View Full Version : Rt

10-06-2001, 11:23 PM
what would u guys rate the rt...i had a automag classic before and i really didnt like the performance...

10-07-2001, 07:01 AM
what didn't your like about it?

10-07-2001, 01:43 PM
it didnt have distance...they said it could be these few things....got it fixed and still didnt...so thats the main reason

10-07-2001, 01:49 PM
What do you mean, it didn't have distance?

You mean, the fps wouldn't go high enough?

10-07-2001, 01:53 PM
i could shoot like 350 fps and a gun next to me would shoot as far and some...so like me and a half for distance...i know the open bolt has a factor but im not trying to offend anyone or anything cuz my gun was probly just ****ed up too but i just didnt get distance.

10-07-2001, 02:10 PM
Hmm.. I'm sure someone will take notice of this and respond in more of a technical manner.

And don't worry, you won't be offending anyone. :)

I can't say whether it was the way you operate your gun or something that needs a 'fix', but distance is basically directly related to the FPS. Here's one recent thread where it tries to debunk the myth that one marker shoots farther than the next. Try this link:


- Actually more of a debate between cocker and mags - accuracy and distance, but if you read through it, some put up a good debate.

And it's been tested and said by many that there is no difference in accuracy/distance between an open and closed bolt. Here's one link dealing with accuracy:


Even if Open bolt truly is a factor, it shouldn't be enough to go with the example that you provided...