View Full Version : So who else here has modded an XBox?

05-06-2004, 07:24 PM
I think mine turned out halfway decent. :D
Ahh. It appears my images are just a little too big (819 x 614 and the limit is 800 x 600) so if someone will resize these for me I would appreciate it.. I dont have photoshop or anything..
Meanwhile I have them on a geocities website but thats not going to last long with the limited bandwith and all.. anyway here you go:

BTW h4xbox is defentally MY name and YOU CANT STEAL IT!! :D

05-06-2004, 07:55 PM
lol. it's already down and i'm the first person to view this thread. :p

05-06-2004, 07:59 PM
Its kind of sad isnt it? :(
:p I guess no appreciates how many times I got burned with the soldering iron trying to make this durn thing :p

05-06-2004, 08:09 PM
you couldnt have boughten a solder less one?

Head knight of Ni
05-06-2004, 08:15 PM
I just got the Halo limited edition XBOX. That makes my second green game system. The other one is the jungle edition N64. :D

Watch for the new conkers game on XBOX Conker:live & uncut. Yes its on live and it should be out this year.

05-06-2004, 08:24 PM
you couldnt have boughten a solder less one?
They were out of stock everywhere, and you dont get as secure of a connection. :)

05-06-2004, 08:33 PM
I actually jsut bought an xbox off ebay, and I'm shopping around for mod chips as I type. The one I think I'm going to get is 60 bucks, is solderless, and comes with an on-off switch so you cna bypass it to run the x-box on live. Couple that with the new harddrive I'm going to put in it and I'm thinking it'll be a fun little toy. :D

05-06-2004, 08:39 PM
i just bought the green halo one too, but its gonna be hard to find matcing controllers

hey, run linux on it :)

05-06-2004, 08:45 PM
resized and host on my site, lmk if to many pics for the thread

05-06-2004, 09:02 PM
Thanks Dr. 3vil. :)

FiRe, I would put linux on it but righht now it only has a 60 gig hard drive in it and the xbox only says its like 30 gigs ( I dont know whY? :confused: ) so im saving space. I might get a 120 gig later on and put linux on it for the hell of it though. I need to get a keyboard and mouse hooked up to this thing :D

Lethargic what mod chips are you looking at? The Xecuter 3 looks VERY promising but I was just too impatiant to wait for it. I've been waiting since december for it to come out for calling out loud!

Head knight of Ni
05-06-2004, 10:27 PM
its gonna be hard to find matcing controllers

I already had a green one when I got the new XBOX so no I have two. :D

05-07-2004, 01:13 AM
I was looking to get the X-ecuter 2.3 at the moment. But i know that by the time I get around to it, the 3 will be just around the corner, so I'll probably jsut wait and get that.

Here's the one I was looking at:


05-07-2004, 03:07 AM
They were out of stock everywhere, and you dont get as secure of a connection. :)

Oh yes you can. I have a Chameleon in my Xbox, its great. I used to use the Enigma modchips (back in the day) to mod peoples Xboxes (mostly for friends) but now I use the Chameleon. I haven't had any problems with it, and I like being able to have multipule bioses on it. The 30 wires that had to be soldered onto the xbox motherboard got tiring after a while :p.

My Xbox has a Chameleon, an 80 gig seagate barracuda, and a samsung dvdrom.

Personman, your xbox probably says that it only has 30 gigs because thats just one of the partitions, check the size of every partition. It should only use up a couple gigs for its own junk. Depending on the distro of linux you choose to instal (+ programs on top of that), that will only take up 200-1000 megs. If you choose to do that, make/buy a usb to xbox adapter or two (for mouse and keyboard). I chose to make one.

05-07-2004, 03:22 PM
Lethargic: Thats exactly what I was saying 5 months ago :D

Well I was referring more to the Xecuter pogo pin deal. Im not sure why I decided to go xecuter but I did it early on and stuck with them. Most people said the lite + deal wouldnt be that secure.. and they werent instock anywhere, and they were also a good $20 more than the lite, so I just went with lite.
For some reason the LPC header deal diddnt work at all.. I fooled around with it, then I just yanked the durn thing off with a pair of pliers (thouroughly destroying it in the process, man did that feel good) and did the wired connection in like 2 seconds. :)

I'm thinking I might have gotten ripped on the hard drive. I bought it off of ebay.. oh well. I know about the partition crap, but even with the partitions it doesnt add up to anywhere near 60 gigs. Oh well its not that big of a deal. And honestly what is the point of putting linux on an xbox? So you can have a portable computer or somethingg? Cant you do that with a laptop? :p
I guess it's just the coolness factor.

05-07-2004, 04:06 PM
The Chameleon uses a very similar pogopin interface, if not the same thing.

Linux on the Xbox can be useful if you want it to hold your mp3s and play movies (although other xbox software does that too). But I think its just the coolness factor that its running linux. Its also a slap in the face of M$. I run linux (only) on my laptop and dual boot my other computers (debian). So I really have no reason to put it on my xbox.

05-07-2004, 04:14 PM
Well, I'm glad you have had good luck with the pogo pins. I generally prefer solid connections over that kind of stuff anyway, just because of murphy's law. :p
I always have really bad luck when it comes to making stuff. Whether it be modifications to a paintball gun or a xbox, something bad is bound to happen. I got really lucky on this one, and nothing REALLY bad happened, just a bunch of small things :p

Yea I guess linux is good for that stuff, but then again its not really worth the space.. I have xbmp but I cant figure out for the life of me how to use it though. I guess I should read a tutorial or something. Nah. Too lazy. :p

Anyway I suck at linux so I wouldnt be able to do anything with it anyway :rolleyes:

The Frymarker
05-07-2004, 07:19 PM
hehe it looks great :D

05-07-2004, 10:31 PM
Thank you SO much Heather. I really like how it came out! And it was so cheap too :eek: :D

05-08-2004, 08:12 AM
Check this out:

No, I haven't made it myself, but it looks really cool =)

05-08-2004, 09:09 AM
i cant understand a word of it and i want one :mad:

05-08-2004, 09:28 AM
I can tell you as much as it's a lian-li case, larger harddrive, some chip (can't remember which), and linux installed =)

05-09-2004, 01:55 AM
mine looks kinda the same except it glows red. Plus I have some of those cool brushed aluminum skins on the thing. bling bling :)

01-08-2005, 02:41 AM
just so you all know, it is now against the rules, or atlest gungas wishes to talk about modding game systems like xbox and play station

Threads of 'backup' nature have been closed before. Whether all of them were closed, I don't know. There are a lot of threads here every day.

If he really wants to know how to mod whatever, it's easy enough to find the information. Just don't ask about it here.

quote pulled from http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?t=163486

just looking out for my fellow AO'ers

01-08-2005, 03:00 AM
How nice of you to try to be 'helpful'. But this thread was started in regards to cosmetic modifications, not 'backup' modifications (as you were asking about in your threads). Past threads regarding backing up software have been closed as well.

Additionally, you can't run Linux/PVR software/get the weather/etc on a PS2, while you can on an XBox. As I understand it, you need a modchip in order to be able to run Linux (or whatever other OS) so you can expand the functionality/uses of an XBox, which is after all, a low end PC when you get down to it.

Nowhere is there mention of 'backups' or 'copying discs' or how to duplicate copywrited material in this thread. Well, except for your post.

01-08-2005, 08:45 AM
Actually you are way way wrong on this one, they sold for a limited time a Linux kit for the PS2 ... sold out in a couple days in Japan and came in a very limited number if I remember to the USA. Hence the reason SCE themselves runs a website dedicated to Linux on the PS2 ...


You could get the kit from Japan to use in the US, but you needed a mod chip to use it if I remember correctly.

Hell starting from the dreamcast on up you could a version of *nix running on just about any of the more modern platforms. Aside from the GC that this.

Additionally, you can't run Linux/PVR software/get the weather/etc on a PS2, while you can on an XBox.

01-08-2005, 11:23 AM
my on friend who is in the USAF has an xbox spliced with a ps2 so they can run either game from the same drive. he also installed a 120 gig hd with emulators on it so he can download any other game on the web that he can find :D

01-08-2005, 11:53 AM
my on friend who is in the USAF has an xbox spliced with a ps2 so they can run either game from the same drive. he also installed a 120 gig hd with emulators on it so he can download any other game on the web that he can find :D

thats cool, i was thinking about putting my ps2 into my computer and running it from there. but i travel too much with it so i haven't

01-08-2005, 12:07 PM
eh hem... i belive i have top xbox here!..

most of you have seen my DYE PAINTBALL x box!.

01-08-2005, 01:31 PM
Actually you are way way wrong on this one, they sold for a limited time a Linux kit for the PS2 ... sold out in a couple days in Japan and came in a very limited number if I remember to the USA. Hence the reason SCE themselves runs a website dedicated to Linux on the PS2 ...

Fair enough. I'm more familiar with the XBox as many of my friends have em. But the PS2 doesn't have a build in HD as the XBox does.

Hmm....you think I could run Linux on my Sega Genesis? ;)

And courtesy of CavemanKevin & Psychoreaper...closed.