View Full Version : The fastest pump

05-10-2004, 07:54 PM
So... we were playing at the field the other day and I was low on paint, I had my e-mag loaded up and ready to go but pulled out the Phantom...

So I was playing several games with the phantom and had bunkered several people, and then the teams got divided up.

I got on the side closest to the staging area and one of me teammates noted we were outgunned (bare in mind it was a small three on three game and the field not busy due to weather and mothers day). I sneak off the field and snag the e-mag, witout the other team noticing I have it and a pod in my back pocket.

My first few shots I make sure to take single shots - having slid into the snake off the break... then all of the sudden I let the thing open up, took out a cross field player, moved up using my own fire for cover and bunkered the player in front of me (took out in the process)...

I was talking to the other team afterwards... FUNNY :) One of them commented "I couldnt figure out who was in the snake with you, then I was like.. wiat a minute, thats a mag..." and he knew it was me of course.

05-10-2004, 08:58 PM
That's pretty underhanded, but if your opponents didn't have any problem with it, that's cool. I'd have liked to seen their faces. :eek:

05-10-2004, 09:01 PM
My opponents were ok with it, there were few enough there that the day was... well "fun" rather than serious. Great fun when you can get a small group of the "regulars" at a field, and a couple experienced players who wandered in. And everyone was ok with it, and had a great laugh afterwards.

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
05-10-2004, 10:29 PM
darn, i thought this was a thread on an actual pump marker that fired insanely fast!

lohman446, you just gave me my next paintballing idea!

05-10-2004, 10:33 PM
Super High Output.

:confused: forget name of company, but someone made a "sniper" with hand operated cocker pneumatics. Not for sure on details, but heard could shoot 3-5 bps with autotrigger, at least.

Actually saw two stock players at local field this weekend. Cool.

05-10-2004, 11:38 PM
It's the Sniper SHO. It's made by AGDBrad at Paintball Maxx.

05-10-2004, 11:47 PM
while the SHO is fast... the pneu-assist Sterling that K&P Customs built is faster... and smoother...

Brad's SHO Judge will give it a run for its money... but the SHO jumps around so much... that oldstyle autotrigger lever needs improvement...

(the Chipley J2 pump also jumps around because of the lever autotrigger)


05-10-2004, 11:50 PM
There used to be a guy in my old local pro shop that had a Sniper III that had all those junk things. All it took was a tap and it'd do it's action. When he was in the back it sounded like a normal mech cocker (rate of fire wise) this was back in the late 90's (1999ish in WVC, UT)

05-11-2004, 11:55 AM
while the SHO is fast... the pneu-assist Sterling that K&P Customs built is faster... and smoother...

Brad's SHO Judge will give it a run for its money... but the SHO jumps around so much... that oldstyle autotrigger lever needs improvement...

(the Chipley J2 pump also jumps around because of the lever autotrigger)


Hmm...a PA Sterling...I want!!!!!! But yes, the judge will rock...but my fear is that he will never finish it.

05-11-2004, 01:35 PM
Evryone was impressed at the speed of my MiniMag w/ a Retro Valve and a pump kit. Just a little tap on the pump to cock it, and a twitch on the trigger to fire. When I got a rythm going it would sing. Used it at SkyBall's first pump division. Had people wanting to make sure it really was a pump.


05-11-2004, 02:26 PM
Hey Muzik...you hear this one before
Judge .wav file (http://www.paintballmaxx.net/pics/judge1.wav)

I'm working on getting it done for either Shatnerball (if I can make it up there) or World Cup.

PA Sterling faster...pfftt. Just wait. Here come Da Judge.

05-11-2004, 02:39 PM
i did the same thing. except it was a splatmaster swapped for some kids 98c, just ran the tape and got everone, lots of laughs :p

05-11-2004, 09:18 PM
Hey brad check your pm and please reply

05-11-2004, 09:25 PM
check your Pm's too!!