View Full Version : Team Name; Problems?

04-25-2004, 04:38 PM
Ok, my friend and I are wanting to start a 5-Man Canadian team, and we are thinking of the name 'Automag Revolt or 'Mag Revolt', (ANyone have some good ideas?) Would we be in trouble for using the name 'Automag' ?

Oh yea, was at PETS 2 today. our team maxxed the first game, got 90 the second, then got 0's across the board :cool: :( :cool: First tourney, so I guess its not... terrible..

04-25-2004, 11:20 PM
i like mag revolt, but it sounds kind of like you are trying to convey that mag are revolting, which they aren't. what about Mag's Rvolution, no, i don't like it, oh well, sounds good. and congrats on your first two games.

04-26-2004, 07:36 AM
Mag, Automag, etc are fine,and are quite allowed to be in any teamname really...

AGD, Factory Team, etc...however are NOT...

Creative Mayhem
04-26-2004, 07:52 AM
Ok, my friend and I are wanting to start a 5-Man Canadian team, and we are thinking of the name 'Automag Revolt or 'Mag Revolt', (ANyone have some good ideas?) Would we be in trouble for using the name 'Automag' ?

Oh yea, was at PETS 2 today. our team maxxed the first game, got 90 the second, then got 0's across the board :cool: :( :cool: First tourney, so I guess its not... terrible..

Those names will work. Mag Revolution works as well. Like Code said, no AGD or Factory Team in the title..

2 questions though... 1) The link to your gun is not a mag ;) do you own one? It sounds like you are trying to covey that your team is a Mag team. Just FYI

2) Just curious, you didn't hapen to play a team called Reservoir Dogs yesterday did you? If so that was my first team way back in the day... The captain of that team was on the original squad with me.

Congrats on making it through your first tourney... and with a couple good games. We didnt have that luck our first time out... :D

04-26-2004, 01:43 PM
Heres a tip, take an existing word and spell it wrong, here are some examples

1. limoZeen
2. Lazor
3. Big Nife

eh, eh

04-26-2004, 01:50 PM
another homestar fan, I see :p

I definitely think that just "REvolution" or "REvolt" are cool names...

Or, perhaps, you could go with something manly, like, "The Pink Unicorn Squad"


04-26-2004, 03:18 PM
Thanks guys. Yes, I know that link pointed to the imp I was going to get, but Im staying with the mag :)

Also, we were young guns, so no, we didnt play res dogs.

We've settled on 'Rapture', and our mascot is the almighty manatee :D