jack squat in my mailbox.

its not cool to screw over somebody that used to consider you a friend and was doing you a favor dude. :mad:


04-25-2004, 11:57 PM
I remember that A4 for sale, I was acutally interested too, due to the price. KB has been around for a while, but I had heard some strange stories about past deals gone bad, so I eventually opted against it.

What a strange excuse he gave you, though. Couldnt send it to you because he got in trouble with the police? Dunno about that one.

04-26-2004, 12:03 AM
goes to show you guys with a "big post count" and really recognized amoung the community can somtimes go bad.

Although if that is the truth then I hope he gets it settled fast!

04-26-2004, 07:46 AM
goes to show you guys with a "big post count" and really recognized amoung the community can somtimes go bad.

Although if that is the truth then I hope he gets it settled fast!

This is the only issue any of the more veteran members here have ever had. He owes quite a few people here money and this is not the first issue with KB. Hopefully he will resolve it.

04-26-2004, 08:07 AM
This is the only issue any of the more veteran members here have ever had. He owes quite a few people here money and this is not the first issue with KB. Hopefully he will resolve it.

To tell you the truth i doubt he will.

04-26-2004, 08:20 AM
maybe you guys should start a "KB owes all of us...." thread. And list exactly what is owed. He shouldn't borrow or sell if he can't pay if it goes wrong.

04-26-2004, 03:53 PM
maybe you guys should start a "KB owes all of us...." thread. And list exactly what is owed. He shouldn't borrow or sell if he can't pay if it goes wrong.

sounds like a good idea to me....and someone that has been ripped off by him should start a negative thread in feedback...if it has not been done already.

04-26-2004, 04:11 PM
I dont know why some of the members have such a "aw shucks" attitude about this situation just cause they have met KB. Why is he even making deals if he cant pay, he's a scumbag if he's doing that no matter how "nice a guy he is" :mad: Not to mention the fact that people have already stated that the whole deal was fairly shady to begin with...

I dont care if I make a deal with kindly old wilford brimley, if he rips me off he needs a bat taken to his figgin' kneecaps....all the Quaker Oats in the world wouldnt make that situation any brighter. I have no tolerance for thievery or jerk offs.
:mad: ;)

04-26-2004, 04:21 PM
Well, I've got his cell phone number, and I will be calling soon. How many poeple does he owe stuff?

btw, here is the email he sent me:

I apologize sincerely for the situation as it went down. I know what
to me is none of your concern you just want your stuff, but the past
weeks have made it impossible to contact you. not to go into it too
stuff like police and jail was unexpectantly involved and now i have no
computer to contact you on. I am working on the situation ASAP and hope
have money to refund you soon. Again my sincerest apologies for this
and ill
try to make good by compensating for the wait somehow... Thanks

Load SM5
04-26-2004, 04:38 PM
Hope that works. I tried emailing and PMing him on your behalf, after I talked to you on PBnation. He did'nt respond to either and has'nt posted here in around a month. He seems to be laying low.

04-26-2004, 04:54 PM
Apparently he got kicked out of his house, got his computer and marker taken away, and thats why he hasnt been on. That story was verified by the person who gave me his phone number.

04-26-2004, 04:57 PM
Ok guys, chill, we ALL know KB is no angel, but also he DOES ushally get around to makeing good on everything...

In this case, this guy has every reason to be ticked off...yes I agree, shouldnt have happened, KB agrees...

I called KB asked him about it and if he wanted me to give the guy his cell, he said that would be good...so its obvious hes not hideing

KB is currently computerless, markerless, and soon if not already homeless if Im not mastaken, which is not REALLY an excuse, but theres not much he can do at this point...

as to making deals he cant pay... well, that was an accdent I dont know all the details, and none of my buesness, but there was something about Paypal issues... but It sounded like he had the full intentions of the transation going fine...but things happen...

Im sure it will be resolved accordingly, but as always it seems, it may take a wee bit longer then any of us would like to see it take...

04-26-2004, 05:06 PM
Well...when ya find him...get me my $400 from him too please. KB WAS a good man, but something happened back around last July and he's been kinda shady ever since. I know KB probably as well as anyone. He stayed in my room at AO events many times and I actually paid for most of his trip to the first Shatner Ball. Again, I had faith in him, and I guess to some extent, I still do, but the guy has some serious money issues and spending issues he needs to resolve.

04-26-2004, 05:08 PM
KB is currently computerless, markerless, and soon if not already homeless if Im not mastaken, which is not REALLY an excuse, but theres not much he can do at this point...

Sure hope he still has that A4 or atleast the money to pay this guy back.

04-26-2004, 05:08 PM
Well excuses excuses.... some of this stuff goes back to last November. My story which I have kept quite until now is this...

Last Nov at SE AO day his girlfriend wrote a $200 check for four cases of paint to the field that hosted the event for us. She wrote it for his paint. He had her do so. So I gave my word to the field owner and ok'd the check. It bounced. I finaly got in touch with KB and he promissed to make good on it. He told me he would send them some money when he could. I accepted that. But then I would see him (his picture anyway) at almost all the various AO events and big events that cost a lot to attend! Obviously spending money... Money I did not have to travel to events myself. No payment was ever recieved as far as I can tell. He didn't seem concerned about paying it back it looked to me. I guess I am going to have to choke up the money to the field myself to make it right. I vouched for him and I guess I was wrong to do so. So thats like five months have gone by. And he has indeed had the money but chose to go to play paintball with it. The evidence is clearly here in the pictures of him at those events.

But this is all another link in the chain. Sorry but I am giving up on old KB. And I certainly cannot allow people to think because he is an old member here that he can be trusted. The rest of the old time members here do not deserve for him to tarnish that reputation. Even though that should not be reason enough to trust someone people do... And I cannot allow people to cover up for dishonesty no matter who it is. We have our integrety to maintain.

04-26-2004, 05:12 PM
Well excuses excuses.... some of this stuff goes back to last November. My story which I have kept quite until now is this...

Phil, check your PMs

04-26-2004, 05:24 PM
Well, I cant say that I found out about all these insidences before now, because I havnt...a few other things, yes, but they were all taken care of to the best of my knowledge...

KB did right by me, crashed at my place the night before TexBall, and gave me a ride up the rest of the way to Plano(as cramped as it was, but hey, beggers cant be choosers) and shared a room with me and a few others as well at TexBall, ended up giving me a case of feild blaze and like a half case of evil on top of the ride up for staying at my place as well... I think he ended up selling a spare tank to make it back to Houston

Based on this, I thought he was a pretty ok dude, and we all have our rough times, I didnt know he had as many as he did mind you...but still...

As to him having the angel anymore, I dont think so, the cash, again prolly not, not for awhile eather from the sounds of it...

Now Im not gonna put myself on the line fully here for KB, but I will help in what ever way I can/have so as to get this resolved ASAP...

04-26-2004, 05:25 PM
add "Shouldn't be trusted" to the thread title phil.

04-26-2004, 05:28 PM
Well, I cant say that I found out about all these insidences before now, because I havnt...a few other things, yes, but they were all taken care of to the best of my knowledge...

KB did right by me, crashed at my place the night before TexBall, and gave me a ride up the rest of the way to Plano(as cramped as it was, but hey, beggers cant be choosers) and shared a room with me and a few others as well at TexBall, ended up giving me a case of feild blaze and like a half case of evil on top of the ride up for staying at my place as well... I think he ended up selling a spare tank to make it back to Houston

Based on this, I thought he was a pretty ok dude, and we all have our rough times, I didnt know he had as many as he did mind you...but still...

As to him having the angel anymore, I dont think so, the cash, again prolly not, not for awhile eather from the sounds of it...

Now Im not gonna put myself on the line fully here for KB, but I will help in what ever way I can/have so as to get this resolved ASAP...

I understand your feelings. Up until lately I too had held out hope for KB to get things right. I too am saddened by all this. I wish I could defend him but I cannot any longer. It would not be the right thing to do. Seems he has hit rock bottom now. I give up.

04-26-2004, 05:31 PM
add "Shouldn't be trusted" to the thread title phil.

Eventually I will move it to feed back. But in this case, and because he was a long respected member here and is using that fact to scam people I feel it MUST be front page news for a while. I hate it but thats what its come to.

04-26-2004, 05:56 PM
so he's homeless now and rips people off, what is he some kind of crackhead or something?

Sounds like Tyrone Biggums to me. ;)

04-26-2004, 07:03 PM
so he's homeless now and rips people off, what is he some kind of crackhead or something?

Sounds like Tyrone Biggums to me. ;)

Down boy, down. Take it easy now, no need to resort to that just yet.

CodeMA: So your trust and testimonials ("I will say this, KB WILL make it up to you, he always does.") were purchased by a car ride and a case or so of paint, which was probably purchased on... let's say "borrowed money". Your testimony is actually doing more harm than good for both yourself and your friend. If you go to an event and can't make it back without hocking a tank, while in the midst of all that giving away a case of paint -- that sets off major alarms inside the head.

I'm not trying to be mean to either you or KB, but someone needs to point the writing out on the wall.

04-26-2004, 07:06 PM
Well about two months ago I made an offer on his Dynaflow tank after seeing him offer it up for trade with GTRisi for a mag. I paypaled him for it and since I didn't need it right away I gave him till May at the latest. He was close to shipping the first few weeks. Then was not replying about a month ago. But he did respond again recently after a reminder and hopes to have it out this week. I guess I'm still optimistic. Some times good people get in trouble.

04-26-2004, 07:47 PM
dude, if we've more or less established that the man might be homeless, and takes peoples cash without holding up his end, then I doubt your getting your Dynaflow. But god bless your optimism, don't ever lose that......ever :rolleyes: :p

04-26-2004, 08:02 PM
This sucks. KB has ripped off a number of people - include Cphil and Muzikman - who have got to be the 2 most generous, giving members here by far.

KB needs to step up ASAP. He being an old guard member of the AO he's brought discredit to the rest of us. Anyhow, assuming he makes everything right I guess he'll deserve forgiveness for the transgressions, but before then he damn well better quite making excuses (let's fact you don't usually end up in jail without good reason) and start getting things right. The important thing for him to remember that we're all big enough to respect the fact that anyone can fall, it's how we get back up that matters.


04-26-2004, 09:21 PM
Goatboy, Im just telling it how it is, if it helps, it helps, if it doesnt, well... it doesnt...

Im also saying my personal experiances with him have been pretty good... I wont go into the ones that may not have been so cool, theres no reason to here as they arnt part of the topic... and it wasnt even him really...

I based my first statement off what I had heard so far... not by my personal experiances with him btw...

04-26-2004, 09:42 PM
First time I called around 3 hours ago, a woman picked up. I asked for Anthony, she said he wasn't home. I asked when I should call back, she said 9:30. I am guessing she meant Texas time (central, correct?), so I called at 10:30 my time (eastern) and his phone is now off, forwarding to his "automated voice message box". I guess I will try again tommorow. I don't want to leave a message because I don't know what I would say. I will wait till I get to talk to him for real.

Maybe I am just confused with the time zones. Can anyone help out?

04-26-2004, 09:48 PM
That was prolly his GF Becka?

11 EST=10here=8

04-26-2004, 09:50 PM
Could have been... So I guess I was right about the time zone thing... so, I will try tommorow.

04-27-2004, 12:02 AM
Well this is a shocker, I never knew KB or met, him, but I saw him around AO all the time. Just kind of shocking that a long standing member can go bad, which just killed my way of trusting people online. I figured if they've here a long time, they aren't really planning on going anywhere. But this just proves that all wrong.

04-27-2004, 12:09 AM
Didn't KB win an extrodinary amount of money at some Casino a while back? Or was that an urban legend...

Probably just overspent his bounds, which kinda sucks. For everyone.

04-27-2004, 12:13 AM
That was prolly his GF Becka?

11 EST=10here=8

Erm no. EST is one hour ahead of us. not two. Regardless, I hope KB takes care of this.

04-27-2004, 12:49 AM
CodeMA... Unless you're gonna go find him, collect everything that he owes people, and take responsibility for getting it to us, stop making promises for KB, and butt out of this thread, because its pretty obvious that this is between us and him, not you.

The rumors are true, he won somewhere around 30k in casinos the months leading up to Shatner 2... he bought a fully loaded Hypermag there, as well as the auctioned Xmag and Matrix signed by Shatner...


04-27-2004, 01:38 AM
Ahem. Ok, for those of you who don't know here's my story dating back to shatnerball I: http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?t=56173&highlight=bad+trader

In the end it did get resolved, however I do believe it took a visit from Riotz to get it done. It took longer than it had any right to, and in the end I'm still not entirely happy with how things turned out.

I'm in Texas. I can probably arrange a trip to Houston if need be, but it'd be tough. I strongly recommend someone in the Houston area to deal with him. The man has priority issues that desperately need to be adjusted.

04-27-2004, 07:14 AM
I strongly recommend someone in the Houston area to deal with him. The man has priority issues that desperately need to be adjusted.

Like I said,
I have been to his complex but not to his place. I will stop by in the next week or so and see if his car is there. If the rumor mill is correct he is in DFW.

CodeMA... Unless you're gonna go find him, collect everything that he owes people, and take responsibility for getting it to us, stop making promises for KB, and butt out of this thread, because its pretty obvious that this is between us and him, not you.

OK so why post all this drama on AO? People want info on the guy, others on here have such info.... whats the big deal? BTW its kinda silly to transfer all of KB's liability to someone here in houston and none of us are KB's Jesus.

I am more than willing to help out IF the guy is still in houston...

04-27-2004, 07:44 AM
]I do believe it took a visit from Riotz to get it done.

I knew Jeff went and visited someone, I just couldn't remember the exact incident. I was just saying last night if he still lived in Jersey, Im sure we could round up some people and pay him a visit.

If the AO TX people know his address, stop by and see whats up. Although, apparently Stacy (Digi_Girl) talked to him last night, and he was sitting in his apartment that he had been evicted from, so who knows how much longer he'll be there.

04-27-2004, 07:49 AM
I hope this gets resolved very soon, and I commend Thermos for his patience. This is nothing other then theft at this point. KB made a contract with Thermos, took thermos's consideration, and did not live up to his end of his contractual obligation.

I say involve the police. I like KB and all, but that is unacceptable. He's not telling his friend of 10 years "I'm sorry man, I'll make it up to you", he's saying it to a complete stranger.

04-27-2004, 10:52 AM
I agree with Newt on this. But even among old friends, dodging away from hundreds of dollars of debts is unacceptable. From a quick read of this thread, there are at least two counts of fraud, plus the bad check he had his g/f write.

04-27-2004, 12:50 PM
Like I said,
If the rumor mill is correct he is in DFW.

Well I am headed to DFW at the end of May. I know that's a ways away, but I'm willing to do something too.

04-27-2004, 01:47 PM
Mindflux, bro, I know, I said 11EST=10CT=8Westcoast I just left out the west part, but there were indeed 3 time zones there...

Fred, Im not making promises for him, nor do I think I could collect from him monaterily even if I wanted to(and I do, I would be right in the frey if I could be, if I thought he truely had the money right now to collect)

Right now, Im seeing this as you cant draw blood out of a rock thing, yes it shouldnt have happened like this, but it did, it needs to be resolved, but right now short of repoing like, his car and cr4p, theres not too much that could be done besides have him thrown in jail....

04-27-2004, 02:08 PM
i say repo his car...he screwed up...he needs a lesson in humility...and a trip to Gamblers anonymous.

04-27-2004, 02:25 PM
Mindflux, bro, I know, I said 11EST=10CT=8Westcoast I just left out the west part, but there were indeed 3 time zones there...

Fred, Im not making promises for him, nor do I think I could collect from him monaterily even if I wanted to(and I do, I would be right in the frey if I could be, if I thought he truely had the money right now to collect)

Right now, Im seeing this as you cant draw blood out of a rock thing, yes it shouldnt have happened like this, but it did, it needs to be resolved, but right now short of repoing like, his car and cr4p, theres not too much that could be done besides have him thrown in jail....

And having him in jail doesn't make me feel better, or put the 640 dollars back in my pocket. If I don't get him on the phone pretty soon, I will contact the police, and see what they can do. But, as you said, you can get blood out of a rock. Thats exactly what my mother said when I explained to her the situation for her opinion.

04-27-2004, 08:21 PM
I just got ahold of him on the phone. He says he got evicted from his apartment, and is just starting to get back on his feet. He says he got a job. He offered to send me a free tank, but I didn't really say I wanted it, just asked him when he thought he oculd pay me back. He says its really high on his priorities list, and that he never meant to rip anybody off.

Also, he says he had to sell his Shatner X Mag to get somebody out of jail, or he would have sent that to me (how sick would that have been? :p ). I told him I would call him in around 2 weeks, he said it shouldn't even take that lon got get me my money back. Also, he has a job where he has access to a computer so he said he could send me an email whenever he gets the money. I can wait another week or two, and I have his phone number, so I think it might be alright.

I'm tyring to be optimistic about the whole thing, he seems like a pretty nice guy. And he sounded sincere with his apology.

04-27-2004, 08:28 PM
Been following this thread. Glad to see you finally talked to him. However, his trading rep here is trash now.

Thermus you have shown much more patience then I would have. I hope you get your $$ back soon!

04-27-2004, 08:43 PM
I just got ahold of him on the phone. He says he got evicted from his apartment, and is just starting to get back on his feet. He says he got a job. He offered to send me a free tank, but I didn't really say I wanted it, just asked him when he thought he oculd pay me back. He says its really high on his priorities list, and that he never meant to rip anybody off.

Also, he says he had to sell his Shatner X Mag to get somebody out of jail, or he would have sent that to me (how sick would that have been? :p ). I told him I would call him in around 2 weeks, he said it shouldn't even take that lon got get me my money back. Also, he has a job where he has access to a computer so he said he could send me an email whenever he gets the money. I can wait another week or two, and I have his phone number, so I think it might be alright.

I'm tyring to be optimistic about the whole thing, he seems like a pretty nice guy. And he sounded sincere with his apology.

Wow, that guy has issues. Winning 30k, blowing it on various stuff, selling guns cheap, losing said guns, selling guns to bail people out, getting evicted. He has earned a solid place on my "do not trade with" list. Sounds like he needs to take steps to get his life in order.

04-27-2004, 09:16 PM
I think this is a great lesson in life, if you win 30k don't buy tons of paintball gear....

04-27-2004, 09:26 PM
Good good...

anyway...tony, what are you thinking?

sure, buy a nice marker setup or two if you win 30k, but take care of buesness first...

04-27-2004, 09:33 PM
I know, it was a joke, I'd probably.....buy like a dry cleaning store for no reason at all or something like that....

04-27-2004, 09:41 PM
I heard almost the same things four months ago....

04-28-2004, 12:28 PM
and still no comment from KB shedding any light...

Kaiser Bob
04-28-2004, 02:05 PM
Well, this is the first time in a while that I have been able to check the forums, and as was alluded to me by several phone calls, I have started quite a crapstorm over the incidents in the past month or so. I really dont have anything to say to defend my actions, nor did i really wish to disclose any of the events leading to them, as I don't feel that excuses can be made and already what I have told others has been made to seem like I was doing just that. The fact is that I am in the wrong here, I know this and I am doing everything I can to make it right. Someone mentioned priorities here, I really don't know if its reasonable to say that handling this should have taken priority over securing food, shelter and whatnot. I started out in a somewhat precarious situation that led me to selling the A4 in the first place, and that was i think my biggest mistake. I have learned the hard way that trying to fit paintball in when everything else financially is unstable is a very stupid move, something that I got away with a couple of times, as some would know, but now it has bitten me in the *** big time. Right now I am at the point where I am able to start rebuilding my life, so as soon as I can repay what I have owed, I will probably step away from the scene for a while untill I know that its within my means. I never had any intention to defraud anybody for my personal gains, I know that I have done more for people at sometimes great expense to me to worry that I'm a bad person for this. As for anyone else, I can't blame them for not believing that and thinking I am a scum criminal trying to rip people off anyway I can, as the events posted here do more to suggest the latter. All I can hope is that once everything is square that people may not feel as strongly that way about me and that I can one day return to the community as a welcomed member.

BTW, Im not sure where the DFW rumor came from but I am still in houston in the apartment I have been in as the eviction matter that was mentioned was resolved. Also, I wasnt the one headed to jail, I put up everything to bail someone else out, clearly at great cost to me. My Xmag is being held on that matter it is not sold, but I was serious when I said to Thermus that I would gladly give it to him if it would make him feel better about the matter. To Fred, I have to admit your wrenches do always get put on the back burners as far as my priorities go, I cant really say anything else about that but my apologies. To Phil, I didnt know that Alissa never resolved that matter with you and Id like to talk to you privately about that at some point, also I will try and contact you Muzikman as soon as i can get ahold of you. To vf-xx I thought i had resolved the matter satisfactorily with you a long time ago, but there are appearently still hard feelings, which is probably an indication of how things will be even if i gave everyone i owed a million dollars to try and make up for it if i decide to remain on here. Oh, and I had sent out your stuff before Jeff came to my place.

To everyone else out there reading this, Im sure there are some people out there that have hit hard times just as I have and handled things better, and you are welcome to judge me as harshly as you feel is warrented. To those that havent though, I do ask that you reserve judgement until you yourself are put to the test in your life.

I forgot to add, if you really feel the need to organize a hit squad or angry mob against me then my address is 10215 Beechnut St. apt 1313 in houston tx, the gate code is #0528. Im not trying to hide from anyone and ill face whatever is coming to me as honorably as i can.

04-28-2004, 02:58 PM
Rock on bro...

04-28-2004, 03:02 PM
I forgot to add, if you really feel the need to organize a hit squad or angry mob against me then my address is 10215 Beechnut St. apt 1313 in houston tx, the gate code is #0528. Im not trying to hide from anyone and ill face whatever is coming to me as honorably as i can.

Not too bright to put that up. You might get Riotz paying you a visit again! :eek: :p

Once you resolve all of these outstanding issues I am sure you'l be welcomed back to the board. People might just want you to ship first on all future deals! :eek: ;)

04-28-2004, 03:40 PM
I am still in houston

give me a holla when you get everything resolved.

pssst. Rumor is gtrsi is trying to get an HRL team togther with a few other AO'ers for next season, nothing serious, play a few dates and pratice a couple of times, mostly for fun.

04-28-2004, 03:54 PM
KB: I wouldn't feel right taking your mag unless there was no other way for you to compensate for the money you owe me. An X Mag is probably my favorite gun of all time, so it would make me way more than content with the situation if thats what I received. But unless you feel thats the only way he can make the situation right than just getting my money back, all the rest of the 640 dollars with no fees from paypal, I would be fine.

Good luck with your situation.

04-28-2004, 06:28 PM
Once you resolve all of these outstanding issues I am sure you'l be welcomed back to the board.

Thats exactly correct. This is a Love tap KB. This is an intervention. We see a old friend doing wrong and we not going to just let him continue to do wrong. We going to get involved in trying to bring him back from the dark side to the fold. We would not be doing this if we did not care. I hope you realize that. But if you are going to go down the tubes then we are not going to allow it without a fight. Consider yourself notified that we are going to try and save you. And this is finaly how we had to do it. And thats because you dropped out of site and quit doing things privately like we all tried to do with you. So no ones going to feel sorry for you. But we are going to care enough to do something. Wether you like it or not. Some day you will be able to realize why we are doing this. As hurtfull as it is now to you there will be some day when it will mean something. And we are not going to let you slip off into the night without a fight. We are going to make an attempt to bring you back to where we know you can be.

Do the right thing dude. Do the right thing and all will be well with me. Thats all we asking here.

04-28-2004, 06:56 PM
Thats exactly correct. This is a Love tap KB. This is an intervention. We see a old friend doing wrong and we not going to just let him continue to do wrong. We going to get involved in trying to bring him back from the dark side to the fold. We would not be doing this if we did not care. I hope you realize that. But if you are going to go down the tubes then we are not going to allow it without a fight. Consider yourself notified that we are going to try and save you. And this is finaly how we had to do it. And thats because you dropped out of site and quit doing things privately like we all tried to do with you. So no ones going to feel sorry for you. But we are going to care enough to do something. Wether you like it or not. Some day you will be able to realize why we are doing this. As hurtfull as it is now to you there will be some day when it will mean something. And we are not going to let you slip off into the night without a fight. We are going to make an attempt to bring you back to where we know you can be.

Do the right thing dude. Do the right thing and all will be well with me. Thats all we asking here.

I second this. KB, I only know you from meeeting you at a couple of events, but you've been around as long as I've been on this "virtual home away from home" and respect your input and ties to the "family." I think your post was almost 100% on the money for what needed to be said and feel you are on track to get things squared away. Once it is all said and done - you should be welcomed back with open arms.

Hope all goes well,


04-28-2004, 09:18 PM
The goons are on stand by;)

04-28-2004, 10:47 PM
Call the brute squad!

04-28-2004, 10:57 PM
He is the brute squad.

04-29-2004, 08:30 AM
He is the brute squad.

LOL! :D Great quote! I love that movie.

Best of Luck KB! Keep your chin up baby!

New York Stud Squad

04-29-2004, 11:23 AM
Don't worry KB, I still luv ya, I'd only do trades with you in person, but I still luv ya
hope everything works out OK, let me know if there's any way I can help out (like getting Fred to quit whinning about his $5 wrenches and fittings)

04-29-2004, 12:35 PM
If it was 5$, I probably wouldn't care Rob... I'm still in the pretty-much-broke student phase of my life here...

KB, when we get all this straightened out I'll still buy you a drink, even though you're of age and can buy it yourself now... ;)

04-30-2004, 03:03 PM
Here is an idea:

How about KB shipping the X-Mag to Thermus who would put it up for grabs on Ebay or anywhere else, then keep the $640 he is owed, send the rest of the money to people who KB apprently owes some stuff to, and whatever is left over, just send back to KB.

This way KB would get his name cleared, everyone would get what they are rightfully owed for the accumulated KB IOU notes.

If this is too much hassle for Thermus, I am willing to do the 3rd party on this thing, I have immaculate Ebay feedback, I am a PayPal premiere verified member and I live close to KB.

What do you all think?

04-30-2004, 03:05 PM
Why wouldn't KB just sell it himself and then pay back what he owes? Your plan sounds a bit complicated and unnessicarily risky to me...

04-30-2004, 03:29 PM
Well he could play w/ it and stuff untill it was sold which could take a week or more... Being Markerless is horrible, like someone I know very very close :( :( :( .

Note: My viking did get shipped out but the mailing people sent it back to Ote and then OTe is sending it back to me wierd huh.

But ya that sounds like a good idea and I think everyone would be happy just KB wouldn't have a x mag anymore.

04-30-2004, 03:37 PM
I guess I wouldn't mind doing that, I have a feedback of around 70 on ebay. But I would rather KB deal with it, that way I'm not responsible for something going wrong. Also, it might not sell for enough to pay it all back. How much would a mag like that go for?

04-30-2004, 03:54 PM
BTW, Im not sure where the DFW rumor came from but I am still in houston in the apartment I have been in as the eviction matter that was mentioned was resolved. Also, I wasnt the one headed to jail, I put up everything to bail someone else out, clearly at great cost to me. My Xmag is being held on that matter it is not sold, but I was serious when I said to Thermus that I would gladly give it to him if it would make him feel better about the matter.

i think he said it was being held, as in he dosent have it in his possession or he would have sent it to him allready.

dont you people read ? :)

04-30-2004, 03:57 PM
dont you people read ? :)

Huked on foniks wurked for me! ;)

04-30-2004, 05:43 PM
Why wouldn't KB just sell it himself and then pay back what he owes? Your plan sounds a bit complicated and unnessicarily risky to me...

Well for one, who would trust KB with over $1k for a marker nowadays.... Do you think anyone would PayPal him the money in advance? I don't think so! The only way anyone would trust him is via 3rd party. And given that Thermus is the one who KB owes the most money, he would be an ideal candidate to handle the matter.

Also, what are the chances that KB would actually distribute the money that would come in from the sale of the X-mag amongst the parties that have been lied to and cheated out of money in the first place?

No offense to KB, but talk is cheap! Admitting guilt is step one in the process. He needs to step up to this plate, get the x-mag back from wherever it is detained at (I just can't believe this sap story) and send it to Thermus or someone who can be trusted and is willing to handle the situation.

Promising an x-mag without having it, is just like the promise of sending the money back to everyone who is owed money. It's worthless. It might sound like a nice gesture, but it doesn't do anything to the folks who were lied to and are short on the balance sheet.

I don't know what kind of trouble KB has gotten into, but it seems like this is not the first time he had issues and has asked for favors from others that he never repaid. This time he just flat out took the money and ran with it. Saying that "those that havent hit hard times, I do ask that you reserve judgement until you yourself are put to the test in your life" is BS. I don't care how deep of a poo poo KB is in, it doesn't sound like he needed the money to pay for his mom's cancer operation. He needed the money to bail his girlfriend out of jail!!!

To get to where he is at today, took some time, it didn't just happen overnight. The **** sure hit the fan overnight, but that doesn't mean he shouldn't have prepared for it in life in general. I might be a lucky SOB who doesn't have these issues and will hopefully never have, but that doesn't mean I can't make judgement.

KB, if you read this, you better send that x-mag to Thermus ASAP.

As for the reality of things:

This thread will die along with the hopes of people ever getting a dime back from KB. I bet money on that KB will not make good on Thermus' $640, the $200 bounced check will stay bounced, blemishing someone else's trustworthiness, the tools and the numberous other favors that he has enjoyed over the past will never be returned. Things don't change. People don't change. This is the reality.

And even if KB does recover that x-mag and sends it to Thermus people shouldn't praise him and say he's such a nice guy! That is like when an alcoholic gets a badge for quitting drinking and beating his wife, yet the guy who never drinks and is a good husband is just a "goody twoshoes". Just think about what he has really done and how would you feel if it had happened to you by a stranger. You wouldn't treat him as nicely as this bunch has been treating him.

04-30-2004, 05:58 PM
When I fall upon troubled times, for inspiration, I often ask myself, "What would Terry Tate do?"

04-30-2004, 06:50 PM
I don't have anything really important to say but that was funny ^^^

04-30-2004, 08:02 PM
Well for one, who would trust KB with over $1k for a marker nowadays.... Do you think anyone would PayPal him the money in advance? I don't think so! The only way anyone would trust him is via 3rd party. And given that Thermus is the one who KB owes the most money, he would be an ideal candidate to handle the matter.
Also, what are the chances that KB would actually distribute the money that would come in from the sale of the X-mag amongst the parties that have been lied to and cheated out of money in the first place?
No offense to KB, but talk is cheap! Admitting guilt is step one in the process. He needs to step up to this plate, get the x-mag back from wherever it is detained at (I just can't believe this sap story) and send it to Thermus or someone who can be trusted and is willing to handle the situation.
Promising an x-mag without having it, is just like the promise of sending the money back to everyone who is owed money. It's worthless. It might sound like a nice gesture, but it doesn't do anything to the folks who were lied to and are short on the balance sheet.
I don't know what kind of trouble KB has gotten into, but it seems like this is not the first time he had issues and has asked for favors from others that he never repaid. This time he just flat out took the money and ran with it. Saying that "those that havent hit hard times, I do ask that you reserve judgement until you yourself are put to the test in your life" is BS. I don't care how deep of a poo poo KB is in, it doesn't sound like he needed the money to pay for his mom's cancer operation. He needed the money to bail his girlfriend out of jail!!!
To get to where he is at today, took some time, it didn't just happen overnight. The **** sure hit the fan overnight, but that doesn't mean he shouldn't have prepared for it in life in general. I might be a lucky SOB who doesn't have these issues and will hopefully never have, but that doesn't mean I can't make judgement.
KB, if you read this, you better send that x-mag to Thermus ASAP. As for the reality of things: This thread will die along with the hopes of people ever getting a dime back from KB. I bet money on that KB will not make good on Thermus' $640, the $200 bounced check will stay bounced, blemishing someone else's trustworthiness, the tools and the numberous other favors that he has enjoyed over the past will never be returned. Things don't change. People don't change. This is the reality.
And even if KB does recover that x-mag and sends it to Thermus people shouldn't praise him and say he's such a nice guy! That is like when an alcoholic gets a badge for quitting drinking and beating his wife, yet the guy who never drinks and is a good husband is just a "goody twoshoes". Just think about what he has really done and how would you feel if it had happened to you by a stranger. You wouldn't treat him as nicely as this bunch has been treating him.

Nice reality check, people can make promises all they want over the net but nearly never have to deal with the end result.

04-30-2004, 08:23 PM
Nice reality check, people can make promises all they want over the net but nearly never have to deal with the end result.

Alright. If he will send it to me, Tuna or someone he can trust, we will sell it for decent proceeds (best we can get) and then distribute the money as best it will go around. Assuming he divuldges the extent of totaly owed money. We will do the best we can to fix it for him and settle it as much as it will. I will do it. I bet Tuna would. Or some other friend of his will as well. Its up to him. Offer is made.

04-30-2004, 09:21 PM
I hope he takes u up on your offer there cphilip... It would take the stress of of him and help everyone waiting greatly.

04-30-2004, 10:38 PM
I'd be more than happy with that situation as long as I got all my money back.

05-01-2004, 07:23 AM
I wouldnt trust him ever again, but that's just me. Promises are promises, and action is action. Even if he does do what he needs to do, that doesnt mean he'S better, it just means he'S doing what he needs to do to avoid all the negative input.


Moon Shadow
05-11-2004, 05:56 PM
I lived with KB. He was my Fiance. Biggest mistake of my life. He does not pay people back in fact you are talking about losing 600 dollars, that boy owes me over $15,000 dollars. I'm never seeing that money. KB makes excuses about not having the money to ship things, and pay people back because of police and getting evicted. Bull.....it's all his fault cause he decided to stop going to work for no reason, and he sleeps all day. Thus the reason I left him. C-Phil.....KB told me HE was taking care of that money that was Owed to Gold Dragon, because HE MADE me write that check. SO him blaming that on me is pretty low in my books.........I know you all don't know me that well, but he has ruined my life, and if you involve him in yours he will drag you down.

He has one excuse after the other, and never follows through. I'm still in contact with him to make sure he dosen't screw up anything else in my life, so if anyone needs anything from me I"m more then happy to help you beat down his door.....I know his family so I can get them on him. This whole thing is so low, and I am so sorry for what he has done to all his friends from AO.

05-11-2004, 06:26 PM
I had planned on calling him tonight or tommorow night, I said I would give him 2 weeks before calling again. I don't know what he's going to do about this, but if I don't have compensation soon I will be contacting a lawyer.

05-12-2004, 07:57 AM
contact the police before you contact a lawyer. i would also contact Moon Shadow in order to get more info on him...(any other phone numbers, addresses, etc..).

good luck

05-12-2004, 09:01 AM
C-Phil.....KB told me HE was taking care of that money that was Owed to Gold Dragon, because HE MADE me write that check. SO him blaming that on me is pretty low in my books.........

I certainly knew that. He at first took responsibility for taking care of it. I knew it was paint for him all along. And I am not blaming it on you at all. So I know who is responsible. I appreciate you explaining all that though.

Again, this was allowed because of his reputation here was being misused to take advantage of people. I could not allow that to continue any longer least we be partialy responsible for more of this activity. If he wants to reform he can. I offered to liquidate and fix all I could for him. If he does not take the opportunity then he is lost.

05-12-2004, 02:11 PM
contact the police before you contact a lawyer. i would also contact Moon Shadow in order to get more info on him...(any other phone numbers, addresses, etc..).

good luck

He posted his address in this thread, so I can use that, but it wouldnt hurt to have more info.

I couldn't get ahold of him last night, his phone was turned off.

Kaiser Bob
05-12-2004, 03:18 PM
I lived with KB. He was my Fiance. Biggest mistake of my life. He does not pay people back in fact you are talking about losing 600 dollars, that boy owes me over $15,000 dollars. I'm never seeing that money. KB makes excuses about not having the money to ship things, and pay people back because of police and getting evicted. Bull.....it's all his fault cause he decided to stop going to work for no reason, and he sleeps all day. Thus the reason I left him. C-Phil.....KB told me HE was taking care of that money that was Owed to Gold Dragon, because HE MADE me write that check. SO him blaming that on me is pretty low in my books.........I know you all don't know me that well, but he has ruined my life, and if you involve him in yours he will drag you down.

He has one excuse after the other, and never follows through. I'm still in contact with him to make sure he dosen't screw up anything else in my life, so if anyone needs anything from me I"m more then happy to help you beat down his door.....I know his family so I can get them on him. This whole thing is so low, and I am so sorry for what he has done to all his friends from AO.

Me owing you 15,000 is less then accurate, it takes 2 to tango and we both spent money on things we wanted irresponsibly. I owe phil for gold dragon, fine, I actually did think you took care of it already and i just owed you, whatever. I love how understanding you try to be on the phone to then come on here and bash me when you know I dont get to get on here often anymore. Anyway update is im still working to straighten everything out, no mommy or daddy to help out on this one so its taking time, thats all I can really say. I look forward to when I can just look back thoughtfully at this incident in the past as a lesson learned about life.

PS- Call the police and get me arrested if you feel thats the justice thats required. You'll get restitution that way, but if you are looking to that to get what's yours faster, I fail to see how me being in jail is going to accomplish that over me just working my *** off.

05-12-2004, 03:29 PM
"I fail to see how me being in jail is going to accomplish that over me just working my *** off."

At least you wont be able to f*** up anymore deals when your in jail.

Honestly with this I cant see how anybody can have sympathy of any kind for KB, he screwed up royally, has BEEN screwing up royally, and the person's he has screwed over(thermus) should get MORE than he has been waiting for IMHO.

I dont know, its just people like this should seek help. Maybe you should go back and live with your parents KB :( .

Kaiser Bob
05-12-2004, 03:39 PM
"I fail to see how me being in jail is going to accomplish that over me just working my *** off."

At least you wont be able to f*** up anymore deals when your in jail.

Honestly with this I cant see how anybody can have sympathy of any kind for KB, he screwed up royally, has BEEN screwing up royally, and the person's he has screwed over(thermus) should get MORE than he has been waiting for IMHO.

I dont know, its just people like this should seek help. Maybe you should go back and live with your parents KB :( .

Exactly what deals I would be making at this point is beyond me... And I have not asked for sympathy regarding my situation.

05-12-2004, 04:09 PM
Seeing you in jail wouldn't make feel the least bit better about the situation. I would love it if get no outside forces became invovled, but if I don't get what I am owed from you soon, I think I may have to. Its been a month and a half, and I haven't gotten any sign that my money will be returned to me, except for your word. From what I see, your reputation when it comes to paying people back isn't very good, so I am naturally worried.

Moon Shadow
05-12-2004, 05:06 PM
whatever KB, I am trying to be understanding. I've been more then understanding.....and after all the **** I"ve been though most people can't even believe that I'm civil to you. I understand you don't have it easy right now, but it's your fault. When you choose to do nothing then that is when you are responible.....sleeping all day and not dealing with things is not the way to do stuff. Maybe the guys on here are right, maybe you do need some help.

And to add to me posting on here, I could have cared less if you saw it. You need to know the reality of what you do. Alot of people have stuck up for you and you have let them all down more then once. Good people are hard to find, and you have taken advantage of them.

So i know you blame stuff on me too......but this is life, and it's what you gotta face. I got handed crap, and now i'm dealing with it. You don't see me making raw deals, and not talking to the people.

05-12-2004, 05:12 PM
I know people get on hard times. I also know its a pain to get back out when you find yourself at that point.
It appears from what has been written here and what KB hasn't denied , is that there is a problem that has been building up and ongoing for quite some time. Time enough for this person to have been warned they were travelling down the wrong road. Time enough for many people to have been hurt or cheated. I mean , when you are convincing a girlfriend to pass a bad check to play paintball , that alone should send up multiple red flags to any person with a shred of decency.
KB has made multiple apologies , and empty promises. Maybe he is a great guy or has been a great guy. But I have this feeling that KB is a slave to something,and there is a saying that goes:
"Never trust a junkie."
I don't know what he hooked on , and very possibly not drugs. But I think the best thing for KB is to serve some time in jail and get some help. I know that sounds mixed up, but getting some good quality down time for doing the things he has done may be the best thing. I don't see anyone getting compensation out of this , but doing some time in jail may turn his life around. Give him some time to think about how he let himself get in this position.

Thermus and others.....call the cops.

Kaiser Bob
05-12-2004, 05:18 PM
whatever KB, I am trying to be understanding. I've been more then understanding.....and after all the **** I"ve been though most people can't even believe that I'm civil to you. I understand you don't have it easy right now, but it's your fault. When you choose to do nothing then that is when you are responible.....sleeping all day and not dealing with things is not the way to do stuff. Maybe the guys on here are right, maybe you do need some help.

And to add to me posting on here, I could have cared less if you saw it. You need to know the reality of what you do. Alot of people have stuck up for you and you have let them all down more then once. Good people are hard to find, and you have taken advantage of them.

So i know you blame stuff on me too......but this is life, and it's what you gotta face. I got handed crap, and now i'm dealing with it. You don't see me making raw deals, and not talking to the people.

All I have been doing since my first reply on this thread is constant hard work toward resolving my issues... you clearly dont know whats going on to say that Im making raw deals and avoiding people to bring this to a suitable end.

PS- Saying you took care of the Gold Dragon thing was an honest mistake and I dont have a problem taking responsibility for it, nor have I attempt to shirk responsibility for the other things Ive done

05-12-2004, 05:43 PM
lets not turn into a flamer thread.....

05-12-2004, 05:47 PM
Jerry Jerry Jerry!!!

05-12-2004, 06:00 PM

I like you, i really do. I think you're a good guy and I have fun hanging out with you.

That being said, if I was in the shoes of Thermus I'd have you in jail by now. I take obligations and contracts very very seriously. You are extremely fortunate to be dealing with people like him and not people like me.

I hope when you do finally make good to him you also compensate him for lost time.

Kaiser Bob
05-12-2004, 06:16 PM

I like you, i really do. I think you're a good guy and I have fun hanging out with you.

That being said, if I was in the shoes of Thermus I'd have you in jail by now. I take obligations and contracts very very seriously. You are extremely fortunate to be dealing with people like him and not people like me.

I hope when you do finally make good to him you also compensate him for lost time.

I understand and respect you point of view on the matter. I am willing to compensate him for lost time if thats what he would like and we can agree on something.

05-12-2004, 06:24 PM
Well all I can say is I hope you were able to ship the tank today like you said. I've actually been waiting since the end of Feb. similar to thermus. My optimism and patience will go downhill soon.

05-12-2004, 06:37 PM
This is sad KB. It is time to poop or get off the pot. Ship the X to CPhilip for liquidation. You need to start paying these debts to individuals before they become a debt to society (criminal charges: Wire Fraud, Theft by Deception, etc...)

05-12-2004, 06:39 PM
From how thermus has responded so far i think hed be happy w/o paying "late fees". Just get cp the gun and let it go from there. Thermus appears to be a nice guy but everyone has a breaking point and id get this over with before he got to his.

Kaiser Bob
05-12-2004, 07:13 PM
This is sad KB. It is time to poop or get off the pot. Ship the X to CPhilip for liquidation. You need to start paying these debts to individuals before they become a debt to society (criminal charges: Wire Fraud, Theft by Deception, etc...)

If it were so simple that all i had to do was send phil my xmag, i would be ecstatic. I believe i did mention that its being held by another party for another matter which i wont bother to disclose here as its inconsequential. I didnt realize that was an option though. If sending phil my xmag would lead to all things being square then Im glad to know about this new course of action and I can work towards paying to get it back as opposed to paying everyone piecemeal as the money trickles in.

05-12-2004, 08:10 PM
My Xmag is being held on that matter it is not sold, but I was serious when I said to Thermus that I would gladly give it to him if it would make him feel better about the matter.

So wait, you can't sell the X-mag now? Yet you were holding it for him? Huh?

05-12-2004, 08:21 PM
So wait, you can't sell the X-mag now? Yet you were holding it for him? Huh?

No, I think he used it as collateral to bail someone out of jail. That was what he said earlier at least.

05-12-2004, 08:21 PM
Mango, your readin what he said wrong. He gave up the Xmag to pay for whatever he had to, and it is being held until he pays it off. He said in a PM that the amount of money he needs to get it out of the place it is being held is similar to the amount he owes me, so the Xmag is not in a position where he could send it off.

I think KB and I may have come to an agreement about it. 200 dollars a month until it is paid off. I just hope this works out.

05-12-2004, 08:51 PM

why are we dragging AO as a whole into this high school drama.....

somebody please for the sake of AO close this dam thread!

05-12-2004, 09:27 PM
I just talked to him on the phone, he said he is going to try and get his Xmag back so he can send it to whoever can sell it and pass out the money.

And as for closing this thread, I would rather is stay open until its resolved. Call it high school drama if you want, but if your money was invovled I am sure you would think differently.

05-12-2004, 09:36 PM
....Im glad to know about this new course of action.....

DUDE, I offered that option like two pages ago! There is nothing new about it. It sounds like you've been paying back debt with debt and never getting ahead. You're probably so deep in the poo you don't even know where to start....I hope thermus will get his money back eventually.....

05-12-2004, 09:40 PM
I just talked to him on the phone, he said he is going to try and get his Xmag back so he can send it to whoever can sell it and pass out the money.

And as for closing this thread, I would rather is stay open until its resolved. Call it high school drama if you want, but if your money was invovled I am sure you would think differently.

It doesnt belong in talk, period. we have almost 20k members, not to mention lurkers. Move this thread to trader feedback.

This kind of crap makes AO look so bad.

05-12-2004, 09:45 PM
Whatever man. I posted it here because I knew the attention it would get here would be greater than if I posted it in Feedback. If it really needs to be moved now, the fine.

From what I can gather, he owes:

640: To me
400: Muzikman
200: cphilip, or the field the check bounced at

Thats a total or 1240 dollars. Is the X Mag going to sell for that much?

05-12-2004, 09:56 PM
"It doesnt belong in talk, period. we have almost 20k members, not to mention lurkers. Move this thread to trader feedback.

This kind of crap makes AO look so bad."

Like Thermus said, if your money was on the line, you'd be here complaining your *** off. I dont care which forum it was, as long as it was the most populated one, I'd make sure this is known to as many as possible. This doesnt make AO look bad at all, your just ignorant.

05-12-2004, 10:07 PM
Whatever man. I posted it here because I knew the attention it would get here would be greater than if I posted it in Feedback. If it really needs to be moved now, the fine.

From what I can gather, he owes:

640: To me
400: Muzikman
200: cphilip, or the field the check bounced at

Thats a total or 1240 dollars. Is the X Mag going to sell for that much?

Add to that his Dynaflow tank or $220 to me from the end of Febuary. Last I was told he still owned it and was going to ship today...

Load SM5
05-12-2004, 10:15 PM
Eventually I will move it to feed back. But in this case, and because he was a long respected member here and is using that fact to scam people I feel it MUST be front page news for a while. I hate it but thats what its come to.

Here is why it's in main.

As far as making AO look bad, I don't see how. Only one member is'nt looking too good here.

05-12-2004, 10:27 PM
i browse this forum everyday, but i don't post much.

but from an almost 'outside' point of view, i assure all of you, that this does not, in any way, make AO look bad...at least to someone intelligent enough to read all the posts to see what's going on.

this has no effect to me on Airgun Designs as a company or their markers, etc.

it's a community of people using the guns, and apparently one guy has some issues.

no big deal leaving this thread open on this forum.

as for the issue with KB or whatever, i think the smartest thing to do is set a timeframe. you can't sit there and say "200 every month" for every month you wait. that's ridiculous. you call him and you ask him exactly how long it's going to take. i'm sure he can figure out how much he makes a day working, how many days it will take to make enough money to get his x-mag back (after spending some of said money to pay for food/shelter), and then exactly 1 week after that, if he doesn't come up with the x-mag, you get the authorities involved.

you have to set a due date. if not, you never know if he's just spending some of the money on something else. just gives him a little incentive to make sure he gets his priorities straight.

05-12-2004, 10:51 PM
I think contacting the police may be a good way to jump start the process of having the money make its way back to the people that it came from. I know if I was told to pay some money or they would be contacting the police, I would be pawning everything I have to get the money for them. It may not do much putting him in jail but Im sure it wont look good when someone looks back and sees that you went to jail because you were ripping people off via the internet or any other way.

05-13-2004, 06:11 AM
This kind of crap makes AO look so bad.

To the contrary, it makes us look good. No community of 20,000 people has all angels. We have a member that went astray and we as a community are trying to assist a complete stranger in a matter invlving the astray member.

That's a good thing, not a bad thing.

Kaiser Bob
05-13-2004, 09:33 AM
To the contrary, it makes us look good. No community of 20,000 people has all angels. We have a member that went astray and we as a community are trying to assist a complete stranger in a matter invlving the astray member.

That's a good thing, not a bad thing.

Agreed. For the most part, the community of AO is shining through to help out someone who's not in the fold, and make it clear that it dosen't matter who you are, what's right is right.

Anyway, I am optimistic that this will be resolved with everyone getting whats theirs soon, and Im working to make sure that gets done before another month rolls around. With that, theres nothing more for me to say in this thread so im done.

05-13-2004, 10:04 AM
If KB does what he tells me he is trying to do then we will have a settlement in about a month. If this goes through we will have an Auction. For an X Mag, a Flatline and a Scepter on his behalf and the proceeds will go to those owed money. In hopes of returning full funding to each person owed. If not at least close. Those of you will be offered a settlement at the end depending on the total achieved and depending on the level of money owed. He will provide me with a list of those he owes money to based on items not delivered. I do not at this point know what that total is. But if we can get you at least 80 or 90 cents on the dollar and hopefully even full amount you will be expected to consider that offer. If you accept it then its settled. If not them that portion goes back to him to deal with you directly. Lets hope it brings enough to cover it 100% but I hope you will consider whatever that offer is carefully when its communicated to you. We just have to wait and see. Assuming he does what he is planning. If this is acceptable it will proceed when KB contacts me and the goods will be Auctioned off here on AO. More later.

05-13-2004, 02:27 PM
If I only get 80-90 cents per dollar, I expect the rest to come to me at a later date from him directly. It would be great if this one thing resolved the whole money issue for everyone, but if it doesn't, then the situation isn't over (for me anyway).

05-20-2004, 05:11 PM
Well the tank (Dynaflow) from Kaiser Bob did indeed arrive today and had everything he said it would. After the first four/five weeks of waiting when still in 'good standing' I asked if it came with anything so I could order the rest if it didn't. At that point he added in the cover, and it arrived with a dust cover nipple cap too.
Its in great shape and I would be very surprized if it didn't function correctly. UPS of course did their best to mangle the box in only two days.

I'm sure this was the easiest to resolve as he just had to ship it as far as I know, but its a step in the right direction. Keep at it KB. You'll get there.

05-20-2004, 05:28 PM
Good to see some hard evidence that he is working on things.

05-20-2004, 09:15 PM
Is it Rusty Chainsaw time yet?

I so love the Rusty Chainsaw

05-21-2004, 12:11 AM
Is it Rusty Chainsaw time yet?

I so love the Rusty Chainsaw


05-21-2004, 01:39 AM
ok i read the whole thread man that was one bad trip..any how im going to post my opinion on here only cuz i think it may be helpful.. having KB arrested will not get you your money back quickly.. but it he does not follow through with this then you need to do that.. that alone will set the grounds for a civil lawsuit and the fact that he went to jail for theft will make the verdict in the civil suite so much more of a sure thing.. now the only court that should go to would be small claims and avoid using lawyers as much as possible or include legal fees in the claim.. now for 15000 that is a grand theift case and a lawsuit is suggested.. bye going through courts you insure that everything gets paid or he does another night in jail..one of my favorite tricks is when they make bail the same as owed then give the bail money to the one it is owed to..now even if KB doesnt have alot of money it sounds like he has a car and that will get enough to get the ball rolling.. courts can issue citation to impound vehicles then give it to the one who is owed(my mom did it to my dad with his old truck)

this is an ugly scenario but it will force some more immediate results in my opinion.. and also arbatry judges ie judge judy work well as they eat legal fees and even pay the debt and have the losing party pay to them instead.

05-21-2004, 07:56 AM
courts can issue citation to impound vehicles then give it to the one who is owed(my mom did it to my dad with his old truck)

Not to peen on your parade, but in TX they can't (KB lives in TX). Your "house and carriage" cannot be taken from you.

05-21-2004, 08:12 AM
If I only get 80-90 cents per dollar, I expect the rest to come to me at a later date from him directly. It would be great if this one thing resolved the whole money issue for everyone, but if it doesn't, then the situation isn't over (for me anyway).

amen to that, if it was me 80-90% is a great start, but it aint over by far.

good luck to everyone involved

Mr. Frodo
05-21-2004, 09:51 AM
Not to peen on your parade, but in TX they can't (KB lives in TX). Your "house and carriage" cannot be taken from you.

I love Texas!... You're right about the that. However, the government can take away your house if you don't pay the property tax. I don;t know if that applies to car, though.

05-21-2004, 10:01 AM
I love Texas!... You're right about the that. However, the government can take away your house if you don't pay the property tax. I don;t know if that applies to car, though.

Nope! The government can put a lien on your house for past tax dues that you would have to pay if you decided to sell it, but they can't take away your house. And it doesn't apply to cars at all. You can be fined for not paying your car registration and you can have a warrant against you for not paying the ticket and you can be put in jail for that, but they will not take away your car.

Mr. Frodo
05-21-2004, 11:07 AM
Nope! The government can put a lien on your house for past tax dues that you would have to pay if you decided to sell it, but they can't take away your house. And it doesn't apply to cars at all. You can be fined for not paying your car registration and you can have a warrant against you for not paying the ticket and you can be put in jail for that, but they will not take away your car.

I'm liking Texas even more! But there's one thing that doesn't make sense. If you owned your house, meaning that it's paid off, then how can anyone put a lien against it?

05-21-2004, 02:53 PM
I read this whole 5 page thread and the thing I dont understand is this. Where is the A4? KB talked about an X mag but I never saw any mention of the A4.

It seems to me that he got the paypal and never had any intention of sending the marker as he said he would.

People fall on hard times, but the hard times are the measure of a man, not how he is when things are good.

So KB step up to the plate and do the right thing, sounds to me like you need to get a grip on your life.

I think this is a case where he has stolen the money, and now that he is caught is trying to get out of it.
A bounced check is bad. That is the one thing I see here thats is criminal. All Jack at Gold Dragon hasto do is file the charges and boom The ex will be in big trouble.
So if its her that wrote the check she needs to make it good and deal with him later.

But this is only my 2 cents worth

05-21-2004, 03:12 PM
If you owned your house, meaning that it's paid off, then how can anyone put a lien against it?

Oh it's easy! It just goes straight onto your deed! No magic there!

07-05-2004, 11:00 PM
Sorry to bumpo this up, but has anybody heard from him recently? I haven't called him in a while... I always remember to call when its too late at night, and I am leaving for SoCal tommorow morning. I guess I can try to call while I am there. Any updates would be great. If there are none, just let this die down.

07-05-2004, 11:04 PM
Wow, still havent gotten it yet? I would say you might want to start thinking about taking legal action.

07-05-2004, 11:08 PM
Its been way over due I say just get the po poes mentioned and then let things fall into place.

07-05-2004, 11:14 PM
Yeah, I keep saying "I'll call him tonight," and then I go out and don't get in until late. If I don't hear good news during the next conversation, thats when I will get my parents to contact their lawyer.

07-05-2004, 11:25 PM
I have not talked to him, but he comes online some times...I see him pop up in AIM.

07-05-2004, 11:25 PM
Hey platinumjason your sig messes the fourms up and puts lines on the side. Could you or someone else fix it, it hurts my eyes.

07-06-2004, 09:45 AM
A couple of weeks back he PM'd me. To tell me he thought he would have the marker back soon and then would send it to me to auction off here on AO. We exchanged a few details and such. But since then I have heard no more news from him about it.

07-06-2004, 10:49 AM
Hey platinumjason your sig messes the fourms up and puts lines on the side. Could you or someone else fix it, it hurts my eyes.

Thats not from me, it does it as the post go further down.

Change your signature or I am going to remove it for good - cphilip

07-06-2004, 11:32 AM
it is from you.

after each time you post, the rest of the page is pushed farther to the right. As well, I just put you on my ignore list and it all went away.

Make sure you have closed all the html and vb tags in your sig.

07-06-2004, 12:11 PM
Thats not from me, it does it as the post go further down.

It's you....put a /table at the end of your sig.