View Full Version : Paintball Preference for X-valve

04-27-2004, 08:47 PM
I was wondering what the best kind of paintballs are to shoot with the X-Valve, lvl 10. Please let me know what kind you have had luck with. I played last weekend and broke quite a few, about 1 to 2 each game. I was shooting blaze. I was kind of dissapointed. Appreciate any feedback.

04-27-2004, 10:20 PM
you have to tune the L10 to the type of paint you're using, if you're using soft paint, then put a stronger spring in, and crank up the velocity, if you're running hard rock like paint, then you can probably get away with useing the smaller spring.

04-27-2004, 10:21 PM
Were you chopping balls, or were they breaking down the barrel? If you were chopping, then your Lvl 10 might need adjusting. If you were breaking down the barrel, check your nubbin/detent and all the way down the barrel to make sure there aren't any burrs or sharp edged protruding out. Also, check your velocity. I imagine you chronoed at the field, but if not, too much velocity can break paint, too.

As for paint preferences, I usually shoot Big Ball. It's cheap and pretty decent.

04-28-2004, 12:28 AM
Also, make sure the paint fits your barrel. If it's too big for your barrel, you're going to break a lot more often.

Were you chopping balls, or were they breaking down the barrel? If you were chopping, then your Lvl 10 might need adjusting. If you were breaking down the barrel, check your nubbin/detent and all the way down the barrel to make sure there aren't any burrs or sharp edged protruding out. Also, check your velocity. I imagine you chronoed at the field, but if not, too much velocity can break paint, too.

As for paint preferences, I usually shoot Big Ball. It's cheap and pretty decent.

04-28-2004, 03:35 AM
the round ones.