View Full Version : Grip Frames

10-06-2001, 09:46 AM
i was jsut wondering if it was worth my cash to replace my current trigger frame and trgger, i have a limited amount of cash to spend, 100 max and was jsut wondering which trigger frame you guys reccomended if any at all. I jsut dont like the whole plastic thing the orignal frames got goin on, lol. Thanks for your input

10-06-2001, 10:32 AM
Timex, Im afraid I cannot reccommend any brand names, or who has the higest aftermarket quality. BUT I do suggest that whatever trigger frame you do buy, make shure it FEELS good in your hand. Ask your self (quietly tho, or men with white jackets will come to see you:) ):

Could I hold on to this for several hours at a time, and not get tried?

Do I like the distance the trigger has to travel before the marker shoots?

Do I want a single or a doubble finger trigger?

Do I eat white or wheat bread?

add thoes questions up with people's opnions of quality, and you will have made your selection.

see you in my sights

10-06-2001, 12:41 PM
I really like my z-grip. If you would be able to get a hold of one, get it. But If you cant, I recommend AGD's Intelliframe. I havnt heard a single complaint about them. (unless you count the one about the frame not being very friendly for lefties)