View Full Version : hopper decision

05-01-2004, 06:34 AM
I need the advice of AO :rolleyes: . I am in the process of fixing my gun but the hopper is the part that can be obtained as of right now. I am going to get an Xvalve, by the end of this month, and the Hair trigger, when it comes out. So I need a fast, agitated hopper and it is between a Eggie or HALO w/ rip drive. Your opinion is really apreciated.
the GC from Guam.

05-01-2004, 06:46 AM
Hope this doesn't turn into a flame fest. When I asked this question, it ended in someone getting banned =)

05-01-2004, 08:12 AM
You might want to check out the Q-Loader, I think that they look pretty nifty. (Holy crapozzle, did I just say nifty?)

05-01-2004, 11:09 AM

i personally like both
but i play with a reloader b right now (im testing it out)

i would go with the halo or empire reloader

you cant intellifeed em but hey, they are awsome

05-01-2004, 11:13 AM
As a Halo user and a eggo viewer...


05-01-2004, 02:45 PM
id go with the halo b its worth the money

05-01-2004, 03:00 PM
HALO HALO HALO!!!! I've never had a problem with mine... it's fast and consistent, sleek and sexy... what more could you want with a hopper??

05-01-2004, 03:01 PM
Halo... faster loader, stronger loader, more reliable loader, and MUCH better customer support.

05-01-2004, 03:04 PM
I would drop my egg for a Halo anyday!

05-01-2004, 04:59 PM
empire reloader B.

05-01-2004, 05:11 PM

the reloader b

thats two for the reloader
six for the halo
and 0 for the egg :eek:

05-01-2004, 11:39 PM
thanks all of you

05-02-2004, 12:09 AM
I would drop my egg for a Halo anyday!

ya im with him on that

05-02-2004, 11:33 AM
I own an eggy2 zboard and a halob z. I shot the eggy for about a year and in that time the eggy slowly disentigrated. I honestly was fearful that durring play it would just crumble off of the top of my marker. The battery door broke off, the lid broke off, in the front around the feed tube both screws and the plastic surrounding them crumbled away... Bought a halo and it has been kicking butt for the last three months. Eggy = crap...

05-02-2004, 08:16 PM
yeah i am hearing similar thing about the egg.
the halo b w/ rip is on its way thanks to you guys my pocket is super light weight :p :p :p :p :p .
My sig is gonna change real soon.
hopefully w/ a pic of me bunkering some poor guy. :D

05-02-2004, 08:38 PM
apache? (need more chacracters, what with this 10 character thing anyway?)

05-02-2004, 09:10 PM
any type of halo. eggs= break 24/7.

05-02-2004, 09:28 PM
Z boarded Egg dont let anyone tell you different

05-03-2004, 05:12 AM
why i am going with the halo
2)the rip is there, so dead batteries are not that big of a problem during a game
3) it allows for more bounce on the shell, the egg is too round and i play front man
4) eggs crack way too easily, a guy at the feild slid with an egg on his gun and it cracked on the side, he got a halo after
5) i would trust the original makers of the rev more. then the original makers of the talon
I hope this is eloquent enough for you guys, and I appreciate your comments.

05-03-2004, 07:23 AM
HALO B or Empire Reloader-B

05-03-2004, 11:11 AM
I'm curious about the ricochet apache also, anyone used one vs. the halo. I have an emag and am about to buy a loader. Any help is appreciated.

05-03-2004, 01:33 PM
most people are going to say halo, i havent tried a halo yet but i have an eggy with z, it works good for me, i haven't had ne problems, i would say for u to check out the Q loader, those things are sweat

No sKiLLz
05-03-2004, 01:49 PM
Reloader B

05-03-2004, 02:13 PM
reloader b because it's sound activated

05-03-2004, 07:25 PM
The reason that the apache or any of the richochet hoppers were not in my consideration was that they are truly ugly. They also eat through batteries. They actually don't really help in bouncing balls as the name would imply. The sides are flat and so is the a significant area of the front so getting hit there would not allow for more bounces. Plus the motor from what I heard starts to slow after a month or two of use. Now all this is from what I read about or heard from in reviews or other players. I, myself, have never really used one but I will take their words as fact. As for the speed I read that it feeds about 15-20 bps which is about the same as an old revvie which I have. Speed is not really a big thing for me but I need it on the break when I run and shoot. One game when I tried an Angel and Halo B, I shot almost the 2/3's of the hopper on the break. I had to conserve after that and it was no fun.

05-03-2004, 08:28 PM
now here is another question for you guys, Sanchez Machine Pro barrel system or an Evil pipe barrel system or a JnJ Edge barrel system heard good things about them. And please no suggestions on a getting a :eek: Freak system :eek: , they chip, break and SS is what I am trying to get away from.

05-04-2004, 12:25 AM
The reason that the apache or any of the richochet hoppers were not in my consideration was that they are truly ugly. They also eat through batteries.

Keep in mind that all of the richochet loaders other then the Apache only use ONE 9 volt battery as opposed to two.

As for the barrel kit, the Edge system works well. Also look into the Empire barrel kits and the Powerlyte Scepter.

05-04-2004, 07:11 AM
i'd go for the WGP kaner set hands down

multiple tips, multiple backs, strong, quiet, accurate, all you ever need in a barrel

05-04-2004, 07:16 AM
Have you thought about the ricochet Apache?

My teammate uses one, and he loves it! It's force-fed, ~19bps (give or take, I dunno for sure)

He shoots a pretty darned fast Impulse, and it seems to keep up (I think)

Just a suggestion.

05-04-2004, 05:00 PM
Halo all the way. I have an egg, ive been playing with it for quite a while now, and it was a big waste of money. For what i paid for it, plus how many shells ive gone through, i had had enough. I bought a halo. Ill be getting the victory board shortly for it. On a friends matrix we were screwing arround in his back yard, and the halo w/Victory board had no problem keeping up with a confirmed 22bps peak. Average ROF was closer to 19.

As for barrel kits, personally i would go with a matchstick. Great price for a great product.

05-04-2004, 06:01 PM
i sold my 10 inch freak for an 8 inch J&J edge. i have absolutely noregrets, they are just as accurate as one another, only the J&J is simpler and isnt made by that evil SP company

05-04-2004, 07:33 PM
Hey i have a Apache. I was warry of all the problems i was seeing with people at my local field having with their halo's. And i knew i didnt want an eggy. So i figured to go for hte Apache. Best decision i ever made.

Although some say they are a little on the uglier side. I have a matte blue imp, with black accent and a low rise, and with the black apache, the color scheme goes great adn so do the lines.

Also the hopper says 20 on the box. But it is around 17-18. The apache has a redesignzed battery door, well not a door, its more like a magazine. It does not come lose nor does it wobble at all. It only has 2 9-v batteries. And with the batteries is VERY light. I mean with paint is it about as heavy as an empty halo. Big plus. Also it has an LCD display on the back which u can have a game timer count down for you.

The inner's are quite kool. There is enough room for 190 balls, without packing them in too tight. Compared to the 150 (give or take) for a halo. Since this hopper is not force fed like a halo. If the batteries do go dead, which mine havent in over two months with lots of use, it acts like a gravity fed hopper. So no need for an extra 20 bucks for the rip drive. Next the inners have a Cup to them. Where the balls go into, so even if you have about 15 left, the motor isn't smacking the balls around the outside of the hopper. The motor has 4 blades, which are on two different levels so the balls dont get stuck and it will constantly feed.

The imp is almost completely custom and with vision on hitting 17 bps isnt that hard. So as i play back i shoot through more paint then the rest of my tema together, and i have never had this baby ship once, miss feed, or casue a chop.

Also, Deflections off of a halo??. .what,, i have never heard any one really talk about that as being a big factors in halo's. But as defleactions go for the apache. They are rare. But the apache does give irragular break. I have yet to have bigger then a nickle sized break on my apache because of the desigzn and sides.. except when shot dirrectly on the side. So it does help a little.

Best decision i have made. I would go with the halo or the apache, but now the apache is around $80 i think and a rip drive halo is $125 i think, so saving 50 bucks is well worth it for a pretty good hopper, never ahy probs, easy to clean, and dependable, great customer service. :D

05-04-2004, 11:29 PM
how is that window holding up, from what I read it will pop out in about a year of use or crack from a direct hit. BTW my halo is coming already so your opinion is late.
Now as for a barrel system yes Kaners are great, but they are made by SM. And I would rather go to the source and get it from them with no label from another gun company.

Nick O time
05-04-2004, 11:32 PM
ahhhhhhhhh not the Apache lol. anyways i would definately have to reccomend either the Reloader B as my first choice or the Halo B w/ rip drive as my second choice. there are no others.

05-04-2004, 11:35 PM
dude when do you boys sleep.
I mean I half way around the world from all of you and people are still awake.
cool i love the net

05-23-2004, 08:03 PM
Ok i have the halob w/ rip and it wont fit on my ule body. Should i get a different feed tube(a clamp style) or just sand it???