View Full Version : what is the weirdest weather you have played in?

05-07-2004, 10:37 PM
What has been the worst and weirdest weather you have ever played in? I have played in a constant down pours, sub-zero weather were I was crying because my ungloved hands were so cold from the snow and cold temperature (tourney in CO springs years back) but nothing beat what I saw last weekend.

Here in Nebraska we have some weird weather and last Sunday we had what I would call a micro thunderstorm. These micro thunderstorms thought they were as bad as there double to triple digit mile counter parts but, these guys were about 2 miles wide. They had their own high gusting winds around them and each would drop the temperature a good 10 degrees. Some would pour down rain and blow it to the point that it was raining side ways. They would then move on and it would be sunny out. Then there were the really weird ones. They drop hail stones that were about the size of a two peas but there were not hard like normal hail stones. As soon as these hail stones hit the ground they melted like large snow flakes. It truly was the weirdest weather I have seen in my life next to some bizarre severe weather. What have you guys experience when playing paintball?

05-07-2004, 10:46 PM
A few months ago there were major fires all over southern California. It made national headlines. A large group of us AOers went out to SC for the day. The sky was dark grey, the sun was red, and ash floated down all around you. Hands down the weirdest conditions I've ever played in. You couldn't really see where your shots went, but we had zero problems with cheaters, that's ao for you. Tinted lenses sucked that day. Fun time tho.

05-07-2004, 10:49 PM
it would have been cool to play under Mt. St. Helens back in the day.... ;)

Empyreal Rogue
05-07-2004, 10:57 PM
One time I was playing up in No.VA at my 'local' field and it started out as a really warm nice sunny day. About 1pm, still beautiful outside, the sky turns a little black and the ground darkens and the temperature suddenly takes a 10 degree drop.

Now we're playing on the Town Field and my team is facing north and the other team is facing south (Yes it would SEEM obvious but we've played North vs. East direction before). I was keeping this guy pinned down when I suddenly stopped shooting and just stood up and stared into the sky behind the town. I could slowly see the rain start to fall as it was getting closer and closer to the town. It was one of the coolest sights ever. I watched the rain engulf this guy, it was pretty funny. Anyway, so I dove into the nearest building and looked up only to realize the building I jumped into had no roof. Luckily I was using a 98c so I had no problem in the rain, other than the fact that I had no control over where my shots were going. I could not hit a building from 40 feet because my barrel was soaked inside, it was crazy. And reloading was a PAIN because if you took too long you'd ruin all your rounds and get water trickling inside the chamber and into the barrel.

After that the rain just stopped and it was sunny again. We played in the rainy weather for the rest of that first game I described and one other town game. The problem was that the rain fell so hard everything instantly turned into mud, my did that make the rest of the day "interesting". heh

Loud Tim
05-07-2004, 11:18 PM
the weirdest weather i ever played in was fog
it was hard to see. so everyone cheated like crazy it was fun and thats my story

05-07-2004, 11:27 PM
Any weather that I have experienced here in upstate NY....

We joke around about the weather here:

You know you are from upstate NY if:
-You use your heater and air conditioner on the same day....frequently.
-Its snows at least 9 months out of the year (last year the last snowfall we had was on June 2, and the first snowfall was at the end of September).
-your car probably has snow tires on, year round.
-you work up a sweat shoveling snow when its 10 degrees out becuase its 20 degrees warmer than you are used to.
-the 100 degree summer temperatures don't bother you, but you are worried about getting heat stroke becuase of the near 100% humidity.
-anything liquid will freeze in the winter, and anything that can melt will do so in the summer.

I played on a saturday last summer when the temperature crept up to the high 90's with the humidity in the high 90's as well. We each put down about a gallon of gatorade after the first hour. Then, without warning, a severe thunderstorm hit, put 5 counties in a state of emergency due to the flash flooding, and dropped the temperature almost 40 degrees. We had to stop playing becuase the hail really hurt. Oddly enough, thats not the first or second time I have seen this happen...in August none the less.

Its 42 degrees right now, but at 2 o'clock today, the temperature was around 76 degrees.

Anytime you play here, you never really know what to expect. The weather is usually extreme, and the only thing I haven't experienced is a Typhoon ;)

05-07-2004, 11:35 PM
We get drastic weather changes here in Chicago because of Lake Michigan. One day a few summers ago I was played at Armegheddon at Challenge Park. It was a nice cool summer day. Righ after the game started there were random heavy downpours. I couldn't see at all with all the water in my face and tried over a rock and cracked the eblow on my gun :( The rain stopped exactly the second the game ended and it didn't rain the rest of the day.

05-07-2004, 11:59 PM
Waaaaaaay back in the day when I was in boot camp in SD California...got invited to play with the Simpsons which where a tourny team back in 91-92.

We were a rag tag lot of renters with rock-n-cocks versus...duh duh duh duuuunnn a "pro" team with pumps!

Out of nowhere come these mini dust storms...was hella cool. One second you are creeping and the next you are engulfed in a dust storm...two seconds later it s clear as a bell.

Still didnt keep my first paintball experience from being very painful.

Evil Preacher
05-08-2004, 07:55 AM
A couple of years ago at the MXS game at Herbies (just outside of Reno) we had wind gusts up to 80 mph. Which caused your classic sand storm. Well then the rain started and it became a mud storm. Next came the lightning striking the hills around the field (close enough that you could see the ground steam from the hits).

Then parts of the tube speedball field started to fly through the parking lot hitting cars. Three port a poddies tipped over and the local skateball half pike folded in half.

This game will always be remembered for it.

05-08-2004, 08:49 AM
the weirdest conditions i have played in are perfect conditions. that is right, no rain-snow-hail-wind or anything, just plain perfect. It has happened only 2 times since I have been playing. Those perfect 60-65 degrees, low humidity, couldy days. Cool enough to play all day and not worryi about a heat stroke. It just makes things seem so easy to do, kind of creepy :p But I have played in the hot (90-100) wether with high humidity, as well as the rain and wind, and snow.

Creative Mayhem
05-08-2004, 01:40 PM
I'm in Canada. Nuff said :D

Seriously, we get some wierd playing conditions all the time. Everything from scorching hot, to snow, fog, hail storms, small tonados less than a km away.. you name it, chances are I've played in it(except the ash thing.. that sounds cool).

Id have to say, the wierdest conditions I've played in wasn't due to any weather, but we used to play river ball. BAsically, you would climb down into this 30' wide river(creek) up to about waist to mid chest and try to shoot the other team from about 60' away. I know "that doesn't sound hard".. the trick to this game was that you had to skip the ball off the water. Try it some time.. if you have trouble skipping rocks.. round object are even harder, especially at outdoor speeds.

05-08-2004, 04:06 PM
mine was when it was sunny, but i always play when its sunny for some reason, like its always sunny when i play, exept when i feel like kicking but and i go to my local indoor course.

05-08-2004, 04:33 PM
This was just weird weather, there were no clouds, but it was raining one of the weirdest things ever.

05-08-2004, 04:39 PM
well im in california soo sunshine... :D

05-08-2004, 05:10 PM
In Belfast NY and it was the perfect day 68 degrees and like 25% humidity, over one of the many hills we spot a BLACK cloud and I turned to my teammate and said "this should be fun" 2 minutes later it downpoured with quarter sized hail but we finished that game, played two more and left, then the next day watching the weather channel they say that two tornados touched down a mile from where we were playing just an hour after we left. :eek:

The Action Figure
05-08-2004, 05:16 PM
rain or snow, or hail, or sunshine

05-08-2004, 06:20 PM
here in good ol west virginia we have some pretty cold days and one day we went to the local field in my mas dodge dakota and played woodsball games at around 20 degrees and there would be patches of ice and we would run into them accindently and fall on ourselfs and get lit up and i hand half gloves .

05-08-2004, 06:29 PM
first times playing ... me vs. my friend... we both got stingray 2's for christmas and we played in 4 feet of snow. Good times!

05-08-2004, 07:10 PM
Man, one time down here in S. VA, it was actually sunny AND breazing, so I didn't either A. sweat the crap out of me or B. freeze meself. It was tight.

05-09-2004, 10:40 AM
good stories guys; the one with raining ash seems to be about the wierdest weather that i have heard so far!

05-09-2004, 03:26 PM
70 MPH winds, yet it was so hot I couldent wear long sleevs....

05-09-2004, 04:24 PM
A few months ago there were major fires all over southern California. It made national headlines. A large group of us AOers went out to SC for the day. The sky was dark grey, the sun was red, and ash floated down all around you. Hands down the weirdest conditions I've ever played in. You couldn't really see where your shots went, but we had zero problems with cheaters, that's ao for you. Tinted lenses sucked that day. Fun time tho.
ya that was by far the wierdest weather i have played in. I was caughing up ash for a few days :o

50 cal
05-09-2004, 04:44 PM
WSe were playing in a tournament in Scottsville Ky back about 88 or 89. It was partly cloudy and and about 60* at 10:00 am. As the afternoon got later it got cold, real cold. Started raining and then turned to ice. We were using pumps and velocities ended up being 200fps if you were lucky. You had to get within 15 yds to get a break on someone.

Oh yeah, it was warm enough in the morning that everyone was in short sleeves. By time the tournament was called, it was 2:30pm and 25* out. It was our very own "Icebowl".

05-09-2004, 05:34 PM
One time me and some friends were playing on one of his uncles land, and we were playing on this hill, and when we started, there wasnt a creek around the hill, and when we went to leave, it had rained so much, there was a 6 foot deep river all around the hill, made for interesting gear carrying... thats the cottonwood river for ya...

05-09-2004, 07:45 PM
Does a blizzard count? We got 2 feet of snow WHILE we played. Back in the day before Nitrogen systems. You don't want to know what a PMI-3 looks like frozen solid....


05-09-2004, 07:59 PM
the worst weather ive played in was when it was snowing and raining

05-09-2004, 08:15 PM
well im in california soo sunshine... :D

Ya the sun is nice out here but it can be harsh sometimes. 107 degrees farenheit out in Redlands a couple of weeks ago. Its safe to say I wont be back there until mid November ;)

05-09-2004, 09:12 PM
One time, We plaed at band camp, and it was raining men.... j/k

05-09-2004, 10:46 PM
ok I live on Guam, which is part of an island chain. the thing is the chain is still growing so when the northern islands erupt we get ash falling on us. Makes for hard breathing.
But here is the real story about a month ago it was a sunny day with only a few cluds in the sky. Then all of sudden it starts to rain extremely hard. It rained so hard you could barely see a hundred feet, and there was no cloud directly above us. now the cool part. It only rained on one side of the field. so that side turned to mud and the other was hard, baked clay. Depending on the side diving was either fun or treachorous.
for proof of such an occurence check with warpside671, he lives on guam also, and can tell of these weather patterns

05-09-2004, 11:11 PM
Haha, suck it up and come play at steamboat. The snow gets to be 8 feet deep. That makes better bunkers than any of you could ever dream of. You just have to ice them down or they don't hold up to well to rapid fire. I can look outside and still see 1-2 feet of snow spots from what were bunkers. Bring in the warm. :cool:

05-10-2004, 09:38 PM
one time i skipped my high school basketball game to play paintball in the snow :D thats my story