View Full Version : What is a good marker for a 10 year old.

05-10-2004, 03:21 PM
I'm buying a present for my nephew. He played for the first time a few weeks ago, and it is the only thing he can talk about. Are there any markers designed for kid sized hands?

05-10-2004, 03:24 PM
no not really. But however, a good choice if youre looking for smaller, would be a nice mechanical spyder. Id say tippmann, but theyre longer, which may be in this case bad.

05-10-2004, 03:28 PM
you could probably build him a nice mech spyder (almost all of the parts are for sale or offered as a replacement part)

look into the 50/fifty frame

05-10-2004, 03:28 PM
Check out the Paradox line of markers from Syndacet. (SP)
They have some of the smallest grips around and are very comfortable for small hands, as well as reasonably priced. They take sypder barrels and internals. as well as front block. So Check them out they are all metal construction so you don't lose quality and are the standard blow back openbolt.

05-10-2004, 03:30 PM
I'll check that 50/50 out.

I can't believe no one is building markers for kids. It could be a huge market.

Load SM5
05-10-2004, 03:31 PM
Not really for kid-sized hands that I know of, but grips can be made a bit smaller by getting rid of the fatter wrap-around grips and going with some panels.

can'tthink of1
05-10-2004, 03:36 PM
Just get him a spyder xtra.

05-10-2004, 03:45 PM
The spyder is probably the best choice for a minor investment for a youth...

But when it comes to grip size I doubt there is much smaller than our very own classic grip frame ?

05-10-2004, 03:48 PM
Whatever you do, do NOT purchase markers from Brass Eagle. Especially the horribly cheap pump-action ones. They chop almost every other ball.

05-10-2004, 03:48 PM
My son has no problem handling his Spyder Xtra, and it only cost about 80 bucks.

05-10-2004, 04:22 PM
03 shocker, 45/45 maxflo, revvy :D

No sKiLLz
05-10-2004, 04:32 PM


05-10-2004, 04:37 PM
I think spyder is the way to go.

Creative Mayhem
05-10-2004, 04:49 PM
I think spyder is the way to go.

I would suggest a mag. Why? Not because this is a mag forum...:D but for a few main reasons..

1) As Vanced has noted, you can't get a grip/frame combo as small as the mag

2) The ease of use that goes along with the mag is great for kids.

3) The sheer reliability of the mag CANNOT be beat. They are virtually indestructable.

I have had my minimag for almost 12yrs now, and I have never had any issues, and its been used by many kids as a loaner, never did it break down, never did it let the kids down(providing they don't shoot all their paint right away as many kids do :D) IMHO you really can't get ans easier gun for the use of youngsters. The cost may be a little more, but you can prolly find a good classic for ~$250

05-10-2004, 04:53 PM
I agree, give him a mag. Not only will he not be asking for a better gun in 3 weeks, he will probably never need another gun, and he dosent need to be a genius of mechanically inclined to fix it, IF it breaks. A guy I know dragged his through a mud puddle(not reccomended) and picked it up and it still shot fine. the standard carbon fiber frame is pretty thin, and he could get his hand around it better, and when he outgrows it, you got the hair trigger out by then or the intelli.

05-10-2004, 05:08 PM
Used Spyder.

05-10-2004, 05:17 PM
a mag may be a little more but in the long run its way better..being as there pretty much indestructable!you can get a full package for 270 at paintballgear
....and when he gets real into the sport he can just buy upgrades...

05-10-2004, 05:20 PM
I so would have bought my kid a mag if it weren't for one thing: kids are fickle. Last year for his birthday I got him a 6 Flags season pass - then he didn't want to go anymore. Yeah, I know you could always sell the gun if he changes his mind, but I would feel bad doing that - after all, it was a gift. You also have to consider that you have to get a mask, air/co2 system, squeegee, oil, parts kits, etc. My 80 dollar Spyder turned into close to a $200 gift.

05-10-2004, 05:31 PM
all ule mag would be light/small for him..


Alias timmy.. There supposed to be liiight.. and come on.. a 10 yr old with an alias? Do you know how pimp that would be

05-10-2004, 06:04 PM
all ule mag would be light/small for him..


Alias timmy.. There supposed to be liiight.. and come on.. a 10 yr old with an alias? Do you know how pimp that would be


05-10-2004, 06:08 PM
i think a nice minimag would suit his needs perfectly

05-10-2004, 06:22 PM
well with price in mind theres the tippy powerpack down at wally world for about 169 come with all the junk u need to start but the ideal marker for him i think a mag... small upgradeable cuz thats gonan be the firs thing he'll want n they take a beating like no other

05-10-2004, 06:26 PM
ahh i was thinking...and your giving him a something good...but you dont want brass eagle righttttttttt

well, give him a rubberband and some lead based paint...he will be just fine after he eats some paint...or sniffs it :D

seriously, how funny would it be to see his expression when he opens that gift...then after words, give him a nicccce timmy, just to make up for the counsiling he will have to go through and all the problems he will have from lead based paint :D

im sick and twisted

05-10-2004, 06:36 PM
Vendetta... I think you're right in going with a Spyder. I started with a Spyder Xtra because it is cheap and you can upgrade it if he really gets into the sport. Everyone says that mags last forever, but a $200 difference buys a lot of broken springs and O-rings... and that's all that I've seen go wrong with Spyders. I hope you guys have a good summer with your new gear. ;)

05-10-2004, 07:10 PM
Get him one of those electro spyders so he can impress all his friends with its bone crushing 13bps full auto capabilties.

05-10-2004, 07:54 PM
With all the talk about mags or other guns being a good suggestion, and know that I am as big of fan of a mag as any being the owner of four, but as I said eariler I would suggest a MECH Spyder or a Piranha.

Problem with mags is we all know they like HPA, faster hoppers, better barrels, higher paint useage, and all the other goodies we all love that is just a bit much in my eyes for a 10 year old. Turns a simple new $250 classic into a $500+ dollar mid range gun...

Get one of the very nice starter kits that come with the tank, mask, etc... buy a low end off brand mech hopper, small pack, & that is a complete gun well under the $200 price tags...

That way if they break it, get tired it of , lose it, and god knows all the things a 10 year boy might do with stuff you are only out your small investment...

Let them learn the game, learn to respect your gear, learn to respect other players, all the proper safety, and have a better idea of the cost of things. Not to mention all the so called skill that goes along with learning with lower end gear and moving up to higher gear... same way you buy a 16 year old a 500-1000 beater vehicle and let them learn and EARN their way up the food chain...

Just my worthless 2 virtual cents...

05-10-2004, 08:29 PM
all ule mag would be light/small for him..


Alias timmy.. There supposed to be liiight.. and come on.. a 10 yr old with an alias? Do you know how pimp that would be

lol a 9 y/o kid at our field was running around with an empire timmy. but it was his dads. Still he can ball for a 9 y/o

05-10-2004, 08:32 PM
i would say micromag and a decent used nitro or it will do decent off co2.
i just got my micro with a revvy for 230

05-10-2004, 08:36 PM
I just got my 11 year old sister a 2K3 bko. I had her using a 98 at first, but the front grip was to far away and the grip was a bit to big for her hand. The Bko has a much smaller grip and of course the front grip is a lot closer. She's much happier with it.


05-10-2004, 08:40 PM
11 years old, only played once.... i think he's ready for a cocker

heres my thread..... http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?t=134404 :D

05-10-2004, 11:53 PM
I bought Spyder Imagines for both of my nefews. One is aged 8 and the other 13. The 8y/o has no trouble handling it. It is also simple enough that they can maintain and modify it on their own. The younger is perfectly happy with his setup (Dye grips, Sweet Spot, Spud bolt, J&J barrel, decent expansion chamber) while the older is itching for an Autococker.

Oh, and I bought an Imagine for myself, which I use when I play with them and/or a bunch of new players. I don't want them to get the idea that what they have is inadequate for their uncle. BTW, I've grown quite fond of the Imagine.

05-11-2004, 10:50 AM
I would definately go with a mag. My daughter just turned 10 and she has very small hands. She LOVES her Classic. Fits in her hands just fine. Plus, for can get a decent used mag for the price of a new, nice spyder. That is what I did. My daughter didnt care one bit that the gun didnt come in a box. Why buy a spyder that is unreliable, loses value and cant really be upgraded too much? Get a mag with a level 10 (or upgrade to level 10 later) and you wont be sorry.

05-11-2004, 10:53 AM
I would definately go with a mag. My daughter just turned 10 and she has very small hands. She LOVES her Classic. Fits in her hands just fine. Plus, for can get a decent used mag for the price of a new, nice spyder. That is what I did. My daughter didnt care one bit that the gun didnt come in a box. Why buy a spyder that is unreliable, loses value and cant really be upgraded too much? Get a mag with a level 10 (or upgrade to level 10 later) and you wont be sorry.
i agree with him mag are the way to go...

05-11-2004, 10:56 AM
I say get him a pump, something like a Trracer or Maverick... a good nelson copy. They are small, light, get tremendous air consumption off of a 7oz tank, and you don't need a fancy hopper. It'll teach him to hide, aim, and be a better player. There is a low initial investment, and they practically never break down.

When he gets better, he can alway talk about back in the day when he was hardcore pump. It'll also give him time to develope and decide what he would like to shoot.


05-11-2004, 01:00 PM
any eletro blowback would be nice spyders piranhas r the best in my opionion otherwise i would suggest i bko if ur looking 4 a higher end gun

05-11-2004, 03:56 PM
I have only seen one other person here post it.
A Tippmann 98c. As was mentioned , super cheap. Virtually indestructable and easy to maintain. Works well on CO2 and is easily adjusted(need no spring kits).
The starter pack has it all , and kids ready to play.

05-11-2004, 03:58 PM
Thanks everyone. What about masks?

05-11-2004, 04:02 PM
jt masks are good ones just get a thermal mask so no foggin occurs www.paintballgear.com has em for a good price check em out

05-11-2004, 04:04 PM
jt masks are good ones just get a thermal mask so no foggin occurs www.paintballgear.com has em for a good price check em out

Yes I know, but how can an adult size mask fit on a little kid? I can't see that is safe.

05-11-2004, 06:05 PM
lol a 9 y/o kid at our field was running around with an empire timmy. but it was his dads. Still he can ball for a 9 y/o

haha sweet.. I need to work on the whole playing aspect.. Last tournament I don't think I had over 2 ounces of adreniline.. I felt bored.. And then I used my friends trix and I went threw pod after pod which is always fun :)

And about the mask thing.. A friends daughter of my dads came balling with us once.. She was like 9-12.. The mask hit her fine and she is a pretty small girl.. Any mask will probablly fit just tighten the strap.. Plus heads are like the biggest part on the body anywayes ;)

I would reccomend the alias with a combo of an Dye invision with a chrome lense.. Can't go wrong with that.. You should pimp him out in dye c4 stuff too.. Just because that would be the fatherly thing to do ;)

05-11-2004, 06:25 PM
Yes I know, but how can an adult size mask fit on a little kid? I can't see that is safe.
just adjust em u know my lil brother plays with me and he is only 12 and he has a nice tippmann and he uses a dye mask so just tighten em up a lil that is all

05-11-2004, 06:26 PM
how about a Electro Piranha, they have smaller grips than the spyders do

05-11-2004, 07:27 PM
i would have to say go the spyder/piranah route, i got a compact for my first gun and it was pretty reliable and light. I would have to say not to the mag, they are just too heavy (i know the ULE but who wants to spend that much on a gift?)

05-11-2004, 08:31 PM
the spyder aggressor has a tiny *** grip, get him that, plus its like $50