View Full Version : On the Soap box Presents...

04-29-2004, 04:05 PM
...me rambling about my experiance with markers.

I see all these threads posted around about which marker is better than the other. Whats popular right now , whats fastest.

I have been playing paintball for about 4 years now. I know that is merely a blink compared to some of the experiance out there, but give me some credit. I play as often as possible , in every different type of game I have been able to find. Speedball,Hyperball,Sup Air,Urban,Woodsball,Renegade,Scenarios,Tournaments you name it.
I play so often that my wifes wonders what I am married to sometimes,her or the sport. Its not like it makes me a living....

Anyway to get back on track.
When I started out I got myself a Spyder clone that broke my first game. Went and got a Tippy. Went and bought many more Spyders(and the like) and threw so much money at them it was embarrasing. Changed over to electro frames so I could sling paint with the "good" players....
Much disappointing performance later,I finally made the decision to invest in a quality marker.

I had been (and still do) a lot of reading online about paintball, and its history. Not really the names and places but more what was being used. What equipment did you see time and time again? What was standing the test of time?
In this quest you see a lot of names come and go. Names like Angel,Timmy, Trix , Impy , Bushy. I am sure everyone has experianced the hype about "having" to own one of those markers at that moment. Certainly not trying to say that any of those markers aren't quality equipment, just hear me out.

So as I looked around I kept seeing two names. Autococker and Automag.
These were two markers that have always been revered as good equipment by all types of players. I went out and got myself one of each of them. I used the cocker and I gave the mag to my wife.
Using these markers ,I learned after a while that the symphony of moving parts that made the cocker spectacular was exactly the opposite of the simplicity that made the mag so. I loved both of them a great deal for their ability to get the job done in such different ways. The ruggedness of design within the mag made it virtually impossible to hurt. The cocker was a little more suceptable to that damage but still tough.

Well after a while I got caught up in the hype. I consider myself a good player , but I thought "I bet I could be better if I could huck more paint". I went out and bought myself an "E" marker. Quite a bit of fun. I shot lots of paint. But the bottom line came down to my game and the improvement or lack thereof.
At the end of the day the only thing different was I was using 3 times the paint. No better a player.
Then you start seeing the other drawbacks. Dead batteries. Paint getting into electronics. Fear of water...
There was nothing that could go wrong with the wifes mag or my cocker that an oring couldn't fix, short of physically broken parts(problem with ANY marker).

When I found out about the RTP I thought how great is this? I can have the advantages of an electros speed coupled with the durabilty of the mag!
Went out and got one and have never looked back.
Its just nice being able to grab my marker out of the bag , gas it up , load some balls and have it work every single time. Play in the rain. Never worry if your buttons got hit by a paintball. Not have to "count on" a motorized hopper to be able to play.

I guess what it all comes down to is this.
I spent a great deal of money over the past 4 years. I have owned and borrowed some of the supposed best markers made. Every one of them turned into an overpriced paperweight the moment you chop a ball. Eyes have gone a long way to help this as have some of the "newer"LPR's , but in the end is just more stuff to have problems with.
It really feels nice when you are in a pinch , hucking some paint trying to keep the horde off your 6 and you hear "chuff"...and the next balls zips out , right on target. Not having to lean back at the worst possible time looking for the squeegie.

It took me years to realize that I wasn't looking for the trendiest marker. I wasn't looking for the lightest (even though with ULE I may have found it). I found what I was looking for was one I could absolutley always count on. One that was simple and easy to maintain,that didn't require charged up. And most of all, one that I didn't have to squeegie.
Thanks AGD for making the perfect marker....for ME.

04-29-2004, 04:45 PM
Well said man

04-29-2004, 04:48 PM
Your post reminds me of my local field. I play every single game out there with my mech mag, but at least 1 electro goes down each game. Wether it was a chop, batteries, wires, hoppers, etc they always seem to break. I will always have my mech frame as a backup when my electro frame comes in, gotta love it!!

04-29-2004, 04:55 PM
You're preaching to the choir, my friend. Amen.

04-29-2004, 05:53 PM
Thanks Punkn that was a solid post that warmed my heart!

All of us at,


04-29-2004, 06:02 PM
Thanks Punkn that was a solid post that warmed my heart!

All of us at,


Well thanks to you Tom.I am glad to be able to express how pleased I am with your product.
Keep up the good work.

04-29-2004, 06:09 PM
Man, that was well said. I couldn't aggree more. I've watched Electro's and 'Cockers go down every time I play, and I rarely have had a problem with my 'Mag. I've become a 'Mag owner for life.

04-29-2004, 06:11 PM
i have been saying something simliar in praise of the mag.... 99.9% of players cannont play beyond the assests that a mag/cocker has. I understand the need for fast electros are needed for top tier compatition, but do you need it to take out the 16 E spyder toting punk kid in the back stnad up?

I gave myself alittle test at txball, leave the emag in the bag and play with a nearly 10 y/o classic the whole weekend. I made plenty of elims and there were only a few times, like 4 x/emags gunning for you, that I felt my classic was out matched.

I have an RTP, and to be honest I miss the weight of my all SS noob sleighing machines. I have thought about selling it all and playing with a classic once again, but alas the tourney season calls a gun with alittle more punch than my 10 year old classic.....

04-29-2004, 06:23 PM
I shoot a z timmy, but could most likely remain just as competitve with a nice ule rt mag. The only time electro speed can help slightly is getting a few balls off faster when you are snap shooting. It also helps a lot to have an electro for off the break. This summer I hope to have enough money left over after tourneys and practice to buy a rt ule custom.

04-29-2004, 06:34 PM
Testify my brother!

/goes into chorus of solid craftmanship

04-29-2004, 06:44 PM
I completely agree. Don't just go with the crowd, go with what you feel is best for you.

PS- Space after your periods

04-29-2004, 06:49 PM
PS- Space after your periods

Thanks actually. I have taught myself to type , so I am not very good at all points of structure.

04-29-2004, 07:40 PM
"because quality always shoots strait"

unlike burger king what you see is what you get. what you get is pure quality that will preform like no other.

Target Practice
04-29-2004, 07:54 PM
*Wipes tear from eye* Nice, man. Thank you AGD!

04-29-2004, 09:10 PM
Huzzah. The Automag is the only gun for me, too.

04-29-2004, 09:27 PM
PS- Space after your periods

Actually, it's double space after periods. See? ;)

04-29-2004, 09:31 PM
just a nice smile...

04-30-2004, 09:08 AM
glad you found your favorite marker...

i often either go with a bko, or a mag....maters if its tournament or just play

(i often use the mag in tournaments, and the bko for rec ball and a back up gun)

your lucky...it took me like a decade to get my perfect marker... :eek: :)

12-20-2007, 04:19 PM
Anyone still feel this way?

12-20-2007, 04:26 PM

12-20-2007, 05:25 PM
Anyone still feel this way?

do you ?

12-20-2007, 06:04 PM
i found a broken bko and learned how it works made a new gasket and tuned it up. a long time it took because i had to take apart and put togther alot and eye up without testing with air. there is just soemthign about it i like. but back on topic my mag is what i use for my paint slingin. soemthing about it just makes me get out less and be more agressive. and with the warp no one sees where in comin from. the only problem i found was tuning the lvl X. another possible problem some ppl might have with mine is the weight. its not really heavy by itself but with a warp and halo its a bit heavy but that diesnt bother me because when i shoot my barrel doesnt go up. /end of rant i geus what im tryin to say is simplicity is beauty and the best example of this (non paintball related) is nature.

12-20-2007, 06:14 PM
Actually, it's double space after periods. See? ;)
Actually, I believe it's moving back towards a single space after a period. I never understood the double-space idea...

Just got myself an old single-triggered mech mag, and really looking forward to taking her out for play!

12-20-2007, 06:19 PM
I have my Xvalved Micro which is so fun to play with.
My CCM Series 6 when I want to pump (which is getting used a lot lately).
And my 03 Viking, to electro's what a Mag is to mechs, what a workhorse.

I too have had G7's, Egos, Cyborgs, etc but settled on the Mag, AKA, and pump.


12-20-2007, 06:21 PM
I am all about mags and cockers, my newest aquisition my Emag, its nice, though I have been playing alot lately with my classic, I just wish I could get stainless rail, foregrip, and frame for it...polish all of that up, and have a ultra heavy tank for a gun. though I may just settle for clear annoed parts, and make it solid clear/chrome...Dave Youngblood style!

the fact that mags are one of the fastest guns still today (cycle rate defiantly makes them still keep up, just look at RT's with high input!) and the first mag made problably still shoots like it did the day it was produced makes me smile that I have found my other perfect gun. that and cockers, I have grown up with them, and it would be a shame to get rid of them, but they have to make room for the mags coming in! :D

12-20-2007, 11:03 PM
IMO, mags are forever the best mech's, still love mine.

the music man
12-20-2007, 11:15 PM
It's funny how every year, you see new and updated version of guns being toted by players. Suddenly, this and that are outdated, and everyone needs to rush out and buy the new thing. In stark contrast, mags haven't changed much at all, because they work fantastically and people love them for it. There's no reason to bring out "new and improved" versions every year, because mags are already so good that no matter what version you may have, you'll love it.

It all seems to come down to build quality. For a while, I had an LCD Matrix and a Piranha Evo. While the Matrix was fast and all, there was just something about the Evo that kept me coming back to it. It was just so well made. Then I got my hands on a mag... :D

12-20-2007, 11:51 PM
"because quality always shoots strait"

unlike burger king what you see is what you get. what you get is pure quality that will preform like no other.

Hey! What about BK, we serve quality food. (I work there[I'm 17 years old])

And Yes man Quality is the key here. I love my mag, and I don't think I can go back.

12-21-2007, 09:06 AM
do you ?

There have been a lot of changes in the marker market since I posted this. Not only so much in the market, but the fact that I could afford to buy some nice markers in between this time frame. Eye logic has gotten much better, so the LPR thing that people were trying to do has kind of fallen by the wayside. Boards have improved and with the cap, its not all about speed any more.
I still use my mag for almost all open play, just because I like and feel comfortable with it overall. When there are air fill stations just off field its great. I never use enough paint in one game to run myself out, as a matter of fact I normally play hopper ball anyway. Just in any situation that air is an issue, such as large scenarios and tourney play I have a tendency to use something a bit more efficient.
I really had gotten away from cockers in the past years. When the bottom fell out on their market and all the better parts started getting hard to find I let a few really nice ones go. I just bought another when they ran that special on the 04 prostocks for $100. Generally though, I don't "upgrade" a marker anymore. Besides a barrel which everything needs out of the box, I have left the rest alone.....except for the mags, and thats only looks anyway.
So yeah, as far as a mechanical marker goes I would have to say I still fell pretty much the same way.

12-21-2007, 09:49 AM
There have been a lot of changes in the marker market since I posted this. Not only so much in the market, but the fact that I could afford to buy some nice markers in between this time frame. Eye logic has gotten much better, so the LPR thing that people were trying to do has kind of fallen by the wayside. Boards have improved and with the cap, its not all about speed any more.
I still use my mag for almost all open play, just because I like and feel comfortable with it overall. When there are air fill stations just off field its great. I never use enough paint in one game to run myself out, as a matter of fact I normally play hopper ball anyway. Just in any situation that air is an issue, such as large scenarios and tourney play I have a tendency to use something a bit more efficient.
I really had gotten away from cockers in the past years. When the bottom fell out on their market and all the better parts started getting hard to find I let a few really nice ones go. I just bought another when they ran that special on the 04 prostocks for $100. Generally though, I don't "upgrade" a marker anymore. Besides a barrel which everything needs out of the box, I have left the rest alone.....except for the mags, and thats only looks anyway.
So yeah, as far as a mechanical marker goes I would have to say I still fell pretty much the same way.

same here. I have had and sold so many mags i wish i would not have done.

12-21-2007, 11:31 AM
I have an RTP, and to be honest I miss the weight of my all SS noob sleighing machines. .....

I havn't changed in 3 years, lol

12-21-2007, 12:14 PM
ah, the years since 2k4 ...

back then i was a cocker snob. yeah, ill admit it. yes its how i got my s/n. started playing paintball with a spyder, then moved to cocker. then spend tons on upgrading it. by about 2k3 i had a really nice STO, loving it. i still would love to rock that gun. at around that time i started to lose my cocker-snob. mainly becuase i started playing pump in 2k3. now im a pump snob ;)

anyway, i currently do not own a mag. but i did have an excellent RT pro once. shot wonderfully. sold that, and now i have as my mech an AKA merlin. as much as i love how amazingly simple and relible and just awesome automags are (im a Mechanical Engineering Student BTW), i enjoy shooting cockers more.

one thing that pump and stock class players always will say - feel is everything. most good guns will perform to bascially the same standards, but what seperates them is the feel. i love phantoms because they feel a certain way, a way that my carter or a sniper doesn't. same with mags and cockers. i just really love the feel of a smooth slider trigger cocker more than the "plunk" of a mag.

no doubt mags are superior guns to cockers. faster, smaller, lighter ... but i could never get over how great it truly is to shoot a nice autococker. i have been around here alot lately, looking to pick up an E/X mag or maybe just a ULTed ULE.

variety is the spice of life. gotta keep things interesting.

12-21-2007, 12:30 PM
same here. I have had and sold so many mags i wish i would not have done.

Tell me about it.



Zone Drifter
12-21-2007, 09:46 PM
The mag and cocker legacy will live on. although, mags appear to be slightly more elusive than the autococker, only because they haven't had to change in such a long time. But why should they? A mech doesnt need to shoot over 15 bps to be comparable to an electronic gun. (granted the rt valves CAN...)

I always look at new markers and am curious to try them, but the mag will always be battle ready. You really can't go wrong with something as simple and rugged, thats built with love for the game.