View Full Version : Regarding the FCC censorship....

05-02-2004, 10:14 AM
Actually this is in relation to a sig regarding the petition to"stop FCC censorship".
There are certain subjects that need not be discussed on open airwaves. The material that "shock jocks" like Atlanta's Regular guys , or Howard Stearn put out is pure filth.
I am not a prud by any means , but I have to say that I don't want my children turning on the radio in the morning and hearing that trash. I discuss sex with reverance and respect. It should not be the subject of a morning show , nor should it be transformed into sleazy subject matter to bring ratings up for a a show otherwise deviod of intelligent content.
If they(broadcasters) haven't got the moral responsibilty not to say that kind of crap over free airwaves then let the FCC make them clean up , or go away.
Put that mess on XM or another pay radio service and its all fine. That way users can decide if they (and their kids) wish to have access to it , and listen if they wish.

mods-If there is another thread on this please move.Thanks

05-02-2004, 10:41 AM
That way users can decide if they (and their kids) wish to have access to it , and listen if they wish.

maybe in my opinion what you listen to on the radio is trash and they should put that on XM or some other pay station so you can pay to listen to it.

if you dont like it change the station.

its just all in what you think is funny and interesting. so i think is funny, some i dont.

05-02-2004, 10:50 AM
Its not about what you think is trash, its about what kind of material is available to kids at the touch of a button. If some child can turn the radio on and hear explicit material, thats wrong. Granted, i think Howard Stern can be funny but for the most part he is very vulgar.

05-02-2004, 10:53 AM
tv is no different

what people consider vulgar is shrinking, and both radio and tv are pushing the limits. and i really dont see that its going to stop anytime soon.

i understand that kids should be listening to it but 90% of kids today could out cuss a sailor

05-02-2004, 11:30 AM
Opinion is fine.
We should all be able to express it any time we want. That is one of the things that make America great.
There are certain adult situations ,experiances ,and discussions that should not be so readily available for children to hear.
I do not discuss in intimate detail my sexual adventures , nor do I wish you to discuss yours with me. I SURE do not wish my kids to listen to it. That subject matter should be discussed with discretion at an appropriate time in front of an appropriate audience.
It is LONG past time that someone do something to curb this activity. It just so happens that it started on radio and hopefully will move into TV also. I mean geez , if someone doesn't do something soon , how far will it be allowed to go?
Maybe it is "censorship" by the strictest form of the word but some oversight is obviously needed.
Would you sit there and listen to that crap in front of your grandmother, or your mom? Would you listen to it in front of your kids? Would you go to a job interview and talk like they do to a prospective employer? Would you mind if someone talked like that to your girlfriend?
If you want to listen to it , thats fine. Just put some form of control on it so that if you wish to listen , there is a process beyond flipping a switch and changing the channel.

The fact that kids can cuss with the best of us is not by any means a good example of why this "censorship" should not take place.The fact that people watch , listen to , and have become used to this is disturbing.

05-02-2004, 12:13 PM
Yeah yeah yeah...

Turn the station if you dont like it, of course you wouldnt want your kids or wife/"partner" to hear it, but then again, you act diffrently around your friends than you act around your grandmother.

Ryan seacrest, Oprah, and many others have had telelvision shows taht are on TV right when kids get home. right in the kids veiewing times. yet ryan seacrest's show has had live broadcasts where the words "F--k" and "S--t", and oprah was having convorsations about things thatt are also heard on the Howard Stern show.. BUT

Whats the Diffrecne? HOWARD GETS FINED, but No, Oprah is black, Micheal Powell's nubian queen -.-

If the kids are up at 6 in the morning and have time to listen to howard stern while their mothers are getting them ready for school, then the parents are either REALLY Dumb, or allow their children to listen to it.

Sign the Petition, the link is in my sig.

Viva La Howard.

05-02-2004, 12:55 PM
It's funny and it should be there.

05-02-2004, 01:00 PM
Ryan seacrest, Oprah, and many others have had telelvision shows taht are on TV right when kids get home. right in the kids veiewing times. yet ryan seacrest's show has had live broadcasts where the words "F--k" and "S--t", and oprah was having convorsations about things thatt are also heard on the Howard Stern show.. BUT

Whats the Diffrecne? HOWARD GETS FINED, but No, Oprah is black, Micheal Powell's nubian queen -.-.
The difference was CONTEXT. It is about what the reason for the discussion, and what was actually said.

While I do not agree that Oprah should have had such an explicit discussion, I have to admit that her reason was not to titillate but to educate. Howard Stern does not do it in any context close to being educational.

And I agree that the same standards should be applied across the board. But I have never hears the F word used on standard TV Channels. I have heard it bleeped out though.

Oprah is often given special treatment, yes, but for more reasons than her race. And while I may even agree that sometimes the race card IS played (actually far too often), I don’t think it is the case this time. After all Ryan Seacrest is not black is he? And according to you, he is also being held to a different standard than Howard Stern is.

I would also point out that Howard is far from being an innocent victim, he has been warned, fined, and even taken off the air on numerous occasions. Heck, he thrives on that.

But again, I agree that everyone should be held to the same standards….. and I think they should be higher than they are even now.

On another note…. You do know that internet petitions are not worth the time it takes to “sign” them, right? And you do know that internet petitions don’t change anything, right? And you do know that this is really not a 1st Amendment issue, right?

05-02-2004, 02:07 PM
I love Howard trying to frame this as a free speech issue. Does he work for free? Do his sponsors get air time for free?

No! He is a commerical enterprise. He does his show for the money. As such he must play by the rules. Can we have a shock morning TV show? No because it is against the rules. I think Howard can be funny, however take the show to Satellite and do what you want. Look at the Soprano's. There is a reason it is on HBO and not NBC!

Censorship my butt! The rules are the rules for everyone. Oh and for the Seacrest and Oprah stuff, if they break the rules, fine them too!

05-02-2004, 02:32 PM
First, they came for Janet Jackson, but I didn't care because her showing her boob was offensive to me,
Then they came for Howard Stern, but I didn't care because I think blumpkins and lesbians are disgusting,
Then they came for...

Where does it end? You don't like it, don't listen/watch/whatever. We shouldn't be child-proofing the world.

And punkcat and other who said put it on sattelite radio: the FCC wants to get their mitts on that, too.

Check out:
Glad to see the FCC has their priorities straight!

05-02-2004, 02:34 PM
While I do not agree that Oprah should have had such an explicit discussion, I have to admit that her reason was not to titillate but to educate. Howard Stern does not do it in any context close to being educational.
Have you read the transcripts?

05-02-2004, 02:42 PM
And punkcat and other who said put it on sattelite radio: the FCC wants to get their mitts on that, too.

Check out:
Glad to see the FCC has their priorities straight!

Not going to happen. The FCC couldn't even get jurisdiction over Cable, much less satellite.

It's not Free Speech when you are making money off of it! ;)

05-02-2004, 02:47 PM
Who controls the knob?

Vote with your feet. Turn it off and don't buy products that advertise on them. Its your right to do so. But I not really all that keen on having goverment do that for me. I can do it myself.

Target Practice
05-02-2004, 02:49 PM
Thank you cphillip, that is what I was saying all along in the last thread.

05-02-2004, 02:51 PM
Who controls the knob?

Vote with your feet. Turn it off and don't buy products that advertise on them. Its your right to do so. But I not really all that keen on having goverment do that for me. I can do it myself.

I can agree with you on that. However, Having it out there where kids can be exposed to it is the problem. Whether it is an older child on their school bus playing it, bus driver, etc....

The airwaves are a public trust and therefore must be regulated by the government. If TV can't get away with that Smut during the day hours, why should radio be any different.

Don't get me wrong, I am not for censorship. THis is not censorship though. This is regulation og COMMERCIAL programming. Howard doesn't work for free. This isn't NPR. He wants to make his money, then follow the rules. That simple!

05-02-2004, 02:52 PM
Thank you cphillip, that is what I was saying all along in the last thread.

Well that being said it should not be slipped in where you don't expect it. Like the Superbowl fiasco. Thats were the FCC needs to concentrate its efforts. Not on some show that you EXPECT and can ANTICIPATE that you should or should not listen. So I am kind of moderate on that point. To some extent.

05-02-2004, 02:53 PM
I can agree with you on that. However, Having it out there where kids can be exposed to it is the problem. Whether it is an older child on their school bus playing it, bus driver, etc....

The airwaves are a public trust and therefore must be regulated by the government. If TV can't get away with that Smut during the day hours, why should radio be any different.

Don't get me wrong, I am not for censorship. THis is not censorship though. This is regulation og COMMERCIAL programming. Howard doesn't work for free. This isn't NPR. He wants to make his money, then follow the rules. That simple!

Posted some twords that while you were. I agree there is some places we need oversite. To a certain extent.

05-02-2004, 04:09 PM
Have you read the transcripts?
Yes I did. Did YOU?

And if you have, are you honestly saying that Howard is doing his show for educational purposes? I CAN say that about Oprah’s show.

Do I think she went too far? Yes. But the REASON for it was not “shock jock” related, but to show what kids are doing. There is a difference. Of course those who don’t want to see that difference will claim it does not exist, but it does.

I think Oprah should have been fined as well and told to not do that again. But that does not give Howard a “free” card for his crap because she wasn’t fined.

First, they came for Janet Jackson, but I didn't care because her showing her boob was offensive to me,
Then they came for Howard Stern, but I didn't care because I think blumpkins and lesbians are disgusting,
Then they came for...

Where does it end? You don't like it, don't listen/watch/whatever. We shouldn't be child-proofing the world.

And punkcat and other who said put it on sattelite radio: the FCC wants to get their mitts on that, too.

Check out:
Glad to see the FCC has their priorities straight!
What you may find offensive is not the issue. In fact, I think the real issue is the overwhelming loss of CLASS in this country. But that is another issue I guess….

And your like…. Do you really think the FCC has nothing to do? So they are slow on an issue. When you can juggle issues and the amount of work they do, come back and talk about it. ;) My point is that you can always find issues or things not done in a timely manner in ANY organization. If you want to find fault you can… with anyone or anything.

Who controls the knob?

Vote with your feet. Turn it off and don't buy products that advertise on them. Its your right to do so. But I not really all that keen on having goverment do that for me. I can do it myself.

I do not want the government telling me what I can and can not watch, if it is a paid for choice. IE HBO and similar channels. But when it is something that is considered “public” or for “general viewing/listening” I don’t have a problem with the government setting standards. You can not buy a TV and turn it on and suddenly get HBO… but you CAN buy a radio and turn the knob and get the full gambit.

I am not fully sure how I feel about the satellite radio issue though. I simply don’t know enough about it to form an opinion.

This issue is just like any other issue… each person will place the line someplace different, and some would not place the line anywhere. THAT is why we have a government though. And that is why there are age requirements for certain positions in government. ;)

05-02-2004, 04:24 PM
I for one support Howard. If people don't want their children to listen to it, do the parental thing and turn it off. Meanwhile those of us that DO like Howard, have the right to listen to him w/o having to pay. Don't know if anyone heard the latest with mr Ryan Seichrest (sp). Well he recently took over a morning show here in SoCal (Kiss FM part of Clear Channel). Well the first day he was on they didn't have a delay. Well needless to say the "F" word, "s" word and a few other cuss words came out LIVE ON AIR. This all happened while Clear Channels president (hogan) was talking to senate about Stern's inappropriate radio program and how he was "ashamed" of it. Yet that show hasn't gotten anything as of yet, but yet Howard talks about bodily functions and he gets fined. I just don't get that. With Howard you expect his behavior so you can choose to listen or not. Believe me that kids will hear such talk at school, yes even Elementary school. Yes it is public domain and yet cussing, sexual behavior etc still go on.

The Super Bowl fiasco was just that. If you've seen the tape of how Janet reacted afterwords kinda gave me the impression she didn't plan it. (Celebrity's Uncensored 24 I believe on E!) Personally I had to watch the tape several times and even see pictures afterwords to learn that it even happened. I thought it was just a pasty, but it ended up being nipple jewelry. But if I remember correctly Lil Kim showed up to a award show (MTV I think) wearing half a dress (one boob flopping out with a pasty on it) and no one said much. It was even on news programs afterwards but it died quickly. Sex/Cussing is out everywhere now. Listen to any hip hop station and there is at least one song per 30 minutes that is mostly blanked due to cussing or whatever. Yet I still hear a few songs that describe adult situations and get allowed on the air. Stop hunting one man and go after everything or don't do it at all.

05-02-2004, 04:38 PM
The FCC has gone a wee bit overboard, and seems to be a bit hypocritical.

For instance, Mancow Muller was fined for playing a BLEEPED Clinton Parody song.

While a Mexican station, throws Spanish obscenities left and right without even a slap on the wrist.

05-02-2004, 04:49 PM
I work in the media industry and there is ALOT more to this FCC crap than you are all aware of.

First, this is fine is not something thing is minor we are talking 100s of grand per event per affiliate. The Janet boob issue is still being contested as to to wether it was one action (network being fined) or fineable for every affilite that aired the nipple without cutting away with a 5 second bypass. If you multiply the number of ABC affilites time the current $25,000 fine you are looking at a HUGH loss of revenue for ABC.

There is the other fact that we as local affilites (I work for Fox) will now have to babysit every single second of programming as any little thing, like someone whiping the finger during a live sports show becomes a fineable offence. How are we supposed to monitor this?

Who at the local level makes the decision what is airable and what is not? If I am running master control (which I do at times) am I responsible for all decisions? I am the last line of defence before it hits the transmitter. Does that mean I need to memorize some bloated government regulation on censorship and be held to uphold the guidelines? If this is true, what about lip syncing the words? I can understand when people are swearing even if it is beaped out. Does that mean when you see a coach on a sideline of a football game drop an f-bomb even with no audio I have to cut to black to protect myself and my station from being fined?

I am sick of the government tring to protect people from themselfs. Just like phillip said, if you dont like it, dont watch it. If you have a major problem with a show or program find out which advertisers are supporting that show and contact them stating that "due to your advertising involvement in XYZ show, which I feel is below the standards of morility and decentcy, my household will no longer support your company, or your products. We will return to you as customers as soon as you pull all advertisements for your product from said show".

Free market enterprise works. If it makes money people will do it. That means a MAJORITY of viewers want it. Look at HBO... the season finally of the "Soprano's" last year had a higher viewership (nielsen rating) than anything on "network" tv. This is the fist time this has ever happened and it is scaring the Network execs. Cable is starting to no longer be "the other option" but "the only option" for shows that people WANT to see.

I think the FCC should ease the restrictions on the broadcasters and let us have the same right as cable to make it a fair playing field.

05-02-2004, 05:49 PM
While a Mexican station, throws Spanish obscenities left and right without even a slap on the wrist.

That's beacuse no one in the FCC speaks Spanish! ;)

05-02-2004, 05:55 PM
I am sick of the government tring to protect people from themselfs. Just like phillip said, if you dont like it, dont watch it. If you have a major problem with a show or program find out which advertisers are supporting that show and contact them stating that "due to your advertising involvement in XYZ show, which I feel is below the standards of morility and decentcy, my household will no longer support your company, or your products. We will return to you as customers as soon as you pull all advertisements for your product from said show".

If you label the shows as TV-MA, I can be okay, maybe. But they need to be labeled! It's not fair for me as a parent watching tv with my child to be hit out of left field with something inappropriate!

Free market enterprise works. If it makes money people will do it. That means a MAJORITY of viewers want it. Look at HBO... the season finally of the "Soprano's" last year had a higher viewership (nielsen rating) than anything on "network" tv. This is the fist time this has ever happened and it is scaring the Network execs. Cable is starting to no longer be "the other option" but "the only option" for shows that people WANT to see.

I think the FCC should ease the restrictions on the broadcasters and let us have the same right as cable to make it a fair playing field.

BS FLAG HERE!!!!!! Broadcasters do not and can not have the same rights as cable stations!!!!!!!

Why? Broadcasters use the public airwaves and send their signals out to the public. They are using a public property to make money! Therefore they must answer to that same public. Don't like it? Then do what the cable companies did. Spend billions of $s to create a private transmission network! That is the difference between broadcasters and cable. Cable owns their transmission medium. I can choose to buy cable or not! I (the public) own the airwaves! I can not choose to buy broadcast tv. That signal is out there irregardless.

05-02-2004, 10:52 PM
Why can't they make a "V" chip for a radio?

Why aren't those dang kids getting breakfast, getting to school or in school?

I think if we're all honest it's not a free speech issue. However, I do believe that some (changed from lots) of what Howard has to say is educational (if you tilt your head and squint). Really, he does get people to think about some issues that maybe need to be discussed.

He is very funny at times, and at times I find myself turning to it for a little levity. Other times I turn from it, to get away from the narcissism.
I don't plan on paying for it. So, I will miss it. Will I listen to anyone else? Not likely.

05-03-2004, 10:18 AM
Why can't they make a "V" chip for a radio?

I would be good with that. As long as parents can control it.

Why aren't those dang kids getting breakfast, getting to school or in school?

Did you read my example? If they are on a bus with older students, they may be exposed to it.

05-03-2004, 12:20 PM
I don't like Howard Stern. I've never found him that funny. It seems like I hear the same show every time I turn on the radio. And hot girls doesn't translate very well on the radio (must be that whole seeing them thing)

That being said, I think the FCC is goin a little crazy here.

If you don't want your kids to listen to it...turn the station. If you're a good parent, you should know what station it is on and just not flip to it. If your kid asks you about something you deem inappropriate the must tell them that its inappropriate to talk about right know and you'll explain it when they are older.

05-03-2004, 01:25 PM
Did you read my example? If they are on a bus with older students, they may be exposed to it.
How is this any different than those students playing a CD with explicit lyrics? In fact it's probably better than that, cuz the radio is bleeped out.

05-03-2004, 02:19 PM
If they are on a bus with older students, they may be exposed to it.

I dont know how your bussing goes, but here, its K-4 on one bus (i dont think they are listening to offensive rap cd's or howard stern)

the other bus is 5-8 (8th graders might, but then again, kids are exposed to our world, they cant be sheltered forever, if its brought into the house, then the parent can stop it)

And then 9-12 (those kids can handle those themes, and prolly know more about those terms than howard himself)

Those of us that find howards topics amusing listen to them. Those that find them offensive dont.

If you deem it indecent, turn it off... There are some that WANT to listen to it, and THAT is why howard is making his money


Ryan seacrest isnt black, but HE DOES HAVE A LIVE SHOW and obscene words have been used on it. where as, howard bleeps his callers, and his staff. if they talk about adult themes, so be it

If you want to go watch porn, you do.

If you want to go listen to Howard Stern, you do.

If you find those things offensive, you simply stay away.

Swearing should be bleeped, and fined if not, but most of the scenarios discussed on Howard Stern show are WAY over kid's heads

Its this simple... The govt shouldnt try and eliminate our entertainment.

If you dont like it, turn it off. If it strikes your fancy, then leave it on

AND PARENTS -- Monitor what your kids are listening to, you cant be that stupid that you dont know what your kids are doing.

I know my mom checks on me every once in a while, and she trusts me. I find the howard stearn show amusing and therefore i listen. BUT i dont bring up the topics around my 10yr old Brother or my 6yr old sister

Its just a matter of whos listening, and WE should determine what we listen to. NOT THE FCC

(and if you think the radio is that bad, they can get pictures on the internet, your AOL parental settings can be bypassed)

05-03-2004, 02:49 PM
Howard Stern is an imbecile.

05-03-2004, 02:52 PM
Howard Stern is an imbecile.

i hate him with a passion, but just because some people in high places disagree with what he does, doesnt mean that he shouldnt be heard by the people (morons) who like him.

where are opie and anthony now?

05-03-2004, 03:32 PM
I dont know how your bussing goes, but here, its K-4 on one bus (i dont think they are listening to offensive rap cd's or howard stern)

the other bus is 5-8 (8th graders might, but then again, kids are exposed to our world, they cant be sheltered forever, if its brought into the house, then the parent can stop it)

And then 9-12 (those kids can handle those themes, and prolly know more about those terms than howard himself)

My son goes to a private school. THe bus is K-8. By the time he is in high school, I would have no problem listening to what he wants. While in 2nd grade, I'll decide!

As for the obscene CDs, Those are purchased, not broad cast! Big difference!

If you deem it indecent, turn it off... There are some that WANT to listen to it, and THAT is why howard is making his money

If you want to go watch porn, you do.

If you want to go listen to Howard Stern, you do.

If you find those things offensive, you simply stay away.

Swearing should be bleeped, and fined if not, but most of the scenarios discussed on Howard Stern show are WAY over kid's heads

Its this simple... The govt shouldnt try and eliminate our entertainment.

Your example is invalid! Broadcast is just that. Sent out over the public airwaves. Porn isn't broadcast, it is purchased. Entertainment can be anything you want when purchased, not broadcast!

(and if you think the radio is that bad, they can get pictures on the internet, your AOL parental settings can be bypassed)

That is why my kids are only allowed on the internet when I am with them!

05-03-2004, 03:33 PM
i hate him with a passion, but just because some people in high places disagree with what he does, doesnt mean that he shouldnt be heard by the people (morons) who like him.

where are opie and anthony now?

Absolutely it does.

Apparently Howard isn't smart enough to understand that by repeatedly breaking the law, he would put his career in jeapardy.

This country exists because of the rule of law. It has certain rules that we as a society live by.

When you break those rules, you pay the price.

05-03-2004, 04:47 PM
Howard is a smart guy for doing so little. He's created a fan base that just loves his show. Yes he can go a bit far but that's Howard. It's expected with that guy. EVERYONE knows this too. If people didn't like this kind of stuff, he wouldn't be on the air anymore. Fact is he's #1 in a lot of the area's he's broadcasting at. In L.A he's #1 in the morning slot. Tom Leykis is #1 in his spot in the afternoon/Evening. Both of those guys are nationally known and are good at what they do. Why is that... because people like them. They listen to hear what these guys have to say and do. As Howard has said. He would have no problem following the book that the FCC gives them to follow if they made it absolutely clear as to what the line is. According to Howard (I haven't read these books so I don't know how clear they are) they are very broad and unclear. Also what is wrong with talking about bodily functions? We all do it. Why hide it? Yes some of it's gross but it happens. It's no different then what I hear on local rap stations. I hear cursing that is bleeped but several songs are VERY vulgar and those aren't.

I understand people wanting to shield their kids from this kind of stuff. Believe me though that conversations like what Howard talks about go on in schools at recess. I know this cause not too long ago I was there and having conversations about pooping, peeing, farting, burping and sexual thoughts. This was 11+ years ago. In 4th grade I cursed so much, I started making up combonations of curse words. I stopped this by Junior High when I got threatened by some skaters (knives were involved on their part) and I realized it wasn't the way to go. Did my parents even know about my cussing... no. Why cause I didn't do it at home. I was smart enough to not do it cause I knew my parents wouldn't like that type of talk. (I also grew up in a very Mormon city) Your kids will hear this type of conversations without you being there. Not much you can do to stop it either. Fining someone up the wazoo for describing bodily functions isn't the way to go. Get the gang bangers that shoot up neighborhoods and Crack Heads that hang out at schools to find their next target off the streets. Airwaves have nothing to do with how this society is turning out. It might be public domain but so are the streets. Teach your kids right and wrong and no matter what they listen to and they'll do good. (Kinda off in left field I know but I'm venting)

05-03-2004, 06:21 PM
Ok, I personally don't like Howard Stern. I don't listen to him. I'm also not a parent yet, but my siblings are much younger than me and I did help raise them some.

I work in my University's library. It's considered a 'public' library in that non-students can and do use the facilities. As with most current libraries there are a large number of public access computers with internet access. Hence this jumped out at me.

If you want to go watch porn, you do.

If you want to go listen to Howard Stern, you do.

If you find those things offensive, you simply stay away.

In a sense this is true. However you don't go look at porn in my library. I'll kick you out. We are a public domain and children of all ages are in the building at any given time. Porn is a regulated industry therefore I help continue the regulation by preventing public displays thereof.

Public access is greatly different from private access.
Rabbitears TV = Public
Cable = private
Library = public
Home = private

What you do in your own home, so long as it doesn't effect me, I could care less. What you do in public is a different story.

Radio and TV are Public Domain and need to be regulated as such. Especially since we HAVE become the society of the lowest common denominator.

Cable and XM are private domain as they are encrypted and purchased to use. These require less regulation because the viewer is actively purchasing the service and should be aware of it's contents.

Yes we're still going to have idiot parents who don't watch their kids, but that's not the issue here really. We expect to be able to go out in public and not be disturbed by certian things. Then agian this is also the reason that I want to make an EMP device that'll blow out your speakers if you're playing your music so damn loud that I can hear it three cars away with my windows closed!!! ARG!!!!

05-03-2004, 06:25 PM
Absolutely it does.

Apparently Howard isn't smart enough to understand that by repeatedly breaking the law, he would put his career in jeapardy.

This country exists because of the rule of law. It has certain rules that we as a society live by.

When you break those rules, you pay the price.

this country also exists because of a fundamental principle called freedom, and i dont think that should be taken away from him, no matter how much of a moron he is. could you give me some examples of the laws that he broke?

05-03-2004, 06:32 PM
this country also exists because of a fundamental principle called freedom, and i dont think that should be taken away from him, no matter how much of a moron he is. could you give me some examples of the laws that he broke?

Wrong argument here buddy! If it's free speech, why is he being paid? :eek:

It is commercial speech! :p

05-03-2004, 06:54 PM
Larry Flynt got off on freedom of speech with his Hustler magazine cartoons. Only difference is you buy one and not the other, yet in many places I can get them off the street vendors. Why should it matter if you have to pay for whatever it is? Just because something is privately owned doesn't mean it's free from restrictions. Whatever you do in your house might be private but it's still regulated by the local law enforcement. Once again if people didn't like to listen to it, he wouldn't be on air. He is Infinity/Viacom's broadcasting jewel. Which is the reason they are fighting for him. As long as he stays on, he makes money for the companies.

If this definatly goes through, what prevents the FCC from targeting music next (radio broadcasts)? After all the Beatles sing about drugs, just about any band from the 60's- present has drug reference somewhere along the line. Do those get banned as well? Or do we make exceptions for them?

Edited out analogy to keep the thread clean.

05-03-2004, 07:07 PM
If this definatly goes through, what prevents the FCC from targeting music next? After all the Beatles sing about drugs, just about any band from the 60's- present has drug reference somewhere along the line. Do those get banned as well? Or do we make exceptions for them?

You're missing the distinction being drawn here. Will those songs get edited on the radio? Probably not, but it wouldn't bother me if they did. I'd just go buy a cd and listen to it on my own.

I have no problems if Mr. Stern wants to tape his show and sell it. With the explicit lyrics label (or something simliar) you could get the whole show unedited and enjoy it to your hearts content.

Your hooker anaolgy doesn't fit here. Wrong context. We're talking specifically about the regulation of audio and visual BROADCAST mediums.

05-03-2004, 07:10 PM
this country also exists because of a fundamental principle called freedom, and i dont think that should be taken away from him, no matter how much of a moron he is. could you give me some examples of the laws that he broke?

He's perfectly free do to whatever he likes in private. Soon as he takes it public for profit he's open to regulation.

05-03-2004, 08:42 PM

Yes, Porn is payed for and is private, but you can deffinatly get it broadcasted (go open up winamp and go to webtv)

I understand where your coming from 1stdeadeye. My little sister is in 1st grade, and i wouldnt want her listening to that, nor would my parents

But the thing is. they broadcast certian things at certian times.

Does your son wake up in the morning and turn on his radio to howard stern? i dont think so...if you think about it, the only people that are listening to howard is adults on their way to work.

Kids during that time, are either in school already, or getting ready for school.

Some busses dont allow CD players or radios, but others do.

Alls im saying is, i dont know one kid (8th grade or under) that carries a radio around in the morning, its usually an eminem cd :rolleyes:

05-03-2004, 10:06 PM
Some nice reading from a long time ago as spoken by a very smart dude...
Mr. Frank Zappa

05-03-2004, 10:07 PM
Sorry if this was already posted but I didn't read through half of the tripe posted in here. If you are to lazy to watch your children or teach them properly then that is your fault.

05-03-2004, 10:54 PM
Sorry if this was already posted but I didn't read through half of the tripe posted in here. If you are to lazy to watch your children or teach them properly then that is your fault.

And if we don't hold dirtbags like Stern accountable to the rules of broadcasting that's OUR fault.

05-05-2004, 04:24 PM
The problem with this situation is it is based on "community standards." I don't know if any of you have heard of Bubba the Love Sponge. He is a shock jock that broadcast from the Tampa area and was very successful doing it. He was rated number one for several years and even gave Stern a run for his money. I say was because Clear Channel fired him after he was fined by the FCC for a broadcast. Understand now that he had been on the air at the same station for over 8 years with only a couple of incidences to report. All of a sudden a single individual from the Jacksonville area makes it his lifes mission to rid the airwaves of Bubba's show and manages to get his complaint heard by the FCC. A single complaint was filed from a broadcast 3 years ago lasting all of 12 minutes.

12 minutes.

So for all the days that Bubba broadcast from 6-10 every weekday morning only 12 minutes from 3 years ago were deemed offensive and he was fined $755,000 and subsequently lost hs job. All this done by a single individual and without the possibility to effectively appeal the decision.

I don't think the problem is the regulation. The problem is there is no clear definiton of community standards. How does one person define a "community." Is it right that one person has that much power? I don't think so. I don't want a single person telling me what I can or cannot listen to on the radio. What about the hundres of thousands of listeners in all the other markets that listened to Bubba's show? As listeners we can't appeal the the FCC to stop what they are doing. The chair of the FCC is an appointed postion not an elected one so in essence we have to shut up and take it while the damage is being done.

I don't agree with everything I hear on the radio and when I find something I don't like I change the station. Its that simple. If its regulation you want, then its regulation your going to get and then you have to ask yourself "Where is it going to stop?"