View Full Version : speed collar+warp=stripped emag screws?

04-26-2004, 02:42 PM
i recently recieved a jt speed collar and some pods. i want to put this on my warped emag. but i am worried that the jamming of the pods into the collar will put too much pressure on the 2 screws from the warp bracket and will either bend the bracket or strip the screws from the bottom of my emag. neone with experience or thoughts please post.

04-26-2004, 08:36 PM
up, i need this info.i dont wanna kill my screws
...ps if nothing else respect the newfound 100 posts. i'll have to refrain from posting for a while so this remains relevant...please up it a few times you only reach 100 once...go AO...

04-27-2004, 10:17 AM
OK, couple of things - first, you will NOT bend the bracket. Regarding the screws - you need to make sure that they go AT LEAST 5 turns into the bottom of the marker. Take the grip off and watch things, and mount the bracket alone first. The trick is to insure that the screws are long enough to use ALL of the threads available, but not to come out the other side and push against the LED display - bending or breaking it. 5 turns should be enough. Anything less then 4 and you're running a risk and need to get off the 5 dollars for the correct length screws.

OK, now onto the second issue. Before mounting it for good (and buying new bottom line screws if needed) put everything together, put on your mask and shoulder the marker - you VERY WELL MAY RIP THE SPEED COLLAR RIGHT BACK OFF. I am on the the few who seems to appreciate the speed collar and made a sizable investment in them and the pods. The problem is that on the warp, the (mucho) excessive height of the collar pushes it right smack into your goggles on the bridge of your nose. It is uncomfortable, annoying, bad for the lens, and altogether a big pain and disapointment.

I think the speed pods were a GREAT idea at the time, but in the day of no-rise loaders they are just way too tall for the top of the marker anymore, and IMHO just don't work on the warp due to clearance issues with the mask.

Hope this helps,


04-27-2004, 07:26 PM
thank you very much. i will check that out.

04-27-2004, 07:35 PM
I don't use my emag alot but the only trouble I've had is keeping the hopper tight in the warp feed. There's a link in my sig an you can see my speed collared, warped e-mag!

04-27-2004, 07:36 PM
if you dont want to take any chances with your warp mount then look at one of Pud Budz Warp brackets, they look great and their alot sturdier than the stock one. He has a thread in the Dealer's Forum.

04-27-2004, 10:38 PM
I used the speed collar and warp for a year w/ no problems. I screwed the collar into the Revy (I believe the screws were provided). I rarely left the pod in the collar while firing.