View Full Version : Hello from Turkey

05-09-2004, 10:37 AM
Well, the orders didn't get cancelled, and now I'm here. I have to say that I like this place a lot better than I liked my last base. I'll be here for a while, but I'll live.
This place is a lot of fun. I actually got to try the local liquor, Raki. It tastes a lot like Jeagermiester, but it hits you a lot harder. The bars here are pretty crazy, we had a nut doing combat rolls through the bar all night! Lots of fun...
But, like I said, I'll be here for a while.
By the way:
Edwierd, this place is not as bad as everyone says it is...

05-09-2004, 11:11 AM
I'm glad it is more pleasant then you expected. Be safe and come home soon!!

05-10-2004, 02:58 AM
HOOAH Breg! Stay safe, and watch your 6 anyway. Nowhere is really safe out here.

05-10-2004, 03:41 AM
Yeah ive heard alot of good stories from turkey... Enjoy and watch out for them evil turkish cops and prisons

Sofa Card = your best friend :)

05-10-2004, 04:20 AM
Something to add to the above post is to watch out for the women, they themselves are not a problem some like any country are not the nicest in the world to look at but a lot are the total opposite and if you show any interest in them watch out as the locals WILL be watching and WILL do something about it, huge double standards as they (male locals) will think nothing of hitting on foreign women. Also the Turkish culture is one of "you hurt/insult me, I will kill you" quite litrally in a few cases.
The weather is good and the locals friendly enough if you respect their customs/mindset. Avoid the booze as unless you have been posted overseas before it is quite a bit stronger than what you are used to, even the beer as you have already found out. Spirits (liqour) is the same strength but so damned cheap it can be very tempting.

05-10-2004, 04:36 AM
Oh yeah I forgot one thing... I think they told you about this but watch out what you step on! In that part of the world exposing the bottom of your shoe or foot is highly offensive. So to put this in context... if you drop some cash do not chase it down and step on it. Fundamentally your telling everyone and the forefather of their country on the bill to stick it somewhere very uncomfortable.

"like the back seat of a volkswagon" yeah I had to say it.

05-10-2004, 08:01 AM
have fun big man ;)

05-11-2004, 11:15 PM
Thanks guys,
This place, like I said, is already better than Kirtland.
Aside from the normal things that you have to watch in a primairaly Muslim country, there are a few things:
One is the founder of Turkey, Atta Turk. He is like Martin Luther King George Washington and Abraham Lincon all rolled into one. They will jail you for disrespceeting his name out here.
The women are pretty westernized and, quiet frankly, very beautiful. Hell, there is a guy that works in my building that is getting married to a Turkish National.
Most of the locals love us here, because we are their lively hood. If we leave or stop comming in to their shop for any reason, they might go hungry... literally.
Ed, do you remember in the Airman magazine a couple of years back an article about the Turkish/ American liason named Mehemet? I just met him yesterday at the Right Start briefing... he was one of the best briefers I've had in a while.
As for the rest, I'm not sure as of yet. I'll just have to make it up as I go along.
Being a fan of all things historical I'm in love with Turkey. Just to give you an example, about 15 miles from here there is a bridge that the Romans built about 1900 years ago that is still in use today. There are all of these old castles here, etc.
Well, the brief begins again in about 5 minutes...
Take care everyone....

05-11-2004, 11:25 PM
Ahh...Turkey. I had some very crazy times in Antalya bay. Out of all the ports during my stretch in the navy...A-Bay was my fav.

05-12-2004, 02:52 AM
I was going to mention Mustafa Kemal (aka "Ataturk"). He led quite a life. From the fringes of the Young Turk movement to raising modern Turkey from the ashes of the Ottoman Empire. Maybe if you travel with a copy of Mango's biography of Ataturk, it would serve as a get out of jail free card?

I don't know where you are stationed, exactly, but if you get an opportunity to visit Gallipoli, it would be a chance of a lifetime. BTW, Mustafa Kemal was instrumental in the defense of Gallipoli.

I'd love to visit Turkey...

05-12-2004, 05:01 AM
I actually got to try the local liquor, Raki. It tastes a lot like Jeagermiester, but it hits you a lot harder.

omg, i would be in heaven

05-12-2004, 05:12 AM
yeah I think I remember that name... I dont read that rag much but last week I was in class from wed - fri so I didnt have much better to do.

05-13-2004, 12:05 PM
Yeah, today I watched a Turkish centipede attack, kill, eat, and tear the head off of Turkish lizard. That was one of the most interesting things I have watched in a long time.
But, each day the bitter sting of Kirtland fades and the new joy I have in Turkey grows.
I should have come to this place years ago, before I got all bitter and cynical.
Ed, if you get that chance to come here TDY or something... DO IT! You will have a great time.

05-13-2004, 04:34 PM
Where abouts are you? I was in Aksaz a little over a year ago with my boat. Most of the crew didn't like it, but it wasn't too bad. Lots of bars, lots of leather shops, bueatiful mountains.