View Full Version : Classic mag leaking down the barrel

04-30-2004, 12:22 PM
Ok, I have a mag with a classic valve with a Level 7 bolt installed. It was working fine when I ran HPA in it. I tried it out with some CO2 and was working then it started to leak down the barrel. I thought that maybe the o-rings got frozen and messed up so I replaced all the o-rings but it still does it. The leak goes away if I press and hold the trigger.

I thought this kind of leak was due to a bad on/off o-ring, that was replaced but it is still leaking. I'm not too familiar with classic valves as all my other mags have had RT valves. Any help is appreciated. Any suggestions?


04-30-2004, 01:49 PM
nope, if the leak stops when you pull and hold the trigger, then the on/off is doing its job.

a leak down the barrel like that is most likely a bad PT o-ring (which you changed already) or the PT spacer is wrong. try a shorter spacer and see if that solves it. (or even better, get the Lx and solve two problems at once ;) )

04-30-2004, 04:56 PM
Yeah, I'm getting a Level X kit shortly, just hope that fixes it. Thanks for your help!!!

04-30-2004, 08:36 PM
that will solve it. the LX replaces all the components in the powertube.