View Full Version : Sad day for EMaggot..

10-04-2001, 11:26 PM
well my car was just broken into. They got away with a cheap($250) head unit. They also totaled the center counsoul.

Why do people do this type of stuff?? They must not play paintball : ) We don't do that. If we get mad at someone we just bunker them and all is good.

Now my wife is all scared about where we live and wants to move. We have lived here over a year now and nothing like this has happened. We have 2 dogs, both St. Bernards, and I keep my shotgun handy in the bedroom (out of reach of my 18 mounth old). Everyone that lives arround here knows that I am in the Army. I have seen a little bit more kindness towards the military since all that WTC stuff happened. It's hard to belive that someone could do this. Well I hope that this finds you all better than me.

10-05-2001, 12:13 AM
We feel for you Emaggot,

We recently had two of the staffs cars broken into and their radios taken in the middle of the afternoon while we were working. It amazing the guts these people have. I think we are going to start seeing more of this now that the economy is sinking.



10-05-2001, 04:20 AM
I am also sorry to hear that Emaggot. :( One day though, they will break into the wrong car, and they will get what they deserve.

10-05-2001, 05:16 AM
Emaggot, I had my Ranger Splash broken into as well, they took my Premiere headunit, changer, and ADS 6-channel amp. I guess the close to $1800 in equipment wasnt good enough since they decided to bash out ALL of my windows 7 in all, and I cant forget the damage to my fiberglass bed and taillights. All in all, it cost me $3800 to repair the vehicle.

I learned a long time ago, dont install your head unit tight, since they wil get it either way, I now install my headunits so they can be removed fairly easily.

10-05-2001, 06:07 AM
I feel your pain. I live in SA not many countries can beat the crime in this country. Sorry to hear your loss.
At least you are in a country where if something gets stolen you have a chance to buy another one. It takes alot of money and risk to order stuff over here.
I get my E-mag next week, it costs more than my car so I hope no one breaks into it. hehe

10-05-2001, 06:19 AM
You know I heard on NPR this morning that people were even stealing Flags...Whats this world coming to?

10-05-2001, 07:18 AM
sorry to hear about the break in. But while drug abuse is one the rise, don't expect break ins to go down. The reason that 95% of break ins, thefts, robberies, and larcenies take place is because of a drug addict needing $200-400 A DAY for their drugs. That's a lot of money. Especially when street value for stolen goods is like 10-20% of what retail price is. A $200 stereo sells for $20-40 on the street (when stolen). That might help you get an idea of the amazing amount of crime that occurs daily to support drug habits. You're lucky they didn't steal your whole car. Around here, they don't break into cars, they steal the whole thing and then strip it.

10-05-2001, 08:03 AM
Ive had this happen as well. Lost my amp, headunit, and all my cd's.
I have a paranoid friend that had his car broken into as well, except he had installed 'razor wire' around his wiring harness for his $1200 clarion head unit. The would be theif removed the dash, pull the unit out and when he stuck his hands into the dash to cut/pull the wiring harness it cut his hands to shreds. The would be theif then dropped the unit and went to the hospital. He ended up being caught because he was easy to remember having cut up hands like that. He was arrested, convicted and did 18months I think.
So on my next unit, Im installing razor wire ;) I just hope I dont forget its there and nail myself with it.

10-05-2001, 08:40 AM
I feel for you man...

I had my 86 Caprice Classic Stolen last year. They took nearly everything that wasnt nailed down. The cops found it a month later and it took me over $500 to replace/repair everything.

THEN a month or so ago someone tried to steal it again! It was in a different nieghbor hood that I considered safe and I forgot to lock it. Some idiot kids must have tried to jack it - but failed (morons, its easy to steal cars like mine).

Anyway - I REALLY dodged the bullet when my car was first stolen. Alot of times I am lazy and just leave my gear in my trunk. Thank GOD I decided to take my gear out the day before it was stolen! That would have crushed me! I have several guns that have alot of personal value and would not be replaceable.

10-05-2001, 09:13 AM
sorry emag

I had my 98 Fully Loaded Jimmy broken in to. They smashed the window and riped off the steering colum(sp?). The second time they broke the same window and did the same thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10-05-2001, 09:54 AM
A couple years ago I was in a pretty bad accident. My car was towed to the repair shop, where it sat outside for about a week before they could start working on it. In that time, in the fenced-in (10-foot, barb wire topped) lot, someone pried off my sunroof and gutted my car. Aaaarrrrgggghh! They even took my shifter knob. Geeze...

On a side note, my insurance company was REALLY happy about that one! They had to pay 2 separate claims on one accident. Oh well.

10-05-2001, 10:38 AM
That sucks. I know what it feels like to have someone break into your car. My last car was broken into twice and stolen once. First time they took the CD player and a couple of speakers and broke the rear window. So I decided to just buy a cheap stereo and install some old speakers I found in the garage. Then it happened again, in my high school parking lot! They took everything but the car. When my car was stolen, they stripped everything inside. The police never found my stuff or the people who did it. I've must have spent over $2500 total. If I get my hands on those BASTARDS...

I work hard for everything I own. And for someone to just steal something from me, just hurts. I lost my faith in people many years ago. There are very, VERY few poeple that you can trust in the world today. It's a shame that our world has to be this way.

10-05-2001, 12:07 PM
Thank you all for your support. I aam glad to see that there are still people like all of us in this crazy world. I hope that this all works out ok. The Insurance company is saying that they dont think that they will replace the radio/cd player because I installed it myself. Ohh well lesson learned. Have a good day AO

10-05-2001, 12:43 PM
That stinx! Tell them to replace it or you wont buy them dinner! I once had a sticker stole by a friend...but I think thats about it...Sorry!


10-05-2001, 04:13 PM
i predict total anarchy soon. this will be very common and unfortunate. im not a psychic but things are looking bad!.

Ni cD
10-05-2001, 04:39 PM
Dang man, that sucks. :(

Oh no, Major! You found me out!!! ;)

10-05-2001, 06:44 PM
a while ago my stereo got stolen, i live right downtown in the second largest city in michigan, but in the historic district, the mayor lives next door type of thing...

when i came out to my parking lot and saw the door open, i am halfway (maybe less than halfway) glad i didnt find the guy doing it then.

I have a bit of a rage problem and i really dont need a murder wrap on my hands.....

just one other way of looking at it

theives suck

10-05-2001, 07:12 PM
Im from Bay City, and my mom currently lives in Midland.