View Full Version : MacDev Cyborg Video - I made a vid! yay!

04-27-2004, 12:43 AM
Yeah yeah, I made a completely ghetto video :)

Anyhow, this is just a short clip of me bustin' off a few rounds with the Cyborg. The trigger is straight out of the box stock, not bad eh?

P.S. I have fat stubby fingers that suck :(

Video#1 (Recorded @ Pev's Big Game 4/25/04)
http://www.fragtek.com/vids/Cyborg_Vid.wmv - 2mb

Here's another vid... This gun makes me happy, I wish I knew someone that could make it rail so I could make a vid of that hottness!

Video #2 (Posted 5/2/04 1:05AM - Recorded 5/1/04 11:15AM @ Local Location)
http://www.fragtek.com/vids/Cyborg_Vid2.ASF - 2.26mb

BTW, the Big Game @ Pev's was killer!

04-27-2004, 12:58 AM
dont know but it didnt sound like it was ripping that fast. i might be too sleepy to know the diffrence but didnt sound that fast

04-27-2004, 01:43 AM
13.6 bps average with one string of 16 bps.
Not bad for an elec. ;)

04-27-2004, 01:52 AM
Like I said, not too bad for a stock trigger... I am going to shoot a new vid 2morrow with the new trigger adjustments if I get the time.

04-27-2004, 02:00 AM
Oh yeah one more thing, what program are you using to analyze the sound patterns to get bps? I have GoldWave but manually counting peaks in a one second area is weak and not exactly accurate.


04-27-2004, 02:49 AM
Did you get that marker from my friend Bruce/boozshey on pbnation? J/W

He had the same marker and sold it to some dude that I thought had a familar name... or something.

04-27-2004, 08:11 AM
Nice dude. I was able to see that, I'm not sure if you converted it differently. Too bad I missed the big game though, stupid work, but they'll be others.

04-27-2004, 08:52 AM
Rippin'. :P

Major Jam
04-27-2004, 09:37 AM
Bloody fast. ;)


I like this video. :)


04-27-2004, 03:02 PM
i got to fondle one just out of the box, taht is preety impressive speed for the stock trigger, th stock pull was really long, but was light enough, (not half as light as that friggin gun though ;) )

04-27-2004, 03:11 PM
Whats the weight of a cybord and stock inline reg, no barrel?

Do they movies mean anything to anymore? It just seems like all guns shoot fast and nice nowadays, seeing something shoot 16 bps just isnt impressive anymore, atleast for me.

04-27-2004, 04:41 PM
but 16bps LEGALLY and w/o a tuned trigger is ~impressive

Major Ho
04-27-2004, 05:32 PM
Whats the weight of a cybord and stock inline reg, no barrel?

Do they movies mean anything to anymore? It just seems like all guns shoot fast and nice nowadays, seeing something shoot 16 bps just isnt impressive anymore, atleast for me.
Advertised at 1.05kg WITH barrel is 2.314 pounds in silly american measurements

Major Jam
04-30-2004, 11:21 AM

Please post another new video Matt. :)

04-30-2004, 11:31 AM
I will have another vid coming shortly hopefully... I retuned the trigger this morning and rebuilt the whole gun and it seems to be really rockin'. When I get some more air and some more paint i'll definately post the video.

Not exactly sure when I will get the chance to do it however.

*Wishes he knew someone w/ raging fast fingers to really unlock potential of this beast*

16 wasn't bad in my book for the first day of play :) I think it is now ready for the elimination match.

I'm more impressed with it's accuracy than anything else to tell you the truth. In one speedball game alone I was able to tag 2 guys on the tips of there barrels hanging out of their bunkers, and one guy on the tip of his foot, all in the same hopper, the thing is outrageously accurate. I think part of it is due to the uber-nice MatchStick barrel kit that I got with it.

If you are interested in buying a MatchStick kit, you can get them from MacDev direct in Australia, and from Paintball Kingdom here in the states, I believe it's only $100. It's a 5 pc. kit (3 bores, 2 tips). Greatness! Better than my old CP kit (I think a lot of the accuracy has to do with the gun however).

Aight everyone, I'm off to work, let's keep the 'Borg thread alive :D I'll be back to post more vids sometime.

P.S. Major Ho got to play with this gun at the same game that I took the first vid. and he is now saving up to buy one. He originally wanted a Timmy and he said screw Timmah's I want a 'Borg!!! w00t :)

05-01-2004, 08:24 AM
Oh yeah one more thing, what program are you using to analyze the sound patterns to get bps? I have GoldWave but manually counting peaks in a one second area is weak and not exactly accurate.


I would like to know this too.

Also - Fragtek, please hide your sig all but one post per page, makes it slower and longer, and the new format doesn't help. Not trying to flame, just a suggestion

05-01-2004, 08:52 AM
I edited them out just for you :) If you have cache setup on your browser once the image loads once on the page it will load the rest from memory, but I took em out anyhow :D

the electrician
05-01-2004, 09:00 AM
is it just me, or does that look like a tribal? or perhaps a defiant?
how does that gun operate? open bolt, ram/hammer design?

05-01-2004, 09:11 AM
Very nice. The cyborg looks kind of like an Impy/Bushy. Who makes it? LInk?

BTW..That English Video "Bloody Fast" That kid was firing FAST!!!!

Load SM5
05-01-2004, 09:34 AM
The cyborg is MacDev, the accent was probabaly Aussie since MacDev is a Australian company. I got the opportunity to shoot a coupla hopper through a 'borg the other day and it was niiiiiccceee. Despite the trigger being set up to someone else's preference, I could rip some very impressive strings with it and it had no kick whatsoever, so it was easy to keep on target. It was a good bit lighter than my SFL, and a bit taller, but not quite as tall as an Imp. It felt very solid and well put together.

05-01-2004, 09:53 AM
I should be getting mine in early this week, so expect some pics next to various markers (namely, Matrix, 2k1 Angel LCD, Cocker and X-Mag) as well as a vid or two.

And yes, it's an open bolt ram/hammer design. Dual ball detent, break beam eyes.

05-01-2004, 11:35 AM
do some close ups of the gun shooting.
so we can see the paint actually shooting out of the barrel.

also of the thing you're shooting at.
so we can see how long it takes from splat to splat.

just to get a good feel of how fast it really shoots.

05-01-2004, 03:22 PM
im unimpressed.

altho i know nothing about the gun such a price and things, but unles its WAY cheaper than some high end guns....i dont see much potential for this marker

05-01-2004, 04:40 PM
Load you should video you with that cyborg. From what i saw at the chrono box lol you at least got that fast prolly more.

05-01-2004, 05:22 PM
im unimpressed.

altho i know nothing about the gun such a price and things, but unles its WAY cheaper than some high end guns....i dont see much potential for this marker

Price: $980 (USD)
Efficiency: ~2000 shots per 68/4500
Weight: 2lbs 3oz with barrel and reg
Eyes: Breakbeam

The kick has been refered to as "Matrix-like"

I dunno about you, but sounds to me like a winner to me. What does do other "high end" guns have that this doesn't? Only 3 other things I can think of: LCD screen, adjustable modes and several hundred dollars more.

05-01-2004, 08:10 PM
Cliffio- I'd be interested to know if you have ever fired one?

Everyone has their own opinions but from what I have seen the marker is starting to catch on somewhat. I absolutely love mine and have yet to have a single problem with it. It is extremely easy to maintain and is really efficient. I am, by no means fast on the trigger so I will never know the full potential of its speed but I get the eliminations when I need them. It is a very stable firing platform which helps with accuracy.

05-01-2004, 08:12 PM
WOW your cyborg is TERRIBLY slow compared to mine, i didnt makea video and prolly wont but dam.. adjust your settings i know its wit your stock stuff but mine stock ripped 3x faster...and no they dont bounce

05-01-2004, 10:41 PM
Price: $980 (USD)
Efficiency: ~2000 shots per 68/4500
Weight: 2lbs 3oz with barrel and reg
Eyes: Breakbeam

The kick has been refered to as "Matrix-like"

I dunno about you, but sounds to me like a winner to me. What does do other "high end" guns have that this doesn't? Only 3 other things I can think of: LCD screen, adjustable modes and several hundred dollars more.

i say its unimpressive, i didnt say its not a decent gun....some of you have me confused, thinking maybe i am attacking this gun or its owners or whatever....but in todays $1000+ range of guns, this gun seems to come a little late....you've already got tons of people with timmys, angels, any numerous smart parts guns, dye and their line of guns, and the butt load of e-cockers.....all in similar price ranges. i doubt if many people having already shot any gun mentioned before will trade in their year old GZ timmy *for example* for one of these cyborgs. not to say of course that some wont. it seems this gun will slip under the radar of most, either because its not as widly distributed(sp) as many of the others, or its not hyped up enough or for whatever numerous reasons.

I absolutely love mine and have yet to have a single problem with it. It is extremely easy to maintain and is really efficient. I am, by no means fast on the trigger so I will never know the full potential of its speed but I get the eliminations when I need them. It is a very stable firing platform which helps with accuracy.

i can say the same for my current gun choice as well, so going back to what you said,
Everyone has their own opinions.

its not that im bashing this gun, dont get me wrong, it just seems very similar to anything already out there.

05-01-2004, 11:50 PM
WOW your cyborg is TERRIBLY slow compared to mine, i didnt makea video and prolly wont but dam.. adjust your settings i know its wit your stock stuff but mine stock ripped 3x faster...and no they dont bounce

I have fat fingers, i'll never be able to fire this gun to it's maximum potential, another problem but 16bps keeps me quite content :D It's accuracy, efficiency, and recoillessness(sp?) appeals to me more than anything else (yet it is a HELLLLLLA fast gun if u can rip a trigger).

05-01-2004, 11:59 PM
i say its unimpressive, i didnt say its not a decent gun....some of you have me confused, thinking maybe i am attacking this gun or its owners or whatever....but in todays $1000+ range of guns, this gun seems to come a little late....you've already got tons of people with timmys, angels, any numerous smart parts guns, dye and their line of guns, and the butt load of e-cockers.....all in similar price ranges.[/b]

Don't take this as a flame, but you're honestly not making sense. You're saying the marker is unimpressive because it's a newcomer to the scene basically. Yes, there are some timmies that are in this price range (namely the older models), you can build a nice electro cocker for this much and the new Fly A4 (the only Angel IMO that can compete with it) are much more expensive.

The only marker that I can possibly say is on par in almost every way is a Matrix. Price, eyes, efficiency, sound... the "big" difference being weight.

Fly A4's are several hundred dollars more, as is an Alias. E-Cockers are similiar in price and size, but the eyes may not be as good (reflective vs breakbeam) and generally have more kick.

Let me put it this way... in your opinion, what makes the other markers better than the Cyborg?

05-02-2004, 12:12 AM
Posted up another vid I took yesterday... I get some decent strings, but nothing special :) But hey, the gun works flawlessly and shoots tits, can't be any more happy.

Anyone that lives in the Manassas, VA area that can shoot ropes LMK and I'll take a vid of ya :D hehe.

Edit: Please don't let these videos influence you that the 'Borgs aren't fast markers... I am not fast on the trigger, this isn't a WAS Timmy... You don't get 4 balls for every pull on the 'Borg ;)

05-02-2004, 09:18 AM
I didn't necessarily mean you had to edit them out, just a suggestion for future reference ;), as with my internet, I'm on decently fast DSL, but 56kers may appreciate it.

Anyone want to tell what software they're using?

Major Jam
05-02-2004, 12:34 PM
Hey Matt, You're shooting it faster than you were in the first video and thats good!

You almost have the magic spot where it really takes off!

Couple more vids:



Hehe, the second kid in the second video.

the electrician
05-02-2004, 12:55 PM
well the more different guns the better in my opinion.

how does it work? I want to see the guts! is it like a timmy? or bushy?
is the ram/hammer a single acting spring return cylinder, or double acting?
what kind of pressures are we talking?

take some pics of the guts!

fallen angel-do you know? spill the beans buddy! :)

Major Jam
05-02-2004, 01:44 PM
take some pics of the guts!

Here is a link to a schematic of the Cyborg. I was going to embed it but it is a little big.


05-02-2004, 01:46 PM
well the more different guns the better in my opinion.

how does it work? I want to see the guts! is it like a timmy? or bushy?
is the ram/hammer a single acting spring return cylinder, or double acting?
what kind of pressures are we talking?

take some pics of the guts!

fallen angel-do you know? spill the beans buddy! :)

Of course I do (I think :P)

It's mainly like a Bushy. The ram is double acting, no spring here. I remember pics of the guts being posted on PBN but that was some time ago. I do have a diagram, but after I get mine in I'll take some internal pics and see if Have Blue wants 'em for the Rats Nest.

Major Jam posted the diagram. ^^^

Suggested operating pressure is 200psi and adjust the LPR to get the desired velocity. Personally, I'll be trying for as low of an LPR pressure as I can, though I may need to deal with FSDO. I'll deal with that when it comes up though.

Major Jam
05-02-2004, 01:57 PM

Major Jam
05-02-2004, 02:01 PM

team unwanted
05-02-2004, 02:02 PM
man FragTek my friend wants to shoot ur gun so bad....you have his dream gun

Major Jam
05-02-2004, 02:02 PM

Major Jam
05-02-2004, 02:04 PM


05-02-2004, 02:09 PM
I think what will bother me on the Cyborg more than anything may be height (should be about the same height as a cocker though) and the trigger. The fact it has no dwell setting is a bit uncomforting, but it looks like it's going to be a pretty sweet marker.

Major Jam
05-02-2004, 02:09 PM
One more because its such a nice picture.
