View Full Version : my buddy needs help

05-08-2004, 09:49 PM
I would like suggestions to help my buddy resolve his problem
He sent his 02 E Orracle in to wpg to have it anodized in mid Decemeber
and still has not received it back he has called on numerous occassions and gets different stories every time and he is finally getting impaintent any suggetions would be helpful :cool:
love,peace,and afro grease

05-08-2004, 10:06 PM
sounds like he should take that up with that company...and tell him he should have bought a mag instead

05-08-2004, 10:14 PM
Dude i've told him a million times but worr games should man up and tell whats happening

05-09-2004, 12:11 AM
I've been cocker owner for the last couple of years and recently switched over to Mags; one of the reasons I made the switch is that customer service at WGP has been totally unresponsive on more than one occasion. Richie, especially, tends to ignore email and voice messages left for him. The only thing I can recommend--that's worked for me in the recent past--is to have your friend call WGP and explain to the receptionist that he's having a problem with the WGP customer service being not responsive and your issue will be treated more seriously.

05-09-2004, 12:44 AM
well here is the thing he has called down to worr games and richie says oh the ano machine is down. your gun is done i have seen it a week later no gun. then again he calls richie has another excues still no gun this has gone on since december it was supposed to be a 2 week fix. but lets add this up december was how many months ago 1+3 carry the 2 (a long time ago). and still no gun he called and said he wanted to talk to someone about this issue he gets Bud Orr now lets see if Bud can work this out and i could only imagine the nice thing for worr games(Brass Eagle now) to do is commponsate for the long wait. by either not having him pay for the ano or giving him something in return. But lets hope in the end of things my friend has his gun back or at least money for how much the gun cost if worr game lost my friends gun. It just makes me mad that a company can try and do this :mad: :mad: :mad: