View Full Version : Can the popo mail you a speeding ticket??

05-02-2004, 08:06 PM
Well... uh... is it possible?? Cuz there was this really bizarre situation last night (FalconGuy will back me up on this one, it was weird) involving an undercover cop flashing his headlights, not blue lights, just headlights... and radioing something in, then all of a sudden swerving to a stop next to an exit ramp... the only idea we had was that he was calling in a license plate number, and that something's gonna show up in the mail in the next week or two, since I know they can do that with red-light-running. To end the rambling... should I be keeping a close watch on the mail?? :(

05-02-2004, 08:08 PM
yes they CAN mail you a ticket...

an example: in MA, we have the speedpass things for tolls....they have a speedlimit requirement and if u go to fast they mail u a speeding ticket


05-02-2004, 08:08 PM
Were you speeding?

05-02-2004, 08:10 PM
Yes they can.

05-02-2004, 08:23 PM
Were you speeding?Apparently... "I swear officer, I was just passing!!" *gulp*

05-02-2004, 08:33 PM
Your not allowed to speed while passing.

05-02-2004, 08:39 PM
Well crap...

Will Wood
05-02-2004, 08:43 PM
Why couldn't they?
My cousins got mailed a speeding ticket.
They got tagged from a aircraft speeding, and then had their lisence plate taken down by camera. They got a picture of their lisence plate send to them with the ticket and fine.

05-02-2004, 08:47 PM
Apparently... "I swear officer, I was just passing!!" *gulp*

Quickly forgotten or little known fact.... Its illegal to speed to pass. Supposed to pass only if you can do so while maintaining the speed limit. That one will not get you off.

Yes they can do it with film. Thats thier evidence. Hard to dispute that.

05-02-2004, 08:57 PM
Yes they can do it with film. Thats thier evidence. Hard to dispute that.Unmarked cars have cameras? Learn something new every day, lol...

05-02-2004, 09:03 PM
RalphKH99: well sometimes what they do is they try to get you to slow down by riding your tail and doing what he did, blinking his headlights and stuff, and then what they'll do is radio ahead to a unit somewhere further up the road, and tell him that you're coming. And he'll hit you with his radar gun so they have an exact speed of how fast you were going
RalphKH99: if you had kept speeding you probably would have gotten one
RalphKH99: I think you're ok though
BobTheCow63: OH!!!
BobTheCow63: YAY!!Think there's any truth to this?? :cool:

05-02-2004, 09:07 PM
Yeah, watch me lose all your respect with everyone on AO ryan :)

We were going about 90, and I was solidly whoopin his butt. Im glad we got a nice cop (assuming what we just found out is true)

05-02-2004, 09:09 PM
A guy who works for my father got a ticket mailed to him for driving through a toll and not paying. Problem was he was 200 miles away from that toll, at work with my father at the time he did it, and the car was parked outside the house they were working on. He went to court, my father about 8 other people signed statements saying he wasn't anywhere near where he supposedly ran the toll, he had a copy of the whatever you would call the book used to keep hours people work in as well. The judge still gave him the ticket, they wouldn't show him the picture either because it was against there policy, they refused to check what kind of car it was that ran the toll as well.

05-02-2004, 09:13 PM
Unmarked cars have cameras? Learn something new every day, lol...

Easy to do... most cars got a video now a days. Easy to make em not noticable. Very easy.

How bought you just slow down and then don't have to worry about it anymore? ;)

05-03-2004, 08:49 AM
in cases where you get zapped by a speed camera and get a ticket in the mail, or where there are two cops used (one in the plane that radios down to the ground unit) you have the leagal right to cross examine your accusers. In the case where it is a camera, you have the right to question....the camera. If the prosecuter doesn't have the camera present for you to question....should be able to get the case tossed. Same thing for the plan trick, you have the right to question the pilot, but more often then not they are not at court....only the ground unit officer.

05-03-2004, 09:07 AM
in cases where you get zapped by a speed camera and get a ticket in the mail, or where there are two cops used (one in the plane that radios down to the ground unit) you have the leagal right to cross examine your accusers. In the case where it is a camera, you have the right to question....the camera. If the prosecuter doesn't have the camera present for you to question....should be able to get the case tossed. Same thing for the plan trick, you have the right to question the pilot, but more often then not they are not at court....only the ground unit officer.

No... you have a right to challenge it as accurate evidence. Unrefuted its overwelming. About all you can do is try and challege its accuracy due to calibration records. Whomever writes the ticket is the only person that has to be present and you can challenge it through him. Its traffic court not a Perry Mason episode. Its a citation not a Murder.

05-03-2004, 09:18 AM
How do you know he was a cop? Alternating your highbeams and emergency lights, can look like a cop. Or, it couldve been FD (near me, the FD all have emergency lights either in their grill on or their dashes). I seriously wouldnt worry about it. You get a ticket, no biggie. Pay it, fight it, get on with it.

05-03-2004, 09:27 AM
Unless the picture mailed to you can clearly ID you as the driver of the car, fight the ticket.
A vehicle cannot break a law a person has to, and unless they can prove that you were the person driving it, they do not have a leg to stand on.

I have heard that the reason for photo tickets mailed to the house is that it is an easy source of income. The police know that a certain percentage of people will just write the check to make it go away and all they had to do was set up a camera and mail a letter.

05-03-2004, 01:43 PM
Unless the car was stolen, they dont need a pic of your face. You are the insurer...you are responsible. Try to fight it on the "it wasnt me" theory will prolly enflame the judge, and incur fines.

05-03-2004, 01:51 PM
How do you know he was a cop? Alternating your highbeams and emergency lights, can look like a cop. Or, it couldve been FD (near me, the FD all have emergency lights either in their grill on or their dashes). I seriously wouldnt worry about it. You get a ticket, no biggie. Pay it, fight it, get on with it.

Your not required to respond to that either. Too many imposters have used that to commit assaults and carjackings. If he was to follow you doing that then drive to a police station before stopping.

05-03-2004, 02:23 PM
Apparently... "I swear officer, I was just passing!!" *gulp*

you better hope you werent passing a school bus, let alone a fine you just put kids lives in danger my friend did that and the cops nailed with a 150 speeding 300 endangering lives, he lost his license for 3 months

05-03-2004, 03:41 PM
Hmm, I thought you were allowed to pass a school bus so long as the red lights wern't one.
So if my friend is driving my car and gets pulled over for speeding, I get the ticket?

05-03-2004, 07:15 PM
Pyro, I'm sure you can pass a school bus the same way you can pass any vehicle, assuming you remain within the speed limit (yay!) and they don't have the stop sign out and/or the red lights blinking.

05-03-2004, 07:19 PM
They cant mail it if they dont have my current address...

well I guess they can mail it to my old one then citation me for not updating my address on my drivers license within 10 days :P

05-03-2004, 08:05 PM
A friend of mine got a ticket in the mail for running a red light. It had a picture of him and the amount of the fine. So he xeroxed a picture of the money and sent it back in :D

...He got in even more trouble for that stunt

05-03-2004, 08:45 PM
A friend of mine got a ticket in the mail for running a red light. It had a picture of him and the amount of the fine. So he xeroxed a picture of the money and sent it back in :D

...He got in even more trouble for that stuntLOL that's hilarious, I've heard jokes like that before. That's all automated though, with a fixed camera and everything, so kind of different.

05-04-2004, 04:41 PM
A friend of mine got a ticket in the mail for running a red light. It had a picture of him and the amount of the fine. So he xeroxed a picture of the money and sent it back in

I have heard of that too, someone sending in a picture of money and in return the police sent him a picture of handcuffs :eek:

05-04-2004, 05:12 PM
I have heard of that too, someone sending in a picture of money and in return the police sent him a picture of handcuffs :eek:

i saw that on some other site...pretty funnny..but cops will ride your butt to make you speed then BAM.."sorry officer..i don't know i was speending..." then you say "hey your a public servent get me a glass of water i am in a hurry"...I like cops but i hate Marshels..thoses guys are power hunger

05-04-2004, 06:55 PM
I'm not sure how it is elsewhere, but in Arizona, they have both red light cameras (at trouble intersections) and speed cameras. If you're caught by one of these automated systems, it records the deed (red light, speed, whatever), and takes a picture, then sends it to your address. If you contest the ticket, claiming it wasn't you, you need to provide a signed affidavit stating who was driving your car. That person will then get cited. If you cannot reasonably prove it wasn't you, then you will be cited. If you ignore the ticket ("I never received it in the mail") they will eventually serve it to you in person.