View Full Version : help me before I sell this bloody thing!!!!!!

04-29-2004, 05:26 PM
grrr .. this leak has been plaguing me forever!! First thing, I got my AGD certs at the supertour back in 2001 so I'd like to say I know what i'm doing with a mag. I have owned my mag for 9 years continually upgrading it. I just can't get this issue resolved!!!!

Okay, so now for the problem:

RTPro valve, on/off drilled out, ULT kit, lvl 10 kit, SS PF body tube, docs cocker thread adapter, brand new AM stock rail, hyperframe (also tried with dye 2 finder frame). 2 shims in the ULT kit, 1.0 carrier w 0 shims in the power tube (used to have 2.0 carrier w 2 shims, same leak).

So I started out with 2.0 carrier w 2 shims .. gass up my marker, and it worked fine. THEN I would go outside (cold outside) and I would gass up to a minor leak down the barrel. I changed the carrier to 0.5, no shims, still same leak (currently it has 1.0 w 0 shims, same leak). I would go back into the house (warm) and it would shoot fine, no leak.


So every time I try to play a tourney .. I set up the marker great in my room .. then get to the event only to have to use someone elses marker ... I'm to the point where I want to throw this thing in the river :(

If someone can't help me soon .. i swear it! :P

Anyhow .. back to the point. I push on the lvl 10 bolt with dowel, and I hear the pitch change but someone told me that if you do that it will leak no matter what. I have changed out everything in the power tube, so what else can I do to fix this?

Can anyone help me? I have been struggling with this for about 6 months and i'm at the end .. i really am almost ready to sell it and buy something else :(

Thanks in advance for your help .. and I really dun wanna spend money to have someone fix this only to get it back and have it do it again when it's taken outside into the cold :(

04-29-2004, 06:08 PM
probably just a bad carrier o'ring - swap it out and start over with the breaking in.

If your that fed up with it, send it to me, I'll get you to fall in Love with it again. :)

04-29-2004, 07:18 PM
how much do you charge :(

and it's not even that .. I guarentee that you'll get it .. replace ALL the orings like i've done twice now .. and then send it back to me .. and the moment i take it outside .... *hissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss*

*shakes fist at world* ...

Why do thou forsook me?

04-29-2004, 07:21 PM
*ugh* .. okay .. sorry for the ranting

I guess i'll just buy a parts kit, replace ALL the orings again ... and then break it in.

BTW, what is the best way to break in all the orings? After that .. i'm gonna stick the bloody thing in the fridge .. then pull it out after about 10 minutes and try gassing her up .. see if I get the hiss.

04-29-2004, 07:25 PM
Section 4 - Classic and RT services. (http://www.havoc-online.com/11501/index.html)

Tune Marker
$30 Shipped($10 is added to cost for Priority Insured Shipping.)

I will tune everything including the level 10 and ULT. I will go through the entire marker to check/adjust for proper tolerance, clean/oil/grease and replace any worn parts. I will also test fire with paint over a chrono to make sure it's performing properly.


04-29-2004, 07:53 PM
Try another bolt. I just had one that did that...permaleak. Its all good now.

the electrician
04-29-2004, 09:19 PM
you could try changing the carrier o-ring out for a buna-n o-ring. they are softer and seal much easier than the o-rings provided with the level 10. I've had great luck with them. my bolt leaked and was a trouble maker until I did that.

usually you can get them at a local hardware store in the plumbing department. it would be worth a try, and a cheap fix if it worked.

04-30-2004, 01:22 PM
Try another bolt. I just had one that did that...permaleak. Its all good now.

I did try another lvl 10 bolt too :(

I'll try hunting a carrier oring and see if that fixes it .. and i'm gonna buy a parts kit from Toronto (gives me something to do monday) and replace EVER STINKING ORING in the marker ..

*sigh* .. i'm sure i'll fix it some day .. but .. thanks for all the help guy's..

04-30-2004, 01:45 PM
If your that fed up with it, send it to me, I'll get you to fall in Love with it again. :)

Can I send you my ex? :p