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05-04-2004, 08:41 PM
Just thinking, we played rec at the same field the day after our last AO Norcal day. What a difference. Nobody talking, bad attitudes, whatever. The day before, AO day, was some seriously good play.

By now I think playing with our AO/Norcal group is as close to being on a team as I am gonna get. We talk it up, know each others strengths (and weaknesses) and generally get it done.

I thought this far in the post I might have a point, but I guess not. Just encouraging you to find a group of people to play with, even if you can't be on a team you can get in a groove with some good folks.

05-04-2004, 09:09 PM
i agree with you mr Aegis

here you go AO!

the ao day video for AO CA of 4/24
it was mighty fun, watching the video reminded me of how fun it was

and thats why we will have another in the summer :D

05-04-2004, 09:17 PM
Its always more fun playing with people you know. Its always fun to hassle a buddy if you shoot him out, or talk smack and know no one will take it the wrong way.

Rec days can be fun if the people you are playing with are there to have fun and don't take it too seriously. If you end up with the "PbN asshats" as Carbon put it, they take a lot of the fun out of it.

05-04-2004, 09:19 PM
hands down Ao-days are better than any other event. Unfortunatly tho due to our straight up play its tough to get good deticated refs to stick around... heck most of them want to get involved and play as well since they never have to argue with anyone about if it was a hit or not, or any other obvious thing.

as a self governing body of players I think as Ao we have a corner on the market

05-04-2004, 09:39 PM
so very true... just like big game this weekend at paintball sams... first few games i did my own thing with a few others... and we got walked all over... the next few games i went with deathstalker and his group and wow just knowing a few people and there game plan relaly helps we took flag! it was sweet

and by the way what artist or band is that in the video?

05-04-2004, 09:46 PM

Here in NY I play with Torbo and ChunkDaddy, and they're really cool guys. Not like some of the other guys who wipe, play on and complain all the time.

Plus, they actually give me advice on improving instead of just insulting me when I do something dumb.

Long live AO!

05-04-2004, 09:52 PM
I actually loathe playing with random people. Thats why I don't play nearly as much as I used to.

05-05-2004, 04:20 AM
Word. I swear, us norcal folks make it easy on the reffs. Whats neat is when i roll out with the AO crew, its like there is this coolness bubble that surrounds us, parting clouds, thunderstorms and what not. Occasionaly ya get a PBNasshat that kinda work their way in, but for the most part, it all mostly cool people we pull in.

Playing with a cool group is the difference between, "dude check your hopper dude!" as opposed to "get out get out! get the eff out! you effing gone! get eff outtathere!"

Luke, for example, some random dude with an Excal, turns out to be one chill fella. Luke if your reading this i hope ya had fun rolling with AO. PBNasshats, grow up and stop being such p33ns.

05-05-2004, 10:02 AM
as a self governing body of players I think as Ao we have a corner on the market

I expect there are a lot of good "self-governing" groups out there. As long as you have experienced, friendly players, you will have no problems. We always get compliments from Refs for making their job easy, and wishing they could play with us.

I actually loathe playing with random people. Thats why I don't play nearly as much as I used to.

I hear that! I always say, find a group you want to play with, and play with them. You won't play as much as if you always played walk-on, but you'll have more fun.

05-05-2004, 10:32 AM
All I can say is the game is still the most fun in my eyes when you get to go out with your friends and play it from the love of the game when the number one goal is just bragging rights of shooting your friends and not who has the best gear, the highest BPS, Most kills, Highest Score, Best bunker move, or what ever typically motivates todays player... And know that is said not taking anything away from playing with a quality group guys. That is still countless times better than some of the types that one typically finds during open play. But the biggest problem with that is. It only typically takes 1 or 2 of the "BAD" people to pull the whole day down...

But I really can't complain, I have been blessed that in my 14 years of playing this game... I have a solid group of 8-12 guys that I have been playing with for years some of them as many as 10 years... They are friends on and off the paintball field. And the game is never as much fun as when I get to play with all of them as a group. And we spend as much time talking trash and retelling stories of times that always sound much better now than they were then...

Kind of reminds you a little of back when we all were little kids, the guns didn't shoot paint, cost thousands of dollars, and we were content just with the shout of "BANG, your dead!"....

05-05-2004, 12:57 PM
I love you guys :) I can't wait to play with you all! It's sad that some people lose sight of the fact that it's just a game.

05-05-2004, 01:06 PM
totally agree. i refuse to play unless i have at least one AOer with me. :D

05-05-2004, 01:33 PM
AO Days are BY FAR way better than rec ball days. I can never go back to playing rec ball with a bunch of random people, usually someone spoils it for the rest of us and it's not nearly as fun.

05-05-2004, 02:28 PM
Yep. My best paintball days are the AO Days. Unlike the average day when you play with people you don't know, you feel like you understand what your team will do and what the other guys might do.

But also unlike the tourney games, there is not that frantic push to go all the way. It's a bit laid back if you could call it that. Having now played the woods ball, the AO Days and now a bit of the tourneys, I would say I like the AO Day's best. It's the hybrid of the paintball play.

Quality players without any question of integrity and without the high "GET THE EFF OUT!!" levels of the tourney world. Thanks for letting me be part of the group.