View Full Version : none gayier than this, custom rig woes

05-06-2004, 12:44 PM
So my viking is at JMJ. Well I decided, last minute, that a 14 and 10inch UL tips annoed the same color would look killer for my vik. I jump on dye's website, try and pay for them and my CC is rejected, WTF.

I call dye this morning, I know my debit account is in the green, low and behold I cant send anything to an "alternate" address unless I add them to my CC acount as said address. Since I dont want to add JMJ to my CC acount I am kinda screwed.

What gets me is that they can verify my billing address, verifing that it is indeed Big GT's CC, but they dont want to ship it where I choose.

I called PBmax but it takes a few days for them to get there stuff so thats a no go. I am thinking about trying to use pbgear..

Any ideas guys???

05-06-2004, 01:03 PM
Was it over 100 bucks? I've got stuff from both places and that seems to be the magic number when it comes to shipping to a non billing address.

05-06-2004, 01:15 PM
I did the same thing for my Longbow tip, same deal as you for a matched Viking. I used Yeppers. Talked to the owner before making the order. He was agreeable to send to known paintball buisnesses. I can give you a referral if needed. He doesn't have DYE though for what I remember. I got raw tips straight from Titanium as he didn't have raw in stock.

05-06-2004, 03:32 PM
Due to the ease of fraudulent transactions using the internet, sending to the billing address is the best way for vendors to protect themselves. Many times, they don't even have a choice in the matter and they MUST ship it to the address on file with the issuing bank. Just call your bank and add the alternate address to your account there. The policy is to protect both the business and you the consumer.

Just because they can verify your billing address does not prove you are the person placing the order. Most people toss old statements without shredding them so it's pretty easy to get a CC number with its billing address.

Looks to me like you have two options: put the JMJ address on file with your bank, or pay to have the barrels overnighted to you and then overnight them to JMJ.