View Full Version : Should Dye sue Smart Parts...??

04-27-2004, 07:23 PM
This looks a little too similar if you ask me...


04-27-2004, 07:27 PM
Yeah, I saw that... They're actually uglier than Dye's version...

Its funny that they are making such a big deal about companies "copying" all their stuff and they do this... :confused:

04-27-2004, 07:29 PM
Actually didn't Dye and SP sign an agreement?
I would be willing to bet this is part of that agreement.

04-27-2004, 07:29 PM
[QUOTE=Cryer]They're actually uglier than Dye's version...

I like the Dye Stickies... :confused:

04-27-2004, 07:32 PM
[QUOTE=Cryer]They're actually uglier than Dye's version...

I like the Dye Stickies... :confused:
Yeah, Dye's arent all that bad. They took a little getting used too, but they're ok.

SP's just dont 'flow' well. Its that swoosh pattern they used (the clear line up the grip's side)

IMO, SP is lacking in aesthetics across the board. :confused:

04-27-2004, 07:33 PM
Yeah, I saw that... They're actually uglier than Dye's version...

Its funny that they are making such a big deal about companies "copying" all their stuff and they do this... :confused:

You think this is bad, isn't the Shocker 03 valve system a complete copy of the Matrix? Maybe that was part of the deal.

04-27-2004, 07:34 PM
ya I think they just decided they wouldn't sue eachother lol

04-27-2004, 07:37 PM
Urm... I think they originally copied hogues anyway.

04-27-2004, 07:45 PM
yes; dye stickies are virtually identical to Hogue grips. You can't copyright that basic a design.

04-27-2004, 07:50 PM
Well knowing SP they probably already found some loophole, or signed an agreement on production, to cover themselves before doing this. =\

I Can't wait for the day when a Gardener forgets to cover their legals.......*lost in thoughts and giggling like a schoolgirl* :D

04-27-2004, 08:01 PM
it just reminds me of that swatstika logo (the sp parody)

sad thing is they sued my 2nd fav company, icd...when they copied the bushy with their imp...

you know whatd be funny, if k2 bought sp...
id laugh till i needed new pants

really like the sp logo though....its a great target

just look at it...or aim

04-27-2004, 08:05 PM
Stupid thread...like any thread where the words smart parts and sue are envolved.

04-27-2004, 08:08 PM
Actually didn't Dye and SP sign an agreement?

Yes, but some people are stupid................

04-27-2004, 08:17 PM
You guys have it all wrong... this is from an old SP patent in like '95 on wood grips and has just been upgraded, actually dye is in violation of SPs patent and will be issued a cease and desist order shortly. :rolleyes:

Edit: joking.. I hope

04-27-2004, 08:48 PM
so I guess that's why SP came out with the new grips; to fill the gap in the market when Dye stops.

04-27-2004, 08:56 PM
you guys really are stupid....companies do this all the time, they take another companies idea and re-make it with their own logo and a bit of change. i'm SURE smart parts has a deal with dye for this, so dont worry about it.

and whoever said something about shockers and matrix's being alike, thats true, smart parts has a deal with gen-e(AKA dye) for the use of that design. so its all good.

you guys really need to stop nit-picking at smart parts, you just make yourselves look foolish.

04-27-2004, 08:59 PM
you guys really are stupid....companies do this all the time, they take another companies idea and re-make it with their own logo and a bit of change. i'm SURE smart parts has a deal with dye for this, so dont worry about it.

and whoever said something about shockers and matrix's being alike, thats true, smart parts has a deal with gen-e(AKA dye) for the use of that design. so its all good.

you guys really need to stop nit-picking at smart parts, you just make yourselves look foolish.

Actually I harass SP because its fun... and I am sure they are legally smarter than many many PB companies out there. That does not mean I have to like them, just cause there successful should eb enough reason to not like them :)

04-27-2004, 09:11 PM
And I harass people who make fun of smart parts, because 95% of the time they are morons...

04-27-2004, 09:13 PM
And I harass people who make fun of smart parts, because 95% of the time they are morons...

:D I'm an idiot.. but I'm ok with that

Head knight of Ni
04-27-2004, 09:32 PM
And I harass people who make fun of smart parts, because 95% of the time they are morons...

And I don't like SP because there is a lack of innovation. I also hope the 03 Shocker hits bottum like the E99, popular one day worth a penny the next. Hey it happened to the AK 47.

04-27-2004, 11:36 PM
And I harass people who make fun of smart parts, because 95% of the time they are morons...

WAY TO EASY.....not gonna go there......

04-27-2004, 11:46 PM
I dont think you can put a copyright on grips...

and BTW dye has no case here

and if you go back to the 32 degree stickys look at those and the old stickys

STUPID THREAD AND ALL WHO SAY ITS A GOOD IDEA IS STUPID.IMO, but the sp conflict is over with and it wasjsut a business act and owell other companys should of been smart enough to cover their own ***. and yea 95% are morons. 5% cant stop whining

BTW yes i am mad at SP but its teh other companys fault they should of had the patent to eliminate the compitition but if you think about not much has changed like people said it would you can still get ICD guns icd was never shut out it was settled out of court.

NOTE: all above is In my own opinion

04-28-2004, 06:06 AM
STUPID THREAD AND ALL WHO SAY ITS A GOOD IDEA IS STUPID.IMO, but the sp conflict is over with and it wasjsut a business act and owell other companys should of been smart enough to cover their own ***. and yea 95% are morons. 5% cant stop whining

NOTE: all above is In my own opinion

Back to the point I don't care if it was "just business". It was not in the spirit of the businesses surrounding paintball up to the point of SP being involved. Just because it was legal does not make it right.

The Action Figure
04-28-2004, 07:19 AM


ahmmmmmm. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

04-28-2004, 07:31 AM
Back to the point I don't care if it was "just business". It was not in the spirit of the businesses surrounding paintball up to the point of SP being involved. Just because it was legal does not make it right.
Actually this is not totally correct. Just because a lot of things were not public knowledge on internet forums does not mean that bad things have never happened before SP arrived on the scene. Companies have gone out of business. Products have been in dispute. And the general public was always blissfully unaware of the majority of business dealings going on… just like with every other industry out there.

If anyone thinks that the paintball industry was all peaches and cream and everyone got along with each other before SP jumped in… oh my. Sorry folks, but it never was that way. The only difference NOW is that more things are out in the open where folks can see it… or at least part of it. But simply put, most people don’t know the true “spirit of business” concerning paintball…. This peaceful utopia that it seems some think the paintball industry was, never existed.

I am not saying that there are not great folks in the industry, because there ARE, but that is a far cry from saying that SP is the cause of all the problems in the paintball industry… or that they were the first to cause problems.

04-28-2004, 08:50 AM
The Internet has made things a lot more open so people who would have no knowledge about such things now can see for themselves...seeing btw is not always understanding.
For an example of a manufacturer attempting to do things about rip offs then look to ICS (Idema Combat Supplies) They made a vest adapted from their own SWAT designs and rip off's started to appear and when on a trip to the UK, Kieth Ideama was at a large tournament cutting the rivals vests to pieces and then offering a trade in for his vest and also took matters into his own hands behind one of the tents/sheds with another maker manu to manu :eek: That would not have made the internet as it didn't really exist in the form it does now...sure a few news groups but that would have been it.
The paintball biz has for too long been a little club and now people are coming out and changing that, prior art is one thing but then the american system of patents in a very broad way doesn't do the checks that other countries do so that is why the patents have been granted.
I see above someone has said about K2 buying Smart parts...might happen and then you can be sure ALL patents granted to Smart Parts will be aggressively enforced, there is a very old saying "better the devil you know" and very true when you think in the context of K2. They have extended their paintball portfolio and they are doing this for "love"? Nope! They are doing it to make money they have seen the chance to get in with buying big mainstream companies and will aggressively market them, will they care about the little man? Nope. Will they want every paintball player to be using a piece of their product line...yes they will.
K2 has no background in paintball they are purely expanding their companies and will continue to do so at the expense of other companies, the consumer will still buy paintball equipment but would you through choice buy K2 or anothers...you might find very soon you are only buying from one or two companies regardless of what the label on the goods says.
When you buy an Apple Mac computer you are still paying Microsoft as they have shares in Apple. How many chocolate bar brands are there? and how many are owned by the same parent company, you would be very surprised.

04-28-2004, 09:31 AM
I think Dye should seperate then sue and gice sp a taste of teir own medicene.

04-28-2004, 12:26 PM
all these grips are made in the same factory anyway, just badged differently...

DYE grips have been made by Hogue forever... :eek: I wouldn't be suprised at all if the 32*, SP, extreme rage, etc, grips came from different molds on the same machinery.

the whole "X should sue Y" thing is getting really out of hand...
