View Full Version : another "great day of PB" post...

05-09-2004, 03:58 PM
My trusty classic, levelX, iframe and I started "wowing" the group of Tippman players last summer. We're just a group of "good ole' woods players" so, electronics really aren't even on our radar. Living in Northern Indiana is pretty much "Tippman Country" anyway since they are built here in town.

Well, I had converted one of them and he ended up getting a new ULE, RT with the "Y" grip. He, a guy using an A5 and myself were quite a force. My buddy often got accused of having a fully auto gun so I had to tell him to turn down his "ROF". He was VERY impressed with the marker as was I. I've been used to the mags reliability -- he had not so he was just ecstatic.

Not to poke at "other" brands, but, the squeegy I wore was only used twice to clean out a teammates tippmann and I could not help the guy with the autococker fix his woes.

It was a great day of woodsball and the Mag represented well! :D

05-09-2004, 04:03 PM
It's very nice to hear the tale of lonely squeeges owned by Mag owners :)

05-09-2004, 04:11 PM
Granted, I don't own a 'Mag (yet, anyway), but my squeeges would get awful lonely if it weren't for other players. I think (not counting experiments on my markers gone temporarily awry), I've broken 2 balls in the past 2 years.

I think it is funny to hear players accuse someone of using a full auto who isn't, especially if it's a mech marker - although I personally don't care if they're using full auto - 13-15 bps is 13-15 bps, whether it's semi or full auto.