View Full Version : Why only 9bps? To AGD staff.

10-06-2001, 06:45 PM
I took my emag out again today. I shortened my trigger so i could rip faster....(just put in a turbo rev board and it can't keep up with me, need halo/warp combo). anyway, i decided to tryout the burst modes in hyperball just because my trigger finger was getting tired and the field allows burst modes. I forgot how darn slow 9bps really is. Is there any way we can get this up to a more competitive 12bps especially since the halo and warps can feed hella fast. Thanks.

P.S. Don't get me wrong, i'm not complaining, i love my emag!. It's just that I don't know too many people who even use that feature of the gun because they say the same thing, it's just not fast enough for their taste.

10-06-2001, 07:32 PM
Hmmmm I'm still at 8bps and that is a rare occurence for me. Hmmm what can you do with 12bps that you can't do with 9bps? How is the turborev by the way? Any problems? Is it really worth the $40?

10-06-2001, 09:14 PM
it is possible to shoot semi-auto at 16+ bps if you can get your finger to spazz out fast enough. 12bps over 9bps is a BIG difference. i was just wondering why agd decided to limit the burst modes to 9bps which is slower that most modern hoppers can deliver. i guess they just wanted to make sure people didn't chop. but now that newer faster hoppers are coming out can we send our guns in to get that changed to 12bps or faster? just a suggestion. the turborev does make a difference, but i still chop balls, it must be the blowback from the bolt causing misfeeds. the halo should fix that since it is centrifugally fed, not gravity fed. is the turborev worth it? yeah, overall it was a good investment, but i still can't rip like i want to yet.

10-07-2001, 01:43 AM
9 BPS in burst mode is by industry agreement to keep the eye doctors from pounding us into the ground. There will be no more burst modes of ANY type in a couple of months, again by industry agreement. It IS slow isn't it?


10-07-2001, 01:54 AM
Nope I think it's rather fast considering I can't even shoot 8 yet without passing out:D