View Full Version : FireBlade E/XMag Blade Trigger

04-28-2004, 09:08 PM
i was wondering if anyone has used this trigger on thier e mag? The main thing is, is it easier to walk with, or just better in general?

FireBlade Trigger (http://www.logicpaintball.com/cgi-bin/mivavm?Merchant2/merchant.mvc+Screen=PROD&Store_Code=LP&Product_Code=FireBlade&Category_Code=LP)

04-28-2004, 10:25 PM
I have one on my xmag and it is amazing. I can walk that thing like crazy and I couldnt walk the stock trigger at all. I had a LT-3 blade trigger before the fireblade and it still wasnt as walkable as the fireblade. Definetely a quality trigger!

04-29-2004, 02:01 AM
I concure! It was a bit pricy but in EVERY aspect I can shoot my Mag faster and more consistantly.

I have gotten better but here is a video I made of it (25MB Quicktime)
