View Full Version : Old RT valve vs. X-valve

04-29-2004, 03:46 PM
I was going to pick up one of the new ULE rt customs from airgun designs and I was wondering about the new X-valve.

First why did they change to aluminum?

Second is their any warranty on the new x-valves.

What is the advantage over stainless steel?

How is the reliability on the new rt's over the old ones?

And why is the old rt's like $540 dollars and the new ones are around $340?

If you have any answers to these questions please post. Thanks for your help.

04-29-2004, 04:24 PM
Why aluminum? b/c people wanted colors and it would be lighter.

Same warranty that's on any other ReTro valve.

Advantage? Lighter. Can be pretty colors.

It's the same valve, so reliability is the same.

What old RTs are you speaking of?

I was going to pick up one of the new ULE rt customs from airgun designs and I was wondering about the new X-valve.

First why did they change to aluminum?

Second is their any warranty on the new x-valves.

What is the advantage over stainless steel?

How is the reliability on the new rt's over the old ones?

And why is the old rt's like $540 dollars and the new ones are around $340?

If you have any answers to these questions please post. Thanks for your help.