View Full Version : Elcd Problem I Need Help Quickly!!!!!

10-04-2001, 06:53 PM
ok yes i put an elcd on my mag when degass the the elcd clicks in its fire mode and its bolt works and we gassed the mag valve clicks but elcd wont click or fire or anything and i need to know what to do like should i send to AGD take it to a shop what?

10-04-2001, 07:19 PM
Does it shoot only when pointed down? That, and a hole lotta other problems, was what happened to mine. I really doubt that the problem can be helped, because I gave the gun to a great airsmith and he couldn't fix. Also, if you want help you have to call mako paintball, who made the thing, NOT BOO-YAAH because their out of business. Even if you get the handle to shoot periodically, its just hurting your gun's internals. I had to send my automag back to the factory so that ADG could fix the problem that the elcd had created.

Just play with the stock frame, the electro one is trash. If you want a good electric frame, then get a hyperframe b/c the elcd will just waste your days, and provide frusteration.

10-04-2001, 08:02 PM
how do you install the boo-yaah on/off? (sry but we are gonna keep trying cause i like the elcd over the hyperframe and boo-yaah isnt outt buisness)

10-04-2001, 10:36 PM
check out this thread about Boo-Hoo On/OFF valve install.

10-05-2001, 06:12 PM
dont trash the boo-yaah frame. Mine works fine a lot better then the stock frame! So stop trashing.

10-06-2001, 10:19 AM
umm magman, I own a Boo-Hoo trigger frame. I feel that I have every right to trash it (granted to a certan extent tho)
I will say that I enjoy the ELCD, and it was a good buy. BUT I would not buy it again.
If you look closley at the ELCD there are some clues that this company rushed it to the market, and did not fully work out all the problems.
- The screw threads that hold in the rubber grip were not tapped perfectly. I dunno about you, but getting my grip back on the frame is a mild frustration.

- some of the eletronic parts are secondary quality

- The box packaging has incorect maling/www info

- The web sight was far from being complete

- no parts ordering was avabile

- the instruction book was incomplete (missing pages and photos)

These examples one at a time are no big deal, but when you add them up. It spells out that a company did not througly test this product and/or did not have the $$$ to support it perfectly (like AGD:D ) Of course 5 months later I found out that Boo-Hoo went out of business... figured.

I call it a BOO-HOO because the day it breaks, that will be sounds I make knowing I cant get it repaired.
Until then the only sounds Ill make will be "BOO-YA!!!! SUCKER I GOT YA!!!!"

see you in my sights