View Full Version : Boring the On/Off Hole

10-04-2001, 04:11 PM
Hello All,
I have yet another question. ALthough my Mag is shooting just great right now, I was thinking of a nother mod possible for any AIR valve. Can the hole leading from the on/off to the Air Chamber. Will this allow for faster recharge times. I was thinking of doing this to my friends Mag, he is just as much a tinkerer as me.

I know you guys are completely against doing anything else besides what AGD has designed, but if you are against it, let me know why it wont work (AGD? Moderators? Flamers?). Just have some justification, if there are some good points made, then I will simply abort the whole project. Thanks all. Cheers. "HyperSnyper"

10-04-2001, 05:29 PM
Everything is a particular size for a reason. Don't touch it if you want your gun to continue working properly.

The valve isn't suffering from slow recharge rates... regardless.

10-04-2001, 06:11 PM

I am a tinker myself. I have only done on mod to the valve and that is in the on off valve region. I opened the top of the valve by 64th of an inch all the way around including the top. As for any benefit I don't know. It seems to work ok.


10-04-2001, 06:58 PM
It probably wont hurt but it will be a big waist of time and it just introduces a chance for error. The limit on the rate of fire IS NOT A FACTOR OF THE ON/OFF. It is the flow limit of the regulator. The only way to increase the recharge rate is to gut the reg and use an external one. However, every reg I've seen that has a higher flow rate than the A.I.R. is less consistant.

Let me just repeat that for everyone that wants to mess with the valve; It doesn't matter what you do to the on/off. The bottleneck is the regulator.

10-04-2001, 11:57 PM
Sweet Jesus ...
Another of the Gutter AIR members, it is really hard to find you guys. I have gutted my reg and use a Palmer Bottomline. With having a bottomline reg, I have a large resovoir space of regulated air. From the Line to the hollow reg, more regulated air means (ding ding ding) yes less chance of starving the on/off.

Sorry to go off the topic, or using Jesus name, but it rare to find people who disable the reg. We are disowned by AGD and hunted down by its followers (j/k).

10-05-2001, 01:11 AM
I'm guessing the AGD peoples pick up the drill bit that feels good and go "This'll do!"

So you make the hole bigger. Questions: What was wrong with the gun to begin with? Was it "starving" in the first place? It's obviously a component of the pressure regulation system, what else was changed (for the worse) besides how much air can fit through?

10-05-2001, 05:29 AM
Drill the hole out bigger and save all the chips of stainless you make. Now go weigh the chips (you may need a pretty small scale). Now stand proud because you just took that much weight off of your gun, and if you consider that a performance inhancement, then you succeeded.

10-05-2001, 05:41 AM
No real probs with the gun now, I want to prepare for my upcoming Hyperframe which I hoope to get within the month.

I know that AGD is a pretigious paintball company, and have engineers working on designs for their guns. However, there is always ways to improve a gun.

I also know theres alot of people that say "The stock regs works just fine... why waste your time and money replacing it with another reg?"

There has already been a thread about this so I will just add my quick $0.02. Like all companies, when they have a project, they have a determined budjet to spend, they cant make the reg the best possible, as with other parts of the gun. Theres alot of Mag people that believe the stock reg is the best, but is that true with other guns? Are stock WGP regs the best there is for the gun? Is the stock Kingman Reg best for the Spyders? Just something to think about...

10-05-2001, 07:54 PM
The stock reg. isn't the best thats out there but it is pretty damn good. My mag fires as fast as I can pull the trigger without shootdown so I'm happy. Also, If you add a different regulator you add weight. Most of the weight of the A.I.R. is in the stainless steel casing which isn't going away. (and I have no intension of trying to make it go away. I have better projects.) So far the only reg that doesn't add any external weight and is in any way better than the A.I.R. is the RT valve. (not that the RT is basically the same valve with a different reg.)

The Mad Painter
10-06-2001, 08:20 PM
Well, if you have a hyperframe within the next month, just go buy a Z-Valve, or Cyclone. best thing you can do to an on/off, assuming it WORKS. Cyclones always work, a little snappier trigger. Z-Valves, well, they are AWESOME if you get them towork. may need to "tune" a little to get them just right, but ive seen some great performance. also, watch the AGD Mag video. notice how the team member from Swarm shot 7 a second, with SINGLE trigger, on Co2, with just a long hose? now realize, your hyper will give you what, 9 shots? and theres things like cyclone on/offs and palmer stabilzers to regulate co2, and COMPRESSED AIR! you shouldnt need to do anything to your mag. chances are most poeple want to modify mags to get somting back in the SKILL that they lack, buy having better marker performance. okay im done.