View Full Version : Matrix or Emag?

black tri star
05-10-2004, 11:26 PM
I need some convincing on wheather or not I should buy an Emag or a Matrix, I've found good deals on Used ones and I am wondering what would be a good choice for a medium/back player. I've alreday checked out the models I'm looking into @ pbreview.com and I'm am just torn between the two, and need to see which gun is better. The models I am looking at are a 2k2 Emag and a 2k1 Matrix, both are cobalt color. Which should i get?

05-10-2004, 11:35 PM
Neither. They arent terribly efficient guns, unless you get the evolve kit for the matrix. For back, you might be better off with a more efficient gun, like a Bob Long gun, viking, cyborg, or some other efficient gun.

05-10-2004, 11:36 PM
I'd go with the e-mag just because their fast, reliable and super cool looking. They also have multiple upgrades and add ons if you're into that.

05-10-2004, 11:39 PM
Well, I will of course say EMag, it may be a bit slower to shoot easy and it may be a gas hog, but you gotta love the gun, its freaking nice. Mech anti chop bolt, great customer service and its much rarer at fields. It may be cheaper for you too depending on what you get. It can be hellah light and you can get many upgrades for it. The reliability can't be argued about and the trigger can be perfect you YOU want it in any way. Plus theres like 3 or 4 aftermarket trigger you can get for it.

The matrix is just something I've never liked, I don't liek the look, feel, or the feel of the trigger. And that's not bias or anything, it's from experience.

So for the loyal AGD customer I am... Emag.

Then again, makes SURE you can try both guns before you choose, it SUCKS so much to buy a gun by just reviews to find out you hate it when you get it. Especially at the price for these.

Edit: Damn you people are fast, no replies, and when I submit mine ,theres 2 already. Sheez.

05-10-2004, 11:43 PM
matrix hands down.. Trust me.. Just use one at your field.. Make sure it has the gun 20 chip in it.. And atleast a red bolt kit and you should have enough air for each game..

Unless you have a limit on paint.. Then I wouldn't get a trix.. Because you will find yourself going threw alot.. Also make sure you have a halo..

But trust me.. I've shot alot of guns from shockers, to trix's, to mags, to angels.. And by far the trix is the best.. The only downfall IMO is weight and somewhat efficiency but it's been improved with new bolt kits..

It is so fast though, with virtually no kick.. There a dream to shoot

05-11-2004, 12:00 AM
matrix hands down.. Trust me.. Just use one at your field.. Make sure it has the gun 20 chip in it.. And atleast a red bolt kit and you should have enough air for each game..

Unless you have a limit on paint.. Then I wouldn't get a trix.. Because you will find yourself going threw alot.. Also make sure you have a halo..

But trust me.. I've shot alot of guns from shockers, to trix's, to mags, to angels.. And by far the trix is the best.. The only downfall IMO is weight and somewhat efficiency but it's been improved with new bolt kits..

It is so fast though, with virtually no kick.. There a dream to shoot


05-11-2004, 12:05 AM
I never thought the day would come that someone would say what you said in the last part of your sentence...

I'd go with the e-mag just because their fast, reliable and super cool looking. They also have multiple upgrades and add ons if you're into that.

05-11-2004, 12:13 AM
The trix. My X-mag became a back-up marker (a very expensive back up :o ) ever since I got my trix. Get a bolt kit and a decent tank and your set. IMHO they are really fun to shoot. :)

05-11-2004, 02:53 AM
Why not a dye 2k3 trix? Same approx price as a emag. I disliked my emag overall.

05-11-2004, 05:43 AM

I went from an Xmag to my NYX, i've owned this Matrix for near 9months (longest I've ever owned a gun) and I haven't even considered looking back.

05-11-2004, 09:47 AM
Matrix. I had an EMag, didn't really like the trigger feel and I was having bolt stick issues, and I just wanted to try something new. I traded it for a Trix, and holy crap am I glad I did. I didn't get the greatest effeciency, but it was fast, no kick, and it was for the lack of better term, the shizzle. Get one, you won't be dissapointed.
05-11-2004, 10:12 AM
Matrix, hands down. Get the Evolve Bolt Kit and then get Tadao v.4 board :D

05-11-2004, 10:14 AM
Link for a fellow NorCal baller :D (http://www.pbnation.com/showthread.php?threadid=488126&perpage=21&pagenumber=1)

05-11-2004, 12:06 PM
both guns have their strong points and weak points, I love(d) my 3.2 ule emag, It was low maintenence, very reliable and had an awesome feel to it. It was really light and well balanced, really comfortable to shoot.
I kept shooting other guns and could not get over the overall smoothness of the matrix, the kick in non existent. Now I own a matrix v4 tadao with eyes, and it is inappropriately fast. THe gun is bigger and I use more paint, and is not as comfortable to shoulder as an emag. However shot to shot fps consistency is better making the shot grouping tighter.
both great guns..matrix is smoother but takes more effort to maintain
the emag is a tank that will never let you down..
You have to try them both and see what you like, dont listen to pbreview some of those posts are really biased.

No sKiLLz
05-11-2004, 02:37 PM
He'll get more shots out of a Matrix. They go way deeper into a tank than mags.

05-11-2004, 02:53 PM
Id go with trix.. ive shot several of them and have fallen in love with them. In fact.. im buying a dye 2k3 trix (w/ evolve bolt & pbc lpr) this weekend. cant wait :D

black tri star
05-11-2004, 11:41 PM
How much would The 4.0 board and the Evo bolt run for?

05-12-2004, 12:04 AM
I'm not sure how much the Tadao Boards are ( www.matrixowner.com has info on them, PBN too, the guys screenname is FlipFlops) But the evlove bolt is around 140 or so. They aren't selling anymore in the US, though :(

05-12-2004, 01:11 AM
But the evlove bolt is around 140 or so. They aren't selling anymore in the US, though :(

Yeah, I just read about that. But dont Matrix LCD's come stock with an upgraded bolt for better efficiency?

No sKiLLz
05-12-2004, 03:11 AM
Yeah, I just read about that. But dont Matrix LCD's come stock with an upgraded bolt for better efficiency?

Yes. They come with the Image bolt kit, which is a lot better. Depending on dwell settings you can make the Matrix more or less efficient. The best I have experienced is 8 pods and a hopper (Fatboys @140ish, and Halo B @ 180ish) off a full 68/45 without experiencing shootdown, however my dwell was very low and LPR was turned in quite a ways, so brittle paint isn't a good idea with those settings.

USAF-Flyboy with a Mag
05-12-2004, 04:40 AM
I think both are good guns. I think I'd go with a matrix tho over a stock emag because there is less kick and I don't see AGD releasing the 4.0 any time to the general public, so I'd like the rof I'd get off the trix

05-12-2004, 08:33 AM
i'd get the emag because of the sick magnetic trigger pull. and the fact that it can go mechanical.

05-12-2004, 11:03 AM
Here's the pbnation post on a matrix with different bolt kits showing how many shots you get with each along with their price. Good info if your planning on buying one.


05-12-2004, 11:30 AM
That's great info! Thanks!

No sKiLLz
05-12-2004, 11:50 AM
i'd get the emag because of the sick magnetic trigger pull. and the fact that it can go mechanical.

There are several magnetic and vert magnetic trigger frames available for the Matrix.

05-12-2004, 12:02 PM
Here's the pbnation post on a matrix with different bolt kits showing how many shots you get with each along with their price. Good info if your planning on buying one.


OMG, A matrix that isnt a gas hog.
If they were cheaper I would have picked one up but for half the price of what I got my angel which is still too much marker for me.

I have to agree with TraXer when he says to shoot the gun first. That is what will really decide it for you.

By the way Black Tri Star.....The angel is up to 13,789 :p
I cant wait till I get it back. Darn Vibe Timer.

05-12-2004, 12:05 PM
either are mad fast get what you like
matrixes are maintenance hogs so take that into account. everything must be lubed and cleaned constantly or efficency and dependibility go out the window.

emags are tanks of the electro world.. too bad they arent gonna make them anymore... :mad:

No sKiLLz
05-12-2004, 12:13 PM
either are mad fast get what you like
matrixes are maintenance hogs so take that into account. everything must be lubed and cleaned constantly or efficency and dependibility go out the window.

emags are tanks of the electro world.. too bad they arent gonna make them anymore... :mad:

Battle Lube is very thick, so you can actually go for months without lubing if your O-rings fit properly.

05-12-2004, 12:57 PM
I love mags, but the electronic side of AGD is severely lacking as-is. Appearantly, they are shooting for releasing a re-designed emag in a year or so (depenging on how the SP thing goes)... Hopefully, that will be up to par with the rest of the market.

I think that the Devilmag has alot of potential in the current market, tho.

Given the choice between an emag and matrix, I think the trix would win out in my case, simply for the fact that the emag is going 4 years old and has barely changed with the rest of the market.

05-12-2004, 01:42 PM
matrixes are maintenance hogs so take that into account. everything must be lubed and cleaned constantly or efficency and dependibility go out the window.

Not really bro, it's not so bad. As said before trixes go a while before lubing again, plus the assembly process is really monkey proof and it only takes a couple of minutes.

Compared to the E-Mag, sure the trix requires more maintenance but IMHO it's not a deal breaker. ;)

05-12-2004, 05:02 PM
My emag was more maintenence than my dm4. Level 10 was always buggin out.

DM4 - leak, replace oring and/or lube bolt

Any other problems its a low battery.

05-12-2004, 07:35 PM
I love mags, but the electronic side of AGD is severely lacking as-is. Appearantly, they are shooting for releasing a re-designed emag in a year or so (depenging on how the SP thing goes)... Hopefully, that will be up to par with the rest of the market.

I think that the Devilmag has alot of potential in the current market, tho.

Given the choice between an emag and matrix, I think the trix would win out in my case, simply for the fact that the emag is going 4 years old and has barely changed with the rest of the market.
i think that if they did that, they would also make a mech version of it with the Hair trigger

black tri star
05-12-2004, 08:25 PM
I don't mind the maint. I'm a geek I almost nuttin my pants when I tear things apart and put them back together, it's boarder line fetish, so maint. is not an issue, how do I get the air, n2 consumption down to a reasonable amount, I've only ran out of air on the field twice, and I swear next time It happens i'm going destroy the damn thing. any suggestions?

05-12-2004, 09:17 PM
get an evolve bolt kit. or a modified tophat (or tape it).

many people get 1200-2200 shots from 68/4500 with upgraded bolts

i got about 1100 from my emag, on a 68/45

No sKiLLz
05-12-2004, 10:53 PM
I don't mind the maint. I'm a geek I almost nuttin my pants when I tear things apart and put them back together, it's boarder line fetish, so maint. is not an issue, how do I get the air, n2 consumption down to a reasonable amount, I've only ran out of air on the field twice, and I swear next time It happens i'm going destroy the damn thing. any suggestions?

Depending on the type of Matrix, set the front pulse/dwell to a lower setting and turn the LPR up.