View Full Version : I left agd for a while.. now im back. WHAT HAPPEND

04-26-2004, 09:37 PM
im sorry to say that yes i left agd for a while and strictly used my cocker for a few months.

BUT NOW IM BACK!.. so what happend to the x-mag.. i see that they are not for sale.. but are beinge made by order..
I HAVE THE CASH FOR ONE!.. what happend?

04-26-2004, 09:49 PM
Apparently, the SP thing is holding them back and they were using outdated software, sos they are going to stop making them.

04-26-2004, 09:55 PM
Apparently, the SP thing is holding them back and they were using outdated software, sos they are going to stop making them.

Urm. No.

It was just time to stop... didn't make sense for AGD to continue with it.

04-26-2004, 10:00 PM
BUT THERE MAKING A NEW BATCH... whats the deal.. if they were messed up why are they so sweet when i shot one.. WTF

04-26-2004, 10:00 PM
didnt make sense? well put the SP thing aside AGD had them back orderd out the ACE (<-- not antichopeye) at 1400 a pop thats some money... what else could it be besides fear of sp and wanting to get the new gun going?

04-27-2004, 12:08 AM
why did AGD cut the xmag?
- Production was a hassle. Getting bodies from europe, sending them to anno, 30 at a time, all different annos, getting them back noting that 2-3 are bad. sending those two-three back... it was a *****

- because of all that....NO PROFIT! Yes, $1400 a marker is a lot, but it yielded almost no profit for AGD at the end of the day.

SP had VERY LITTLE to do with their ceasing to make Xs

04-27-2004, 02:06 AM
What is the deal with all this x-mag love? X-mags are just emags with prettier milling and a switch-out breech (do we even really need that?)! Just buy a ULE e-mag (lighter than x's) or a karta or dallara emag (prettier than x's) and it will perform the same and get the same number of looks as an X. JEEZE!

04-27-2004, 08:01 AM
the X is schweeeeet because you get the modular body.


modular body. Therefore running warps, if you like warps, is very easy. Or you can go centre feed. Choice my friend choice. Patented modular one of a kind body. Each X is also hand milled by naked Swedish lesbians. Which is a nice touch.
Did that actually happen..........

*Bolter scratches head*

04-27-2004, 08:04 AM
im sorry to say that yes i left agd for a while and strictly used my cocker for a few months.

BUT NOW IM BACK!.. so what happend to the x-mag.. i see that they are not for sale.. but are beinge made by order..
I HAVE THE CASH FOR ONE!.. what happend?

You left.... Tom said well if he is leaving I am NOT making any more... so its all your fault.
