View Full Version : My two new gats, wait, i meant guns...

05-03-2004, 08:27 PM
Well, i was getting a little fed up with my ULE emag, so i decided to go ahead and trade it since i wasnt really going to need it for a few months, and what else would compare to an emag but a speed! yet this is no ordinary speed, this is a WS speed demon, which means cooler milling, yea! :D. i got to play with it the other day, and it didnt fail me at all, and the sensi actually worked, and it wasnt that much of a hassle. it has a few scratches from wear and tear, but overall it is a bada** looking angel. heres a pic...


now for the other gun. this thing was a miracle that i wound up with. while at my field yesterday, i was messing around with my previous backup, which was a stock spyder e99 that i bought for 70 bucks last weekend. it was shooting great, and one of the kids at the field took notice of it. he said he wouldnt mind trying it out for a couple of games. his emag was out of batteries, and he was talking about how he wouldnt mind just having a gun like the e99 as his main gun, since he didnt play tourney's anymore. now this was the first time this guy had played paintball in like a year, and he currently owned an all stock emag, which he lost the charger to so he wasnt able to use it in e mode, but manual worked just fine. i guess he just wanted to try the spyder out, so i let him for a couple games. well, as we were packing up, he asked me if i would like to trade. his emag w/o the charger, for my e99 and my extra revvy. i was somewhat shocked, and immediately said yes. well, he did it, and now i have my new backup, an all stock vert feed emag. yes, i know, it was like getting an emag for $70 plus the hopper that i threw in, and i was just going crazy, well, atleast on the inside. i have some plans for it, maybe get the rail milled, get lvl 10, and 3.2 flashed by my teamate, but thats pretty much it. i like it the way it is, even if it is on the heavy side, and i plan on doing just the changes i stated above. also, it works just fine in manual, and the board and battery do work, since we could actually turn it on and scroll through the menu things, just it didnt have enough power to shoot. heres a pic...


also, heres a pic of both my guns...


hope yall like them!!

05-03-2004, 08:33 PM
wow. you are the luckiest person i have ever met. congradulations. If you want to trade it to me for 70 bucks and a revvy i'd be more then happy to :D lol

05-03-2004, 08:35 PM
pleae never use gat again its so pbn like... anyways nice guns and wow tbhats a high-rise on that mag

05-03-2004, 08:36 PM
:eek: :eek: :eek: you traded an e99 for an emag!!! You are the luckiest person in the world! That guy must have really been out of the loop to trade such a beautiful machine for a lesser being :D

05-03-2004, 08:38 PM
love the WS speend, but sorta thrown by the ( sticker?) that says angel the blue and red mix sorta turns me away but still very nice!

05-03-2004, 08:38 PM
pleae never use gat again its so pbn like... anyways nice guns and wow tbhats a high-rise on that mag
i know, i just used that to get everyone's attention. i hate gat, i just thought it was funny :D . yea, the high-rise is somewhat large, but i am sorta used to it, since that e99 that i previously had owned had the vert elbow, which had the hopper up really high. oh, and wantamag, i think ill hold on to it for now :D .

05-03-2004, 08:40 PM
P... pi... pink?? :confused: To each his own...

Haha just messin' man, great stuff ya got there. :)

05-03-2004, 08:41 PM
I think I would feel bad about that trade, and throw in some money. Thats pretty cool for you though.

05-03-2004, 08:41 PM
nt2004, yes, i am the luckiest man in the world :D . paintballr87, i have that sticker on there because there are a few scratches under it, and it actually doenst look that bad in person, i just would rather have the sticker than scratches. jeez, yall are too fast to respond!

05-03-2004, 08:44 PM
I think I would feel bad about that trade, and throw in some money. Thats pretty cool for you though.
well, the guy seemed pretty happy with himself and his new e99. plus i still have to get a new $80 charger, unless i find a used one. but im still not sure if i should go with the lvl 10 or charger, since it shoots fast as dookey just in manual mode, it is soooo easy to hit the sweetspot! hey, and that thing is not pink, its fuchia! :D

05-03-2004, 08:49 PM
great, that would be awesome, anyway, i'm glad to see that you are a supporter of the drop forward, every one seems to bash them these days but i like em. great guns

can'tthink of1
05-03-2004, 08:52 PM
I wish I could trade my spyder flash sitting here for an emag, I hate you, and yet I admire you....

05-03-2004, 09:00 PM
I now feel stupid for not being as cool as you...

Kudo's man... Kudo's

05-03-2004, 09:01 PM
I hate you, and yet I admire you....

i think i just hate him :mad:

seriously though, you made out like a bandit. basically you traded an e99 for a speed. i hate you. :D

05-03-2004, 09:26 PM
actually i got the emag for the e99, but still it was a good trade :D .

05-03-2004, 09:32 PM
I got an extra new Level 10 kit here John. And you will want to play with that when you play with Riegn of Fire. If thats going to be your sponsored team marker I fix you up with that.

Also something to think on. BradAGD does a real nice job of making those High Rise bodies into a no rise. Pretty cheap too. About 40 bucks. And it looks stock and works great. You might want to send that thing to him.

05-03-2004, 09:34 PM
ok, sounds great phil. oooohh, i cant wait!

05-03-2004, 10:09 PM
I'm gonna go get me an e99....

05-04-2004, 12:49 AM
hey barberjon, now i am not joking, but would you be willing to sell your emag. my gf wants to get into paintball and i wanna get her an emag mostly cause it's the one gun i haven't owned (don't wanna get a shocker cause of the bounce). i've only heard great things about it. also, would u sell it with a charger? cool, thx.

05-04-2004, 08:05 AM
That's pretty stupid to not get an 03 shocker because "of the bounce". Bounce can be a problem on any gun, it's all about how you set up your trigger.

05-04-2004, 08:24 AM
Whilst all of you seem to be on the congratualtions trip, I can't help but think something isn't right, ok the Emag is the older type but I'm sorry you don't just lose chargers though you wouldn't have a charger if you got the E-Mag with a five finger discount.
No-one is that stupid to swap a marker with the kind of value a used E-mag has for an E99 unless they either are married to their sister or see above.
If it is all legit..(I still think it isn't) then well done.

05-04-2004, 10:01 AM
Good point, MarkM.

I suppose you could check with AGD to see if the serial # was registered to the guy who traded it, or if it was reported stolen. I wouldn't expect anything from that, though.

05-04-2004, 10:42 AM
how could you take advantage of someone like that?

05-04-2004, 12:00 PM
just wait till his dad who paid $$$ for that Emag finds out and finds out who you are...

that angel milling is wild, not really my cup of tea, but definitely wild.


05-04-2004, 02:47 PM
hey barberjon, now i am not joking, but would you be willing to sell your emag. my gf wants to get into paintball and i wanna get her an emag mostly cause it's the one gun i haven't owned (don't wanna get a shocker cause of the bounce). i've only heard great things about it. also, would u sell it with a charger? cool, thx.
well, i am currently on a team that uses all mags, and i sorta need to keep it until we get done with our tourney series, which wont be for another 6 months. thanks for asking though.

Whilst all of you seem to be on the congratualtions trip, I can't help but think something isn't right, ok the Emag is the older type but I'm sorry you don't just lose chargers though you wouldn't have a charger if you got the E-Mag with a five finger discount.
No-one is that stupid to swap a marker with the kind of value a used E-mag has for an E99 unless they either are married to their sister or see above.
If it is all legit..(I still think it isn't) then well done.
well, he seemed like a really nice guy, and he was with a few guys that i had seen before at the field. he hadnt played in over a year, so im guessing he was just out of the loop. also, he had a non-working electronic gun, and i had a working electronic gun, so i guess he felt that since he didnt play tourneys anymore, a gun that didnt need any further work on it would be just fine with him. he said that something happened to the charger, but im not sure what, we didnt really get into an in depth convo about it. he said that he had bought the gun from a guy about a year and a half ago whom the field owner also knew, so that sorta gained my trust, since if the feild owner also knew the guy whom the guy said he bought it from, then he would have known if it was stolen or not. and another thing, the guy whom my guy got the emag from had his name laser engraved on the battery pack, so i know it was his old gun. yet if anyone still has suspicions, the serial number is EM00589.

how could you take advantage of someone like that?
well, the guy seemed happy enough with the trade, so i just considered myself lucky :D . also, his friends didnt seem to care either, and they both seemed like pretty good players, and had played more frequently than their friend did, so i figured it was ok.

just wait till his dad who paid $$$ for that Emag finds out and finds out who you are...

that angel milling is wild, not really my cup of tea, but definitely wild.

yea, that would be bad if that happened, but this guy seemed old enough that he would have paid for it himself, and his dad probably doesnt really have a clue what the difference is between the two markers. oh, and thanks, i like the milling too :) .

05-04-2004, 05:00 PM
too bad you cant swap the barrels on those two guns. :D

05-04-2004, 05:32 PM
That's pretty stupid to not get an 03 shocker because "of the bounce". Bounce can be a problem on any gun, it's all about how you set up your trigger.

yupp.. And my shocker didn't have any bounce.. Especially compared to alot of DM4's/Timmy's.. Plus refs don't even check for bounce that often unless it looks like alot of bounce.. Most bounce though is when you try really hard and slow to get it, which never happens on a field.

05-04-2004, 06:11 PM
too bad you cant swap the barrels on those two guns. :D
actually, i am planning on trading my friend his un-needed mag freak back for the AA that i have right now, and since i have a freak for the angel, i can just swap fronts and im good.

yupp.. And my shocker didn't have any bounce.. Especially compared to alot of DM4's/Timmy's.. Plus refs don't even check for bounce that often unless it looks like alot of bounce.. Most bounce though is when you try really hard and slow to get it, which never happens on a field.
amazingly, i was getting a bit of bounce on the speed's opto board, which to my knowledge isnt supposed to bounce :rolleyes: . i was getting ready for a game one time and was just shooting around in the field, and all of a sudden it just ripped a rope of like 10 balls, without me touching the trigger. it was pretty cool, and no-one really cared since it was just practice, but that was really the only noticeable time. it shoots fast, i dont care how, i just like that it shoots fast :D .

05-04-2004, 08:35 PM
amazingly, i was getting a bit of bounce on the speed's opto board, which to my knowledge isnt supposed to bounce :rolleyes: . i was getting ready for a game one time and was just shooting around in the field, and all of a sudden it just ripped a rope of like 10 balls, without me touching the trigger. it was pretty cool, and no-one really cared since it was just practice, but that was really the only noticeable time. it shoots fast, i dont care how, i just like that it shoots fast :D .

Back off the TOE setting screw and increase the trigger travel.

05-04-2004, 09:19 PM
yea, thats what i figured, just make the trigger longer. i got it very light, and it doesnt seem to return as fast as i wanted it, so i may put the spring back into it, and that should clear any bounce up. thanks for the advice Mr. british dude :D .

05-05-2004, 09:03 AM
i have an extra charger, hit me up if you want to buy it