View Full Version : Mommy mommy I want this for graduation!

04-29-2004, 09:12 PM
Bday is come and gone, so next excuse for gifts is graduation, I want THIS!


04-29-2004, 10:20 PM
i want 4 so i can be captain of a 5 man team, er 4 robot + 1 man team!!!

imagine those guys, i mean equiped with mags and a cool paint job!!!!!!!

and the other uses, yard work, house work, school work, and the occasional shopping trip.

well count me in!

04-30-2004, 12:13 AM
I'd like a few to be my thugs.... do my dirty work, protect the house, etc. :-p

04-30-2004, 12:27 AM
Wow that is some impressive work. I can't even tell it's fake. And yes, it's fake.... it came straight off a vfx site. i swear it is! lol... if it isn't.... i'm gonna drop that 1 million + for that thing.

04-30-2004, 12:39 AM
You could suit them up and you got yourself a paintball team! Ultra Wiper 9000!

04-30-2004, 03:27 AM
those are some schweet effects in that vid. It would be incredibly cool if those were real. On a semi-related note, anyone seen the preview for I, Robot??? Doens't look like it'll follow the book at all :(

04-30-2004, 07:49 AM
here wassomething about robots in facefull this month

but i was gawking at the girls in there :D

04-30-2004, 03:12 PM
If these things go into production, they're going to rally against us and take over the earth! :eek: :eek:

04-30-2004, 03:24 PM
If these things go into production, they're going to rally against us and take over the earth! :eek: :eek:

Not to worry. NEO will save us! :D

04-30-2004, 03:46 PM
...sex slaves for suicidal snyper? :eek: