View Full Version : Bonus Ballin'...A Team Sport!!!

04-29-2004, 11:29 PM
Okay, so there I wuz, holdin down the left tape with my trusty Timmie...
(Dont Hate, I gotta Emag to :) )
...First time usin it with a new Halo B on top, not used to the lower (170rd) capacity...
I'm on my 30 & holdin about 3or4 dudes down on the 50 left bunker...tha Timmie's Cookin with Gas...
:) :)
...so I see this fool movin up to our right 40 bunker cause my team's a bunch O' Wankers & our right flank folded...
...So I turn to my 3oClock to give him a Burst-
DiE YooSuckeR!!!
and all I get is the little buzz of an empty Halo :confused:
Bein the quality baller that he is, player hooks me up with some free paint at 300fps. :(
It was a rightious kill.

Now, I am no fool. when I'm hit, I Scream "OUT" & raise my gun over my head before I break cover.
Plus, I Knew there were 3or4 other fools just 30 feet down the tape who'd been gettin my best just moments before...

...So I sing the "OUT" song & do tha dance & when I break cover (gun always waaay up) to cross the tape not 5 feet to my left, guess what...
Those 3or4 fools musta hit me with 20to25 good ones, All in tha Back.
Good God it hurt.

Moral of Story: I have no friggin Idea, But Damn, it Hurt.

Nick O time
04-29-2004, 11:33 PM
wow they musta had some mad gats popin ya up fresh boy.......or however u kids like to sound cool. jk lol i had to say it but anyways sounds like it hurt.

04-29-2004, 11:57 PM
owwy my brain :eek:

that must have hurt though.... I hate Halo's for their crappy capacity still.

04-30-2004, 12:30 AM
A few hits, yeah, I can expect it.. especially if they just pop out, spot you and still think you're in. If they know I'm out and keep shooting, I'm gonna start firing back...

04-30-2004, 12:39 AM
I would have been pissed. I probably would have started shooting back or something worse. overshooting and bonus balling is getting more common these days and I would not get mad if I got hit 4 or 5 extra times, but 20 or 25 I would be very, very pissed off and people would know very quickly.

Major Jam
04-30-2004, 12:48 AM
Lately, I've learned to hold the gun out for 10 seconds longer than I used too. All of the newbs in our outlaw group over shoot like h3ll since they purchased electros with an "auto" button. :(

04-30-2004, 01:57 AM
Tell your teammates to take advantage of the situation. If they're all shooting at you, then they're not shooting at your teammates. Hell, you might want to run in around in a little circle drawing fire in a confused fashion yelling "My liver! My liver!" so your teammates can take the opportunity. If I were in a serious situation like a tournament or something, I think I would actually take the bonus balls. Paintballs aren't exactly lethal. And you know you love the welts, that's part of why some of us love the sport :)

04-30-2004, 07:18 AM
least you havent gotten bonused in your pant demon...


hurts like a mofo...

i believe bonus ballin is just bad altogether

i was playin against another team and a newb was put on my team for the day...

welll i get out afteri ran outta air...

the newb is left..he takes one in his knee...then he calls out...he walks off...

everyone empties a hopper on him...

and i dont believe the team chronoed either...those like broke the skin

04-30-2004, 09:16 AM
totaly unnessary bounus balling, such as emptying a hopper on someone when its quite clear there already out(unless you like walkin into their lanes, Im assumeing you didnt) would induse a serious arse kicking, mags make good clubs after all, and well a nice SS barrel, being unsheafed from its quick lock placement makes a rather nice weapon too...

Now if you stand in someones lane, theres generally going to be 2-20 balls behind the one that hit you... its your fault then, or if you walk into their lanes, but I dont see that you did this, being right on the tape and all...

04-30-2004, 09:25 AM
as a newb (long time ago) i walked into a line

04-30-2004, 09:35 AM
as a newb (long time ago) i walked into a line

When I was a newb, there were no lines. You can't hose paint with a Nelspot. ;)

Bonus balling has its place, IMO, but its usually just a sign that the opposing player doesn't really know what is going on; they're just shooting at anything.

04-30-2004, 10:22 AM
Tell your teammates to take advantage of the situation. If they're all shooting at you, then they're not shooting at your teammates. Hell, you might want to run in around in a little circle drawing fire in a confused fashion yelling "My liver! My liver!" so your teammates can take the opportunity. If I were in a serious situation like a tournament or something, I think I would actually take the bonus balls. Paintballs aren't exactly lethal. And you know you love the welts, that's part of why some of us love the sport :)

Great Idea!
No, wait...It woulda been cept just about everyone else on my team was OUT. Remember tha "Wankers" part? they where all on the sideline watchin :mad:
They got a good show.
I can still hear tha "oooooooh" from tha crowd.

04-30-2004, 10:25 AM
least you havent gotten bonused in your pant demon...

I wear a cup. Its too big a target not to.

04-30-2004, 10:32 AM
i won a pair of c4 pants so its not a problem anymore...

used to be

04-30-2004, 10:33 AM
I would have been pissed. I probably would have started shooting back or something worse. overshooting and bonus balling is getting more common these days and I would not get mad if I got hit 4 or 5 extra times, but 20 or 25 I would be very, very pissed off and people would know very quickly.

I'm pretty cool headed and I've been lit before (not this bad tho) & my first reaction after about the 10th ball WAS to start shootin back- but tha Timmie was on E.
My wife counted 13 solid welts on my upper back. If it were'nt for my harness there woulda been another 10- it was a Goopy mess.

04-30-2004, 10:45 AM
i see newbs gettin lit up by intermediates all the time, and its not funny

we need like to tahc these players that if you cant control your trigger, you dont get your trigger...have fun

Major Jam
04-30-2004, 11:09 AM
I wear a cup. Its too big a target not to.
Now thats funny. :)

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
04-30-2004, 04:42 PM
can you explain to us this "out" song some more and the dance that goes with it?

04-30-2004, 05:28 PM
Now if you stand in someones lane, theres generally going to be 2-20 balls behind the one that hit you... its your fault then, or if you walk into their lanes, but I dont see that you did this, being right on the tape and all...

So, is it wrong to instruct players that are going to take a position in front of you off the break, if they get hit, to walk through the lanes and shut them down a moment? :rolleyes:

04-30-2004, 05:58 PM
great story, i like the song and dance part too! maybe you can take your act to broadway :p

04-30-2004, 06:12 PM
That sucks, but welcome to tournament paintball!

04-30-2004, 06:19 PM
ahaha, no thats a wee bit diffrent, Im talking about when your out, dont go meandering through someones shooting lanes/crossfire... you get in my way when your out, your going to take some paint because your most likely not takeing the quickest way to the deadbox and not following the rules of interfering...

of course Im going to allow my fronts to make there moves though, I can shoot over them off the break if there running low like they need to be or pause for a moment if there not...

05-01-2004, 01:29 AM
There is a point when overshooting becomes malicious. Overshooting and bonus balling can be tolerated if it is only a few extra shots, but I would say anything over 5 could have been avoided. 10 shots after someone is out is no accident unless someone is just retarded. A ref should have done something when acropilot got lit like that. Somebody could get hurt badly with that kind of crap going on.

05-01-2004, 06:58 PM
yea bonus balling sucks, its worse at big games. i got bonus balled so much once i had to run into a tire :cool: counted 32 broken balls, plus like 20 more that didnt break.

05-01-2004, 08:03 PM
least youve never been hit by a barrel...that happened to me yesterday night...i was hanging out in my friends pb lab (my basement) after he stripped like the barrel or something...i couldnt understand him, he has a throat problemy thing right now, so he shoots and his barrel flys off but not straignt...i was there when he accidently hit the trgger...hurt like hell

thats why you dont set a b2k4 trigger to nothin....it goes off when your cat walks on it and launches a barrel at an angle straing into your lower leg areas likme shins and calves

so be happy, some ones barrel didnt fly off...cause that hurts like hell

05-01-2004, 08:32 PM
Well, one time, we were playing on this small village/urban field, 6 vs 6. At the start and for about 4 minutes it was normal, until we shot one of their players out. (we were all using electros) So anways, the guy started running across the whole field with paint on his goggles, and ran to me and just started shooting me, constantly, nonstop (the guy we got out). Next, after my whole team saw this event, WE ALL started shooting him, which in turn made him run off the field. After the game, he was EXTREMELY pissed off, saying we had F'ing full autos, even though all we had were electros (no auto buttons).... I still have a bruise/scar from one of the paintballs that he shot on my leg (hit me with like 16 at bunker range). Anger management :confused:

05-01-2004, 08:47 PM
still man...least his barrel didnt hit you from 5ft

05-01-2004, 09:12 PM
You didnt flinch did you?

05-01-2004, 10:28 PM
bonus balling is a part of tournament paintball in my opinion

IN SOME CASES!!!!!!!! funs for flame resitant suit

If you are playing a tournament and you see someone walk off the field slowly, if you dont give them an extra ball or two then you are running the risk of being screwed by a deadman's walk or other stuff.

I've seen dead players drop pods for their back guys, ppl pull deadmen's walks, and i've seen them birddog ppl in the snake as they walk by.

So everytime someone on the opposing team walks off the field they get at least 1 extra ball to make them hurry up.

Also, if someone goes to bunker one of your front guys, they can expect to get at LEAST 5-8 balls from me alone. That will help prevent a "mutual" being pulled by the referee if the guy doesnt stop. Also, the ref tends to pull the guy with the most paint on him if it, in acutality, was a mutual. That is my reasoning behind bonus balling ppl, if you dont agree with it, fine, i dont really care, i'm gonna keep doing it until a head ref makes me stop.

So NYAH! :p

05-01-2004, 10:33 PM
Okay, so there I wuz, holdin down the left tape with my trusty Timmie...
(Dont Hate, I gotta Emag to :) )
...First time usin it with a new Halo B on top, not used to the lower (170rd) capacity...
I'm on my 30 & holdin about 3or4 dudes down on the 50 left bunker...tha Timmie's Cookin with Gas...
:) :)
...so I see this fool movin up to our right 40 bunker cause my team's a bunch O' Wankers & our right flank folded...
...So I turn to my 3oClock to give him a Burst-
DiE YooSuckeR!!!
and all I get is the little buzz of an empty Halo :confused:
Bein the quality baller that he is, player hooks me up with some free paint at 300fps. :(
It was a rightious kill.

Now, I am no fool. when I'm hit, I Scream "OUT" & raise my gun over my head before I break cover.
Plus, I Knew there were 3or4 other fools just 30 feet down the tape who'd been gettin my best just moments before...

...So I sing the "OUT" song & do tha dance & when I break cover (gun always waaay up) to cross the tape not 5 feet to my left, guess what...
Those 3or4 fools musta hit me with 20to25 good ones, All in tha Back.
Good God it hurt.

Moral of Story: I have no friggin Idea, But Damn, it Hurt.

ahahaha reminds me when we wera playing this one team in a tourny.. We had like all 5 of our guys left, a guy on the other team ran for the flag and all 5 of us shot him up.. Made him scream :)

05-02-2004, 12:05 PM
Thats why you don't reload when you have to, you reload when you can. :) ;)

05-02-2004, 09:19 PM
we all have expeirnced the "last man" part of the game, or least got lit pretty badly once or twice buttwenty balls is quite a number. and three guys that 7 balls too much and they would haver been asked to leave where i play or got the **** beat out of them. Four is also five balls, now that is very achievable with guns now, but why are they all shooting at you at once. must have been newbs that dont know our game.

05-02-2004, 09:24 PM
man i dunno about you but next time i would get a chance to shoot that guy he would have some bonus balls comin his way :D

05-03-2004, 09:13 PM
well i have 2 event with me that i remeber which involve bonus balling....

for hte first i was playin my rt on runnaway n it takes longer to stop a gun u can set in the wewdge of a tree n sit behind.. he took maybe 25 shots to the gons n top of his head.

then this one im the victim playinn out back i shot a kid out with my phantom (io dun use nothin but pumps unless theres a reason to win) so he runs up about 15 feet away dropps to the ground n lights me up.... i threm my emy 9 oz i happen to have handy n hit him in the head :rolleyes: needless tgo say i dun thiink hell pull that crap agin
its not like he happend to have a few in the air he got p ran cross the fieeld stood there n started shooting if i was shot a couple times after getting hit i coulda cared less

05-04-2004, 02:43 AM
bonus balling is a skill. so is running. thats why I always work on my skill of bonus balling an out player to the dead box to help him develop his skill of running.