View Full Version : CPX.. holy commercial batman!

05-09-2004, 12:02 AM
Hey guys.

Not sure if this has been posted, but CPX, challenge park extreme has a pretty fancy commercial advertising their park and more importantly paintball.

Well done, showing lots of players, action shots and some of the fields to be played on. Props to them!

challengepark.com may have it if interested

sorry if this has been posted, kinda excited!


05-09-2004, 12:03 AM
Only if that field was actually good...

05-09-2004, 12:05 AM
I dont think its on the website, but thats awesome :)

That town of bedlam looks awesome

05-09-2004, 12:08 AM
Its cool, besides the fact you have to play on asfult and most the time your own team will end up shooting at you by the end of the game. :D

05-09-2004, 12:13 AM
Its cool, besides the fact you have to play on asfult and most the time your own team will end up shooting at you by the end of the game. :D


i agree the fields could use some work, but still fun.

you ever been to tri city?


05-09-2004, 12:44 AM
Its cool, besides the fact you have to play on asfult and most the time your own team will end up shooting at you by the end of the game. :D
Or right after you get the flag off of the break

05-09-2004, 12:54 AM
Meh. If they had spent even 10% of what that commercial must have cost on a process audit, the park might be worth visiting.

"CPX: Come for the 2200psi fills, stay for the excruciating delays between games."

05-09-2004, 03:16 AM
I have to admit CPX IS the coolest place I ever got food poisoning. :eek:

05-09-2004, 07:07 AM

i agree the fields could use some work, but still fun.

you ever been to tri city?


Nope, and I don't plan on it.

Josh-Wow, that really sucks.

05-09-2004, 08:35 AM
thats good that their advertising. I wish a good field out here would take the initiative, like THe Badlandz. I've hated CPX for a while now. They do have ssome fun fields like bedlam but when you go there, you are forced to pay crappy prices for crappy BE paint and the majority of the games you play will be on bedlam or armageddon and you will wait for ridiculous amounts of time sometimes just to play against 20 newbs that seem like they spend a good amount of time on PBN. Also the refs tend to be a little on the douche bag side and they never fully fill your air.

If you end up in chicago, try out badlandz or if you are near oswego, check out this new indoor filed called pbshooters. THey have 1 nice airball field that they switch around and they are soon to be switching to BYOP

05-09-2004, 11:37 AM
The only thing keeping that park's doors open are advertising. So it MUST be good. The town field of bedlem is cool, but like it has been said, you play on asphault. I fell down and broke my brnad new warp off the bracket the first time i ever played on it. (on the break too) They only have it open on weekends in the summer, and you have to wait in line. The woods fields there have no good cover. It's all small trees, nothing to hide behind. A total waste of paint. Oh yeah, they also force you to watch a 20 minute video of them claiming that "no-one has ever been injured at Challenge Park" heh.

05-09-2004, 11:46 AM
Only if that field was actually good...

ya dude CPX is OverRated for what they are they spent soo much money on **** like they got 2hyper ball fields and they never use em.

05-09-2004, 12:59 PM
I personally think that the CPX complex is one of the coolest paintball "parks" I have ever been to. That being said, their prices and rules suck to the point of no return. I am glad that I have played this field, but I am also glad I do not have to call it home. I am excited to go back for Shatnerball this year. Since the organizers (AKA AGD) have rented the facility for the weekend, I expect it to be a great place to play with decent paint prices and actual 3000-4500 air fills:)

Oh, and the one rule that had me dumbfounded was the the "no outside beverages" which included WATER!!!!!!!
If I can not bring in my own water, you sure as hell better be giving it to me for free and not charging me $2 for a 20oz bottle!!!!!!!!!!

05-09-2004, 01:01 PM
link to the commercial anyone???

05-09-2004, 01:35 PM
link to the commercial anyone???

05-09-2004, 02:11 PM
My local Park Ithaca Paintball (http://www.Ithacapaintball.com) made a commericial and it was a huge succses, and it was cool because it was on durring the sunday stew one time. hope it works as well for them as it did us.

05-09-2004, 03:48 PM
Oh, and the one rule that had me dumbfounded was the the "no outside beverages" which included WATER!!!!!!!
If I can not bring in my own water, you sure as hell better be giving it to me for free and not charging me $2 for a 20oz bottle!!!!!!!!!!

That's suprising, I've always brought my own water and stuff into the park. Also, they have started filling 4500 you just need to ask them. I still hate that place though. Most of the time it's newbie heaven.

05-09-2004, 04:36 PM
...i live 30 min froom CPX (chicago) but haven't seen one commerical (maybe cause its illigal in chicago and they don't want people getting into it and buying guns...too late for me :D )

...what channel was it on/time what program was on?

05-09-2004, 04:37 PM
...i live 30 min froom CPX (chicago) but haven't seen one commerical (maybe cause its illigal in chicago and they don't want people getting into it and buying guns...too late for me :D )

...what channel was it on/time what program was on?
its illegal in Chicago??? wow i did not know that. Do you know if they have any problems with it in Aurora/Naperville?

05-09-2004, 05:07 PM
It's illegal to shoot guns in Naperville, but it is legal to own them. Not sure about Aurora, but I bet it's the same law.

05-09-2004, 05:22 PM
It's illegal to shoot guns in Naperville, but it is legal to own them. Not sure about Aurora, but I bet it's the same law.
to shoot paintball guns? Gee that sucks. Oh well, i'll still do it :D

05-09-2004, 05:52 PM
Me too :D

stupid too short message thing

05-09-2004, 06:32 PM
.... Oh yeah, they also force you to watch a 20 minute video of them claiming that "no-one has ever been injured at Challenge Park" heh.

I would be one of the lucky ones to be injured at the park. It was only 2 fractures in my ankle :rolleyes: I still refuse to go back on Armegeddon after that.

05-09-2004, 06:36 PM
I would be one of the lucky ones to be injured at the park. It was only 2 fractures in my ankle :rolleyes: I still refuse to go back on Armegeddon after that.
armageddon is an accident waiting to happen what with all the jagged peices of metal everywhere and the rocks jutting out of the paths.

Biggest flaw of that field is that barely anyone will go in the middle. All you have to do is take the corners and you will win quite easily, and i speak from many games worth of experience on that field, including one where i was able to take out 3-4 players by firing down one side lane and another game where my whole team of noobs got decimated by 8 guys firing down 2 lanes :(

05-09-2004, 07:05 PM
Yeah, It's the same thing with bedlam too, kind of. I always hit the corners on that field.

05-09-2004, 07:09 PM
Yeah, It's the same thing with bedlam too, kind of. I always hit the corners on that field.
bedlam gets wild when you try to clear the buildings. They are divided with nets so you can bust into the building and get into a frantic staring match with the person on the ohter side of the net. Eventually on will make a move and some crazy shooting will ensue. I've had some weird encounters with people in the buildings

05-09-2004, 10:01 PM
Yeah dude, One time I went into one of those buildings and just sat there looking at the person for what seemed like a long time and was like what the hell, and shot threw the net, some splatter got on the kid and he called himself out. Works for me.

05-10-2004, 10:01 AM
ya dude CPX is OverRated for what they are they spent soo much money on **** like they got 2hyper ball fields and they never use em.

yeah they do, you just gotta ask them. or go on days when they have tourneys.

i think the field is ok. i don't like 'geddon for the reasons stated. i've played 2 games there, don't like it. bedlam is fun and all, but it gets old having to wait 30+ minutes for 1 game to play through. 10min to crono, 10 to pick teams, 10 to get to the corner and actually start. i've only played on one of their "woods" field, heh, more like shubbery field. haven't tried jungle of doom, or the other ones.

05-10-2004, 10:19 AM
Heh, whaddaya expect, BE owns CPX. No wonder they started replacing their Pirahna rentals w/ crappy JT's :) Also, the refs are sooooo lazy i.e. standing on top of the hill at Armageddon the whole game, saying they didnt have the 'flag' (a gas can I was looking straight at) at the junkyard when we wanted play CTF instead of team deathmatch. About the only way I'd go back there would be for Shatnerball, or another event where the entire facility is rented out, w/ BYOP & non-CPX refs. Nuff said.

05-10-2004, 02:59 PM
That's suprising, I've always brought my own water and stuff into the park. Also, they have started filling 4500 you just need to ask them. I still hate that place though. Most of the time it's newbie heaven.

Well...all my experiances with this place are from the first Shatnerball. If you didn't hear the horror stories...they were only getting about 2200psi fills and they ran out of the cheap paint (which wasn't that cheap).

We had a few coolers of water and gatoraid and such and someone brought in a water cooler and they were sitting around the pavilion that we were staging at. One of the refs (or atleast someone who worked there) came up to us and told us we could not have outside beverages in the "Park". I flipped out on the guy and he walked away. Later I found out this rule is because it's concidered an "Amusement Park" or something of the like and State law prohibits outside beverages. To me this is a load of bull poo-poo.

05-10-2004, 03:23 PM
It's illegal to shoot guns in Naperville, but it is legal to own them. Not sure about Aurora, but I bet it's the same law.

iirc, its illegal in the entire county (dupage? not sure if the bordering ones also have it too) to discharge any compressed air gun (which would include BB/pellet rifles using CO2 charges, and paintball guns)

05-10-2004, 03:49 PM
Well...all my experiances with this place are from the first Shatnerball. If you didn't hear the horror stories...they were only getting about 2200psi fills and they ran out of the cheap paint (which wasn't that cheap).

We had a few coolers of water and gatoraid and such and someone brought in a water cooler and they were sitting around the pavilion that we were staging at. One of the refs (or atleast someone who worked there) came up to us and told us we could not have outside beverages in the "Park". I flipped out on the guy and he walked away. Later I found out this rule is because it's concidered an "Amusement Park" or something of the like and State law prohibits outside beverages. To me this is a load of bull poo-poo.

I think it was you that helped me bring in the water cooler full of Gatorade. I also remember you going off on the guy about it. We have to see if we can just walk the keg in this year. :eek:

05-10-2004, 04:10 PM
iirc, its illegal in the entire county (dupage? not sure if the bordering ones also have it too) to discharge any compressed air gun (which would include BB/pellet rifles using CO2 charges, and paintball guns)
yeah i live in dupage. I never knew about that rule. Luckily, when i fire it, not very many people are around to care/enforce those rules.

05-10-2004, 08:01 PM
ok lets jsut agree CPX sucks

05-10-2004, 09:56 PM
I live in aurora, had the cops called on me twice for "discharging a paintball marker". the first time the cop was pretty cool about it and i let him fire the emag a few times, the second time was some chick cop who actually gave me a $50 citation.

Neither one of them told me it was against hte law, just that a few neighbors complained about the noise and that they were worried that I would shoot them / their kids.

05-10-2004, 11:00 PM
The part on my yard I shoot in is really enclosed, fences on 3 sides, our deck on 1 side. No one has said anything in me doing it for 2 1/2 years, so I think I'm good.

04-24-2005, 02:43 PM
I live in aurora, had the cops called on me twice for "discharging a paintball marker". the first time the cop was pretty cool about it and i let him fire the emag a few times, the second time was some chick cop who actually gave me a $50 citation.

Neither one of them told me it was against hte law, just that a few neighbors complained about the noise and that they were worried that I would shoot them / their kids.

A jag-off that butts against my backyard called the cops on me. He complains about everything!!! What a loser! Anyways, they told me it was illegal and just gave me a warning.

04-24-2005, 03:21 PM
Is it dead yet? :tard:

04-24-2005, 05:57 PM
Holy thread ressurection batman!

04-24-2005, 07:30 PM
Holy thread ressurection batman!
ha i love how it matches the thread title