View Full Version : Does pressure have anything to do with kick?

10-04-2001, 10:46 PM
Lets say i have 2 cockers, 1 low pressure and one high. Would the one with high pressure have more kick and the one with low pressure have less kick? or does kick have to do with the weight of the gun?

10-04-2001, 11:27 PM
I thought it would have to do with:
"Each action has an equal and opposite reaction"
The energy pushing the ball out the barrel has to be the same to hit the same FPS, so the kick would be the same unless there was something to buffer against that kick. The weight of the 'cockers would make the difference, because it would take more energy to "kick" more weight back the same distance.
But then I never thought any paintball gun kicked a whole lot, my old spyder used to bounce around a little while shooting fast, but that was me PULLING (Steady position, Breathing, Aiming, Squeeze trigger) the sloppy long trigger.

10-05-2001, 09:08 PM
Oh man. Sucks to be wrong, eh Deadpool? :D

10-05-2001, 09:44 PM
maybe if i was wrong it would suck, i just asked a question to clear things up. Never disagreed with you so i cant be wrong. *Deleted by Miscue*

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