View Full Version : Design HELP...Building Custom GUN

04-25-2004, 05:15 PM
I am designing a custom gun for school project and I need to know what the cheapest valve, bolt, and body assembly i can use to make this. I will be probably need 4 of everything. It's going to be a gatling gun style and we will be designing the system so we want to buy as many parts as possible with out having to machine it. We need it to hook straight up to an hpa tank and we need the bolt, valve, and body to work alone. We will design a sear and custom trigger, also we have our own barrels, we just need to design a loading system and a rotating shaft assembly and design to work with our gun.

04-25-2004, 05:18 PM
Just to be clear go to this thread
and look at the valve assembly. We need everything that is working in that picture except for the trigger frame.
Our whole idea is based on that kind of concept...if there is a cheap way to do this...it does not have to be an automag...it can be any company as long as we can buy the assembly. We are only college students and we have a limited budget...and also there is a deadline so we have to be able to get these parts asap.

Target Practice
04-25-2004, 07:26 PM

Cool, another AOer from SLO. If I were you, I would go with the internals for a Tippman Model 98 Custom. Those are the simplest (and cheapest) ones to work with. It is a good base to make an experimental marker out of. I have two of 'em and they are no big deal. Here is a link that shows all of the parts: http://www.tippmann.com/support/98customparts.asp. Hope this helps.


btw, are you at Cuesta or Poly?

04-25-2004, 07:33 PM
good call i would go with the 98 as well for it is cheap and durrable. plus every newbie will probably seel it for 80 to 90 dollars a peice.
good luck on your project.

04-25-2004, 09:09 PM
yea...i'm at poly right now....and as far as the tippmann goes...can i just buy the valve assembly, bolt, and body
no trigger no barrel none of the extra stuff....just what it needs to shoot

04-25-2004, 09:16 PM
prolly not, but you might be able to sell some of it to regain your investment

04-25-2004, 09:47 PM
I was looking at the tippman schematics and I noticed that the body around the valve and the bolt also includes the trigger grip. I need something like a mag body which is just a straight tube design where the trigger frame is added after the fact...is automag the only gun like that or can i find another one. I don't really want to cut the 98 frame apart and throw away the grip area. If i do go with mag....what is the cheapest old style body and old style valve I can find.

04-25-2004, 10:02 PM
old stock classic valve with a lvl 7 bolt. can run you about 50$ and a powerfeed body since every1 is getting ule bodies u may be able to get one for really cheap. check miscellanious(sp?) forum.

04-25-2004, 10:58 PM
you can use one valve assembly, a classic mag valve would be perfect since it is self contained. Then the trick is timing the barrels to the firing order


Target Practice
04-25-2004, 10:59 PM
The reason I said a M98 is that I thought you could build a body with relative ease. You could make a simple trigger system for it as well. If you wanted to by four of them, they are cheap.

04-25-2004, 11:17 PM
cool...yea...i'll search the forums...so it'll be either a classic automag body...or get some cheap tippmanns...either way I'll have to end up in the machine shop.