View Full Version : that bushy is a McFrigging machine gun!! (vid)

04-25-2004, 07:57 PM
Holy crap, that bushy is a McFrigging machine gun!!
the titles from little paintball boy

heres the vid for those who havent seen it

i know its an otb trigger, pretty sure stock bolt, 15* i couldnt see the reg or the barrel well enough...

i really want to know about this vid, what was the trigger weight and pull

and what was the eye delay set at....

04-25-2004, 08:14 PM
OMFG, that's unbeleivable! You sure that isn't bounce all over the place?

The reg looks like the stock reg, and the barrel looks like a freak I think.

04-25-2004, 08:23 PM
i bet that has the new chaos board that is similar to WAS in shooting speeds, but that is almost past WAS.

04-25-2004, 08:26 PM
i dont know much about the settings it was on..
yeah about the new chaos board, the blasterMAX...i may be..the only large difference about it and the chaos chip is that the blaster will be more sensitive...

it didnt need a faster ROF

but i had origanally posted in a thread about the b2k on here...and thought, more ppl need to see this...
maybe we should alert them about it and they can party with us...

04-25-2004, 08:33 PM
no bounce? yea right. It seems like the led gets dim as it fires.... can we see one with paint?

04-25-2004, 08:35 PM
that video is a few months old atleast

its the chaos chip in a 2k3 bushy - i think it topped out at either 22 or 23 CPS in that video

Goldie D Pimp
04-25-2004, 08:36 PM
The chaos actually has a lot more settings than the blastermax and is preferred among most people.

You can see more vids of the chaos board at


04-25-2004, 08:38 PM
its not my marker...
you will have to talk to off the break about it
im sure they will show one withpaint..
i also said i dont know what the bounce is or any other settings..you will have to talk to the people at off the break
if you want me too i will, i was planning on gettings the settings, but ill just go up a level and get one with paint too

only bad thing about that is the bolt...i believe its stock

or just crap..

i also wonder why they dont use their bolt that will bend when pushed on paintballs...

04-25-2004, 08:40 PM
That was impressive. I've got a good friend who is seriously considering purchasing a marker. His requirements are that it be capable of firing 15 bps, be fairly easy to maintain, not chop much paint, and be at or under the $500 mark. I was thinking about finding him a nice used vision Impulse, but after seeing that, maybe I should find him a nice used Bushy and upgrade it a bit. I had no idea a Bushy could run that fast. Has to be a ton of bounce...

04-25-2004, 08:47 PM
yeah...i want to know the settings & ups on that one

all i know is that its Off The Breaks company b2k

they made the grip and i found out when the vid was made, so they couldnt of had their new squishy bolt in there (it may surpase the lv10 sry agd...trully am but look at the thing, it bends when lightlypushed on a fragile paintball)
you can do that to a bko..well you can up a 04 bko to do that...
when i get the stats (hopefully tomarow which for the week i will be at work while room mates kids in school, i took time off for him and spring break)

any questions i will try to answer...

maybe we can invite the people from Off The Break and let them in on our cocker/mag party...

EDIT: if your friend wants something new and cheeeeaaap a 04 bko is only like 300 at PBfantatics.com it also has other great ups for icd markers

04-25-2004, 09:14 PM
yea i dont know if u can do it on a bushy but there is a turbo mode where if u pul and release the trigger in less than like .25 of a second it shoots twice maybe thats wut it was

04-25-2004, 09:18 PM
Who cares? A marker without paint is about as good as a gun without bullets. Cycle time is worthless, bps is all that counts.

04-25-2004, 09:25 PM
enough said:

04-25-2004, 09:40 PM
I am Kai the Owner of the Bushmaster

If you want more info on its specs see the original thread when I posted this on paintball nation:


There is also a Video with paint. I Baked cookies...I assure you my gun is No Blender... Think what you wish, but my video proves otherwise...

04-25-2004, 10:19 PM
i bet that has the new chaos board that is similar to WAS in shooting speeds, but that is almost past WAS.

theres no such thing as "past WAS" considering WAS has no max BPS, it is only limited by the gun its in. chaos is the same however. its just how fast you can pull the trigger/trigger bounce/gun set up.

04-26-2004, 05:44 AM
well before im out to work...may i aks the settings you had...like how far did you adjust your trigger

and may i ask what chips in there...

and kai...can we have a list of ups youve gotten

04-26-2004, 06:19 AM
Why does everyone crap their pants when someone makes a video of them shooting paint on debounce 1? If I still had my WAS 2.6 Lasoya I could have shown you guys 24 bps if you wanted. The truth is, with adjustable debounce, ANYONE can shoot that fast.

04-26-2004, 10:22 AM
Who cares? A marker without paint is about as good as a gun without bullets. Cycle time is worthless, bps is all that counts.


The faster a marker can cycle, the easier it is to shoot it to it's max. It's like trying to drive a Honda Civic and a WRX. Both can reach 100mph; however, the WRX is going to be able to do it faster and more reliably.

Also, I'd be wary of labeling a Bushy as a "blender." Mags used to be called blenders, and we all know that's just a rumor.

04-26-2004, 03:34 PM
well...thats probably not a blender...he would have to have a halo on it...which is force feed...and i dont believe that a halo is going to be having prblems with blowback...it looks like it could be a stock bolt...but i dont know...

all together, i just thought it was sorta a cool vid...i mean...weve seen angels, timmies, mags(the hAir trigger) all cycle that fast
but ive never seen anything other than the freestyle do that
i just thought other people would like it too...and it could stop alot of rumors about icd markers (other than the freestyle, and the rumor is about them not being able to keep up with other guns, havent heard it here but ive heard it..that and there super blenders)...

04-26-2004, 04:46 PM

The faster a marker can cycle, the easier it is to shoot it to it's max. It's like trying to drive a Honda Civic and a WRX. Both can reach 100mph; however, the WRX is going to be able to do it faster and more reliably.

I disagree. I remember there being a video of a Viking bouncing at a rediculously stupid speed... what did that prove? Not much. Cycling is just that... moving the bolt back and forth. There's no way to determine the bolt was all the way back or forward, it doesn't take into account loading time, or even shootdown. I don't care if the marker can do 60cps... it just doesn't matter when it can't hold it's own with the competition because it gets mad shootdown.

Another example... take the sear out of a Spyder and watch it cycle 40+ cps... does that mean that it'll be able to reach a high rof with paint? No.

04-26-2004, 05:31 PM
I usually don't buy into the CPS hype, but this is something that just makes sense. If marker A can cycle 30 times per second, and marker B can cycle 60 times per second, marker B is going to have an easier and more reliable time reaching high rates of fire because the marker is faster.

Perhaps the best example can be found in autocockers. The older back-blocks are heavy enough that they can restrict a user from hitting high rates of fire reliably, which is what spurned the new SLIK backblock. With the lightened back block, it's easier to reach high rates of fire.

I'm not trying to start any arguments here, just pointing it out.

04-26-2004, 05:44 PM
the bushy was on debounce 1 from what i remeber. and no, it does not blend with PDS on along with the chaos board. I believe there's a video of him shooting balls . .. . in his bedroom.


download, then rename the file with .wmv at the end

04-26-2004, 06:53 PM
I usually don't buy into the CPS hype, but this is something that just makes sense. If marker A can cycle 30 times per second, and marker B can cycle 60 times per second, marker B is going to have an easier and more reliable time reaching high rates of fire because the marker is faster.

OK... now what if marker B starts coughing and gets mad shootdown at 15bps, but marker A can do 20. Let me put it this way. Again, I'll refer to the Viking video that was bouncing like mad... many people said it was around 40cps... not sure if that's true, but for the sake of arguement, we'll say it's doing 40cps. Now, I have a really good feeling it's not going to do well at 30bps when shootdown if factored in.

Now, look at mags. Z-Man put 2200psi into his E/X-Mag and went nuts with the reactive trigger and hit about 30-35cps. Less than the Viking, yet mags *can* shoot that fast without shootdown.

Again, there's nothing that even says what a cycle is. A cycle is *supposed* to basically be firing the marker without the loading time, yet still full motion of the bolt / ram as normal. This isn't always the case though. A company could say "Our marker does 50cps!"... but in 15 of those cycles the bolt doesn't even clear the breach completely... Like I said... Spyders can rattle off 40+cps without a sear... yet they may not be the easiest to get high bps on. CPS generally doesn't mean much.

04-26-2004, 07:12 PM
i just know...
with the one video with paint, well kai86 wasnt going as fast, but he ripped...and it was in his bedroom, which made it neat...

it is probably one of the fastest bushys out there...that actually may be what they maxed at...i mean, with all the weight gravity puts on the bolt it will slow down...dramaticly...

also the 60 cps isnt gonna be more reliably...it will have more bolt wear...which will result in blow back (from a icd marker) again..which sucks..

60 cps will also not be as reliable because guess what...it wouldnt be able to handle that...youd have velocity fluxation problems...also...itd be junk unless you have the fingers for it

04-27-2004, 06:07 PM
"The faster a marker can cycle, the easier it is to shoot it to it's max."

This is incorrect, becuase it doesn't take into account shoot-down. Who care if you can hit 30 cps if balls are going to be rolling out of the barrel. CPS is as worthless as teets on a bull.

04-27-2004, 07:28 PM
i have a vid with paint but its hard to post it...

he shot it in his room into his hamper, first shot hit the fish tank though

i will try my best to get it up tommara afternoon...

it looks as if its not as fast but hey

05-05-2004, 12:44 AM
it looks as if its not as fast but hey
Its not, It can only shoot as fast as the halo loads

05-05-2004, 01:47 AM
I usually don't buy into the CPS hype, but this is something that just makes sense. If marker A can cycle 30 times per second, and marker B can cycle 60 times per second, marker B is going to have an easier and more reliable time reaching high rates of fire because the marker is faster.

Perhaps the best example can be found in autocockers. The older back-blocks are heavy enough that they can restrict a user from hitting high rates of fire reliably, which is what spurned the new SLIK backblock. With the lightened back block, it's easier to reach high rates of fire.

I'm not trying to start any arguments here, just pointing it out.

no. sorry but i own a 98 autococker with a stock trigger. i do have a double but i just dont feel like putting it on yet. i can hit damn high pushing paint without the break, the only problem with a cocker is short stroking it and it will break a ball. you can see a semi stock cocker shot here yes this is also the same mag one but its got me shooting a cocker pretty darn fast
