View Full Version : effiecncy #'s from your mag/Emag/RT

05-03-2004, 12:11 AM

-LX: 2 shims, 2.5 carrier, Cut red spring, 1 coil
-Richocet AK Hopper.
-Crossfire preset 68/3k
-Matched Diablo Midnight to .686
-12" Pipe kit
-88* ambient temp.
-280 fps

# of Shots. from a hot 3000 fill

1 hopper and 3/140 tubes

with 2k - 2.2k ramaining in tank.

edit for velocity #'s

05-03-2004, 01:13 AM
ULE Warped Emag
LX nicely tuned by BlackVCG, Medium spring
Kaner Kit matched to the Chronic
Rico Apache
Warp Feed
45/4500 AGD Flatline (750 psi output)
4 (140)pods + hopper (190)/warp (10) started stuttering on the 5th pod (almost half way). About 830 of 900 rds off a full 4500 fill shooting at 280 fps. Not the greatest efficency but I'll manage.

05-03-2004, 01:51 AM
Carbon, with your wit I don't understand how you only pop in here now and then. Get off that other forum and put your creative talent here ;)


-4.01 SFL E-Mag
-longest spring w/ tuned lvl 10
-12" Lapco 0.69...something or other shooting matching paint
-Halo B (if that matters)
88ci/4500 '03 (last of the 2 step series) filled to 4500psi and running at 900-1000psi

average of 1 Hopper + 7 140 rnd pods leaving 2K psi. Simple terms:

-Approximately 460 rounds per 1000psi.
-Effective total shots per tank ~ 17-1800 rounds max (marker stops shooting ~700psi)

05-03-2004, 08:32 PM
Put em up guys.

05-03-2004, 08:37 PM
i was using my buddies x valved mech mag and got 3 pods and a full rico off of a 68 3k. I still had around 1500 left. I was shooting about 265 and the tank was a preset bulldog.

05-03-2004, 08:44 PM
-68 classic mag
-Level 10 tuned w/medium spring
-10 inch freak matched to evil bore size
-warp and revvie
-temp about 60-70 degrees
-68/3000 pure energy filled to about 2700 once gas settles
-running at 850 output, gun at 260 fps

bag of 500+1 hopper+what ever is in the warp hose
thats about 700-720 balls. Gun stops shooting at about 800psi
good enough for me

05-03-2004, 09:14 PM
71 ci 4.5k 3A (preset, because of local shop only 3900psi when cooled)
MiniMag with stock valve
Lx with stock spring
14" All American
Evil Paint
Palmer reg too, but that shouldn't matter; it is cranked all the way up!

I shot 1200 @ 295fps

The only reason I think I get ok efficiency is because my gun won't stop firing until incoming pressure = ~400psi.

05-04-2004, 07:57 AM
classic 68
RT On/Off
Modified Sear (drilled extra pivot holes)
Level 10 trimmed medium spring, 2 shims 1.5 carrier
10" J&J Edge beta (before they were official, 3 bores, different milling)
68 45 raptor rex
warp and richochet

went into a tourny game with 2k. ran 750 rounds and then they were falling off... low end gauge was showing 600psi


05-04-2004, 11:55 AM

-LX: 2 shims, 1.0 carrier, long spring
-halo b
-68/4.5k armageddon
-lapco bigshot
-60-70* ambient temp.
-295 fps

# of Shots. from a hot 4500 fill

1 hopper and 5/140 tubes

with 1.5k remaining in tank.
that day I was pinching ultra evil with my lvl 10 but dont be mislead by the 1.5 k left in the tank. I'd start sputtering when that gague says about 1.1k

05-04-2004, 02:07 PM
The thing that i hated of my mag was that in 1k of psi it didnt shoot i hope that AGD's future design they take out the HPR from the valve or make the valve low pressure.

05-04-2004, 02:51 PM
I personally get about a hopper and 9-10 pods off my 72/4500 flatline off my Xmag.

*added this is what I normally get shooting about 295fps, I get higher numbers when I specifically try for max shots.