View Full Version : help me with my x-valve

05-01-2004, 04:38 PM
hey everyone i just a bought a 114 4500 LP SP maxflo and for some reason even when i screw in the remote to the valve and to the tank when i turn it to on the pin keeps goin off on top like the brass screw in plug thing anyone got any idea whats going on? thanx a ton! email me at [email protected] if you can help me thanx alot!

05-01-2004, 04:53 PM
I'm really not clear on your problem,can you explain it a bit better?

I'll say this though,the LP MaxFlow is not going to feed the X valve with a high enough pressure to function properly,you'll need 700psi + for that valve.

FYI, this should be in the tech forum. ;)

05-02-2004, 09:25 PM
alright let me try to clarify my problem basically i went out paintballing yesterday with my team and when we went out their i tried to put in the new 114 4500 LP smartparts max flo tank then when i would turn on the tank this little screw would blow off


on the third picture down there is a brass screw by the reg and it always opens up at the top its kidna hard to explain but it opens up then closes when i turn off the tank but i cant get any air into my valve so i dont know whats wrong with it if anyone can understand that please post but anyways if not thats cool to thank you all very much! :) :) :D :D :confused: :confused:

05-02-2004, 10:03 PM
i dont know exactly what you're talking about, but maybe its the burst disc? Maybe the guy who's selling it blew open (or whatever you call it) the burst disc with too much pressure, and sold it. I don't know if that's your problem, but could be.

05-02-2004, 10:42 PM
That brass valve on the maxflow is the overpressure relief valve. On low pressure regulator, it is set to "blow" at around 300 PSI. It's supposd to do that, so it's nothing to worry about. Turn the pressure down, and it will stop. If you need higher pressure, then you will need to buy the high pressure kit from SP.

05-02-2004, 11:40 PM
Seeing as how the Mag needs a minimum of 600psi into the valve, a call to Smart Parts is in order.