View Full Version : Emag

10-04-2001, 02:45 PM
well, I decided im gonna keep my RT, and see if I cant fix the ball breaking problem. Heres what I will try, lemmy know what you guys think. First Im gonna get a x-board from brass eagle (blah!) if that doesnt work im gonna get a power feed body and slap on a warp feed. will take awhile cause I got no money =p LoL so lets hope the first works ;)

10-04-2001, 02:53 PM
Forget the xboard - the halo should be out in a month...hold baby!

10-04-2001, 02:54 PM
yea but wont the damn thing cost 180 bucks? heh

10-04-2001, 04:50 PM
$180!!!! $180!!!!! Does it come with a gun? :confused: :rolleyes: :eek:

10-04-2001, 05:00 PM
no it doesnt! lol

10-04-2001, 05:05 PM
It will probably be kinda pricy at first. But what new paintball thing isn't? Look at Ricochets...they were like 150 Canadian at first and now I see them for 100 Canadian. Didn't even take long either. I wouldn't get one right away. I would wait a couple months.

10-04-2001, 05:12 PM
You sure you're not short-stroking Starfire?

If it's a problem with your hopper, than that'll be an easy fix. If it's a problem with the marker, than I'm sure AGD would have no problem fixing it for you. It can also be a poor barrel to paint match.

All problems that can easily be handled.

Edit: Just read your first post over. lol - That's going to cost you a pretty penny. Hope it works out for ya!

Wish I had an excuse to go spending like that... *has his mind set to go ball breaking and convince himself he needs a warp*

10-04-2001, 05:40 PM
lol, got a freak no troubles with the paint, been over this a bunch hehe Tom said he thinnks its the hopper, ive had my gun since june, trigger aint the problem ;)

10-04-2001, 06:00 PM
There you go then, a new hopper and a warp should be a fine fix. :p

*starts to count his nickels and dimes for a warp*